Life, Health & The Universe

My Journey into Inner Truth and Purpose with the Gene Keys

January 26, 2024 Nadine Shaw Season 8 Episode 9
Life, Health & The Universe
My Journey into Inner Truth and Purpose with the Gene Keys
Show Notes Transcript

I've embarked on an intimate exploration which is changing my life .

I'm  opening up about my discovery of The Gene Keys in this mini-episode...

When I first stumbled upon this profound wisdom, little did I know that it would unravel layers of self-awareness and transform my daily existence. This week, I take you briefly through the events that led me to the world of  The Gene Keys and Human Design, and share how you too can access the tools for deep personal growth.

As we delve into the Gene Keys, described as a living wisdom, you will learn how to obtain your personal profile and how it can shed light on your true self.  A couple of our previous guests have touched on Human Design's transformative power, and now it's time to expand on that foundation.

Join me as we navigate this fascinating terrain together, uncovering the truths that lie within us and learning to live a life that resonates with our innermost being. This episode is for anyone seeking a compass in the quest for authenticity and purpose.

You can download a personal Gene Keys profile here

If you want to begin exploring the Gene Keys and you're brand new, check out this free course

Speaker 1:

Hello, it's Nadine here and I'm here with this week's mini episode of Life, health and the Universe. I hope your day is going well or has started well, depending on what time of the day it is and I welcome you here to this mini episode. So I've been having a little ponder on what I would talk to you about in this mini episode and I decided to share with you a journey that I embarked on and really, when I look back, I can't exactly remember when this journey started, but it's kind of developed and evolved. So it's an journey that I embarked on probably a couple of years ago and, yeah, I wanted to tell you more about it. So here I am. That's what I'm going to do.

Speaker 1:

You may, if you've listened to any of the other podcast episodes, have heard me talk. Well, we've had a couple of guests that have talked about human design, and if you haven't listened to them yet, go back and check them out. I apologize, I haven't written down the episode or season numbers here so I can't share them with you right now, but they both have human design written in the title, so go back, check those out. So I've talked about human design, and you may have also heard me mention on various different podcasts, the gene keys. So these are two things that I've been gaining more and more interest in and journeying more with over the last little while. I wanted to share more with you about those things, specifically the gene keys, and what I've been up to with them. So, as I said, a couple of years ago I sort of heard about the gene keys and it sparked a little bit of interest, and so I think I purchased the gene keys book and I read the introduction. I think actually I'd had a human design reading and she mentioned the gene keys and I'd seen it pop up a couple of times on social media, and so I decided to buy the book and I read the introduction of the gene keys book and I was totally blown away and just kept needed to reread bits here and there just to let it really settle what this was all about. But that's basically where my journey started two years ago.

Speaker 1:

Now, before I go any further, let me tell you basically in a nutshell what the gene keys is, or what they are. So on the gene keys website, they describe the gene keys as a living wisdom. So it starts with the book, which is like your map. The gene keys offer teachings that we can apply in our everyday lives, our daily lives, and that's one of the things that I really love about them how we can apply this stuff into our daily life. And as you allow the gene keys to percolate inside you, one by one, your troubles will begin to fall away and you will find yourself inhabiting a new and brighter life.

Speaker 1:

For me, the gene keys are a tool for self exploration and self illumination, and the gene keys for me are a knowledge that opens up in layers just when you think you're getting the hang of it or making sense of it. Almost you realise that you haven't even scratched the surface yet. But that's one of the things that I love about it, and the main word that comes up for me when I read the gene keys and when I connect with the gene keys is truth. They guide us towards truth. So, as I said, I've been so.

Speaker 1:

I got the book a couple of years ago and I delved in. You can go onto the Jean Keys website, jeankeyscom, and you can download your personal chart. If you have your date of birth, place of birth and, ideally, time of birth or approximate time of birth, then you can pop those in and you can ask for your own profile. And so that's what I did, and I really just started with this profile and with the book, exploring, reading, and when I say that that first, one of those first words that came to me is truth, it's like because the Jean Keys are connected to when we were born, the time and place of our birth, the exact moment that we were born. You almost feel like the descriptions of these Jean Keys and how they fit into your own personal profile has so much familiarity, even if you aren't, or we aren't, exactly practicing those things. It's almost like an inner knowing, that truth, that this is who I am and this is how, through self exploration, through self illumination, I can become more of this person with confidence and not fight against it. So that's where I started, and so I started with my free charts that you can download off the website and the book.

Speaker 1:

And I wanted to know more and I wanted to just explore more. So I decided to go through and start following one of the programs, which is the program at which they call the activation sequence. So it's at the beginning of this path, this journey of unwinding, unraveling, exploring, opening up lots of different things. So I started the activation sequence, and one of the recommendations of the Jean Keys is that we are patient, we take our time when we're contemplating the Jean Keys that are associated with our birth and who we are, and my normal behaviour is to just get things done, but because of this unwinding being so deep, it really does need time. So there are naturally times where I stopped, and they were often the times, and they still are often the times where the penny drops and I go ah, that's what that meant when it's in my daily life, and that's another reason that I really love the Jean Keys, because you can apply it to your daily life, but you also can take your time with it. It's not like we're not trying to fix ourselves. We're trying to explore how our behaviours play out in our everyday lives, based on our Jean Keys and our profile. So then, after I had completed the activation sequence and I will go back and do that again, and that's one of the beauties of the course is that you can do them as many times as you like and there's a whole bunch of support that comes with them as well.

