THAT Conversation with Tarek Ali

🔧 TOOL: How to Identify & Heal Suppressed Emotions — "Why Do I Feel Like This??"

April 03, 2024 Tarek Ali Season 1
🔒 🔧 TOOL: How to Identify & Heal Suppressed Emotions — "Why Do I Feel Like This??"
THAT Conversation with Tarek Ali
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THAT Conversation with Tarek Ali
🔧 TOOL: How to Identify & Heal Suppressed Emotions — "Why Do I Feel Like This??"
Apr 03, 2024 Season 1
Tarek Ali

Subscriber-only episode

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Waking up with a heart that feels like it's carrying the weight of the world isn't uncommon, yet we often overlook the power of self-tenderness in these moments. On today's heartfelt journey, I unravel the layers of these emotions and share my personal techniques for understanding and embracing them. It's not just about sitting in silence; it's about learning to slow down, listen to our bodies, and honor our inner child. In a world that urges us to constantly move faster, I've found that wrapping myself in a self-hug can be the first step to uncovering deep-seated truths about our loneliness and the echoes of our past.

This episode isn't just a monologue; it's a shared healing experience. I open up about the struggle with homesickness and the craving for intimate connection, acknowledging that while it's completely normal to reach out for support, learning to comfort ourselves is equally important. We discuss the importance of not dismissing our initial thoughts, no matter how intrusive, and instead, leaning into them with compassion and curiosity. By the time you tune out, you'll have a new perspective on how to approach your feelings with kindness and foster intimacy in various forms, even when you're miles away from those you love.

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Subscriber-only episode

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Waking up with a heart that feels like it's carrying the weight of the world isn't uncommon, yet we often overlook the power of self-tenderness in these moments. On today's heartfelt journey, I unravel the layers of these emotions and share my personal techniques for understanding and embracing them. It's not just about sitting in silence; it's about learning to slow down, listen to our bodies, and honor our inner child. In a world that urges us to constantly move faster, I've found that wrapping myself in a self-hug can be the first step to uncovering deep-seated truths about our loneliness and the echoes of our past.

This episode isn't just a monologue; it's a shared healing experience. I open up about the struggle with homesickness and the craving for intimate connection, acknowledging that while it's completely normal to reach out for support, learning to comfort ourselves is equally important. We discuss the importance of not dismissing our initial thoughts, no matter how intrusive, and instead, leaning into them with compassion and curiosity. By the time you tune out, you'll have a new perspective on how to approach your feelings with kindness and foster intimacy in various forms, even when you're miles away from those you love.

Speaker 1:

leap into healing. Subscriber edition. You ever woke up and just like felt a little heavy and not really sure why. I mean like I'm a water sign, so I feel that a lot, but, um, I'm feeling a little heavy inside, I'm feeling like I could use a good cry and I'm like there's nothing like directly making me upset. Um, so I want to show y'all what I usually do in moments like this. It's really important to just like slow down our nervous system. Think of it like a wave, and the more responsibilities you get, the more you think about and the more you just like try to avoid your feelings. It just gets really fast, and so something that you know meditation has taught me and helps is just to slow down. So I actually am going to meditate after I do this, but something that I do is just practicing some tenderness with myself. It's so funny because I've done this for years and I've done it on the internet and showed people and people have laughed at me, but, as I explained on my podcast, and people have been trying it for themselves and realize it helps.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it's usually when we can't put our finger on it of what it is. It's subconscious because it's not up here it's under right. And sometimes that subconscious can come from an old experience or something reminding you of something triggering, and so something like hugging myself was a large part of me healing my inner child. And so when I do this and I hug myself and I say you okay, what's wrong, baby? And so I heard, I heard a I'm lonely, the way that you're going to hear it. The thing is it's going to be your first thought, but we're so used to like that's not it, like we're so used to like kind of shutting down that thought or that intrusive thought. But sometimes that is a feeling. I mean the reason it's unconscious, the reason it's suppressed and all of that. It's because every time it comes up you put it back down. But listen to that first thought, listen to it.

Speaker 1:

So if I heard I'm lonely, and because I journal and I'm very self, whatever, I know that I'm just homesick. I miss my family, I miss my friends and I work a lot. I've been working a lot and I haven't been experiencing a lot of intimate connection and that triggers my inner child. That was, you know, juggled around homes that moved a lot, because it was like every time he did go somewhere new and like build a new intimate connection. It was like taken away from him.

Speaker 1:

Um and so whenever I don't, when I go a long period of time without intimate connection, he, uh, that feeling will come up and I'll be like what is going on? Um and so, instead of reacting to it, um and like, maybe running to different people or different things or whatever, um, but you can go to people for support, not saying that that's wrong, but something that I do is like try to provide to it myself and try to show up to the feeling, not trying to fix it, trying to heal it. So fixing it would be trying to change its mind and say you're not lonely, you're just working, you're going to be home in two weeks, boom, boom, boom. But that doesn't change the fact that the feeling is there. So just love on it and say hey, baby, I got you.

Speaker 1:

We have a lot of people that love us. There's different ways to have intimacy with people you love. You can call them, you can be honest about these feelings and they can show the love and you don't even realize you get off the phone. That made me feel better. So Just stop shaming yourself for your feelings. I just wanted to give an idea of how to heal yourself. No-transcript.