Living Stronger Longer (Your Best Life After 40)
I'll be covering topics from proper exercise, nutrition, longevity, but also things like music, philosophy and anything and every thing that contributes to maximizing life quality!
Living Stronger Longer (Your Best Life After 40)
Knowledge May be Power but Embracing Uncertainty Can Set You Free!
As human beings, I believe we have an irrational and illusory need for certainty. This leads us to grasp onto conclusions too quickly and then commit to them in a way that makes it difficult for us to consider other information or viewpoints.
Couple this with the almost addictive and insidious allure of wanting to be "the smartest person in the room" and I think we do ourselves an injustice. We feel that uncertainty is limiting when in fact, committing to a point of view prematurely is painting ourselves into a corner.
My suggestion is to make the best decisions we can based on the information and the experience that we have but remain agile enough in our thinking that we can easily change directions if compelling enough evidence presents itself.
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