Speaker 1:

After that, I followed through with the Venus sequence, which has taken me the best part of last year, and again, it's still landing in lots of different ways. But I felt at the beginning of this year, having completed the activation sequence in the Jean Keys and the other program called the Venus sequence, that I was ready. I wanted to start talking to other people about it, and so I decided to embark on the guides program. So this is a program that is specifically designed to help people like me who want to know more and also who want to share more about the Jean Keys. It helps us to be able to do that. And so here I am, and I wanted to share that with you because I do think, like I've just had some fantastic experiences with the Jean Keys, I absolutely, at this stage, don't know where the guides program will take me.

Speaker 1:

I'm just taking my time with it and taking every step as I go and, just like the other programs that I've followed, there is a sense that you actually need to take time to integrate the learnings. It's not, as Richard Rudd, the author and the Jean Keys man, says, it's not knowledge, it's wisdom. It's this stuff we hold within our bodies. We know, and that's why I mentioned truth, because it's like we know that this is who we are, we know that this is right, but it takes time. It takes time and that's one of the things I love about it and, as I said, I don't know where the guides program is going to take me, but I wanted to share with you about it because it's something that's a big part of my life and sometimes I think I forget to tell anyone some of the things that are going on in my life.

Speaker 1:

I'm so interested in talking about other people and all of the things. But, yeah, so that's something that I have embarked on this year. If you're interested, I would really just write, or even, you know, if you just want to have a play around or download your, you can get a free profile, as I mentioned. Just go in and do it and have a read, because you can print off like a general description. There's an audio as well that comes with it and, yeah, just see where that takes you. I would highly recommend it. That was the easiest thing for me to kind of grasp, but also I think, just as I said, taking my time with it has been really helpful and not give, not not pressuring myself to know it all, but to let, to allow it to to, yeah, work its magic inside, inside of me.

Speaker 1:

I do sometimes find one of the biggest challenges that I find is that our gene keys so you'll find that, if you do have a chart, our gene keys are in the activation sequence for example, they're based on the sun and the earth at the time of our birth and three months before our birth, and anyway, each G key is broken into three parts and they're what do we call it? They're like energetic fields, so there's a low energetic field and then there's like a heightened one and then there's a kind of ecstatic one. So these in the gene keys, without getting over complicating things, the first one, the lower energetic one, is called the shadow, and one of the things that I have actually noticed about myself recently is that I've been focusing on the shadow and almost trying to fix myself. You know, if I, if I don't behave like this in my shadow frequency is the word in my shadow frequency you know I'm going to be a better person and actually so I found that quite challenging. I've just and Richard Rudd actually says, don't spend all of your time in the shadows, but I have been and I've only just realized that that's something I've been doing. So this has been one of the biggest challenges for me is trying to focus on the middle and the higher frequencies, which are the gift and and the higher one that's called the city. Because if we're focusing on the shadow, then we're going to be, you know, putting our energy into it, whereas if we're focusing on those higher frequencies, we're going to be putting our energy into that and essentially that's going to be what we put out. So I have found that challenging and sometimes it can be confusing. I have to admit that it has been confusing at times to read a phrase or read a chapter and just kind of feel like I'm grasping it and then think that I'm not grasping it. But what I found most beneficial in that respect is listening to some of the audios that are available on the website and also following the programs and taking my time.

Speaker 1:

As I said before, key insights my biggest key insights, I think, through um journeying with the Jean Keys have so far been about well. I think that it was a big insight, actually, most recently, that I have um been um dancing in the shadows and focusing on the shadows more than I have been um, focusing on the other areas. So that's been a key insight for me and that's taken 12 months for me to actually realise that that's what I've been doing. Um, but the biggest breakthroughs I've had have been emotionally, through following the middle sequence, which is called the Venus sequence, which is all about love, but also all about you know, where our stories come from when it comes to loving and being lovable, and what love is and why we might act, behave in certain ways because of these deep stories that we hold within us. So that's had a massive impact on my life and, as I said, it feels like there are so many layers and it's it literally does open up in layers. So, um, at the moment I feel like I am just scratching the surface, but I wanted to let you know all of those things because I think that it's amazing. The world is changing at a significant pace and, um, we need to move with it and I think that that, that personal development, that self exploration, self awareness If we can support that part of us as part of this changing, fast changing, evolving planet, then we will evolve with it and be ready for those changes in a much more positive way.

Speaker 1:

I something that wasn't available to me when I first started the Jean Keys, but that is available now and I'm going to share this in the notes, is that you can actually, if you are interested and you want to have a little nose around and get a feel for what all of this is about, because it does actually sound like a foreign language. I totally, I totally understand that and I hope you've hung on to what I've been saying. You can, wherever I've written it down here, you can actually go to the Jean Keys website and, if you, you can ask for your free profile, which is the first thing I'd recommend you do and then you can follow a free course so it's called new to the Jean Keys. That's new to the Jean Keys and you can basically have your chart and then follow the program, which is something that you can do over, you know, in as much time as you like, but probably over a week or two. Follow that mini course and that will give you some insights and a bit of an idea of how to get started and how to approach all of the things that the Jean Keys are.

Speaker 1:

So thank you so much for listening. I am pretty excited about sharing this little tidbit of information with you. It's really interesting. It's like kind of been a massive part of my life over the last couple of years, but not something I've talked about a lot, and I just feel like now is the time for me to start talking about it and sharing it with the world, because it's got a lot of value and I know that we can all benefit from the teachings, the living wisdom that is the Jean Keys. Check out the links that I'm going to put in the notes if you want to find out more, and I will look forward to speaking with you next week. Bye for now.