Building Great Lives Podcast

You Don’t Have to Stay Down

Trent Gilliam Episode 49

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No one likes to fall.  It can be painful, embarrassing or worse.  And while, in the church realm, we think of “falling” as falling into sin, we are not going to focus solely on this aspect in our podcast today.

When the prophet Micah used the word “fall”, he was not just referencing sin. The word “fall” in Micah 7:8 also means “to feel overwhelmed when facing adversity”. In fact, falling can refer to anything that gets us down.

With that in mind, it’s safe to say, each of us have fallen. We’ve all felt overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. We’ve all felt “down and out”. 

The goal of this episode is to help you understand, down does not have to mean out! 

Solomon said in Proverbs 24:16; “A just man falls seven times, and rises up again.”

The righteous are able to rise repeatedly because both his person and his path are sustained by the Lord.

Noah got back up. 
Moses got up. 
Job got back up. 
David got back up.
Jonah got back up
Peter got back up.

If these men were able to get back up, you too! It’s time for you to get back up again. 

Join me in the episode and let’s keep building! 

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