Pattern Design Circle Podcast
Helping crochet and knitting pattern designers navigate the ins and outs of running a fulfilling business, marketing their designs, and living a life they're passionate about.
Pattern Design Circle Podcast
Understanding & Addressing Ableism in Your Business - with Beth from Adaptive Knitter
If you're an abled person who doesn't have to worry about ableism in your day to day life, you're likely unaware of the many different shapes and forms that ableism can take. I know it's certainly a relatively new topic for me! And that's why I'm so excited to share this episode with you, featuring Beth Gorishek from Adaptive Knitter.
Beth has been adapting everything ~ including her knitting ~ her entire life as someone who is limb different. She's passionate about teaching folks how to become more adaptive, but she's also passionate about bringing more awareness to ableism. As a business owner who isn't especially familiar with ableism, you may be unknowingly excluding folks through ableist business practices and design!
Dive into this episode to learn what ableism is and how it might be currently showing up in your business.
Adaptive Knitter Website
Current Knit Stars Season - Season 9: Permission to Shine
Past Seasons (1-8 and Stand alone courses) - Season 8: Breaking the Ice
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