Building Great Lives Podcast

What to Do When God Feels Distant

Trent Gilliam Episode 41

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The book of Romans chapter 8, reminds us nothing can separate us from the love of God.  We know we are more than conquerors through Jesus.  So, why does it sometimes feel like God is a million miles away?

Even as believers, we often find ourselves measuring God’s closeness by our feelings.  When things are going great, we tend to feel like God is close. During difficult times, it feels as though God is far from us.  In reality, God is always with us. 

Job cried out, "Oh that I knew were to find him, I cannot perceive Him." David cried out, " My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

Both of these men had felt the closeness of God, and yet, they also experienced times where they felt God was very far away. 

Thankfully, the Bible offers these examples to show us how best to respond when we feel God is distant. 

In this episode we’ll dig deeper into this topic and discuss three practical ways that will help you understand, no matter how you feel, God isn’t far from you. In fact, He will never abandon nor give up on you. 

Let’s keep building!

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