Ending Physician Overwhelm

Questioning Your Own Thoughts

Megan Melo, Physician and Life Coach Episode 23

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I don't care how smart you are, sometimes your thoughts are not correct, not helpful, and/or not kind. Sometimes our brains are jerks. In this episode, we talk about why this happens, and a simple practice that helps you to start being more aware of your thoughts, so that you can decide whether or not you, the driver of your body and higher level thinking, will choose to believe each thought that happens to pass by.

If you are interested in getting on the wait list for my upcoming program, "Healing Perfectionism in Physicians," please click this link, and I will be in touch soon. In this dynamic program, we work in a small community of like-minded Physicians on better understanding our thought patterns and behaviors, and learning to make choices that are more in alignment with our authentic selves. Think less perfectionism, scarcity, and self-judgment, and more calm, creativity and self-compassion. The program starts up again in September, and I would be honored if you would join us!

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To learn more about my coaching practice and group offerings, head over to www.healthierforgood.com. I help Physicians and Allied Health Professional women to let go of toxic perfectionist and people-pleasing habits that leave them frustrated and exhausted. If you are ready to learn skills that help you set boundaries and prioritize yourself, without becoming a cynical a-hole, come work with me.