Rich Life Lab

Miren Oca: Saving Lives and Building a Conscious Business, Guided by a Higher Purpose

Nathan Hurd

Imagine having to leave college unexpectedly and starting a business out of necessity early in life.

Imagine years later owning a thriving, conscious company that is deeply embedded in the community and is driven by the higher purpose of saving lives every day. Imagine  having the teenagers who you employed in your business return years later as adults, wanting to work for you because you made such a profound impact on who they were and on their lives. 

Today's guest is Mirin Oca, an inspiring, heart-centered entrepreneur, conscious capitalist and founder of Ocaquatics – A thriving swim school in south Florida. 

In this episode we talk about her early beginnings, the resourceful tactics she used to build her business from the ground up and how Ocaquatics has gone on to become a staple in the community. Miren shares the values she lives by and has used to build a successful, sustainable, business which enriches the lives of its employees, customers and community. She also describes how she overcame the challenge of navigating COVID as an indoor swim school! 

Ocaquatics is a certified B-Corp and an award winning swim school that prioritizes all of it's stakeholders equally including a passion for a sustainable environment. They partner with Carbon Neutral and 1% for the Planet. 

Miren's work and mission and team are all interconnected. They literally save lives every day by teaching children how to swim. 

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