Welcome to our NotAPodcast NotAClass Saturday chats on #ReadingTheStone - an experiment in collectively reading the 18th century Chinese masterwork Story of the Stone, aka Dream of The Red Chamber 紅樓夢 (Hongloumeng). Episodes are unedited and recorded live on TwitterSpaces or Zoom - follow Twitter account @ReadingTheStone or hashtag #ReadingTheStone to participate. To listen in chronological order, please take note of 'season' and 'episode' number. Additional materials housed at readingthestone.com. With Eileen Cheng-yin Chow, Wai-Yee Li, Ann Waltner, and friends.
Podcasting since 2022 • 24 episodes
Latest Episodes
Stories for Kate Episode 3: Not quite Persuasion, but the best company
We didn't quite manage to chat at length about Persuasion as we had planned, but we definitely shared a few stories for Kate! Original grapes Eily, Jen, Yazmin, and Eileen were back, but a few of Kate's favorite Lowellians also joine...
Season 3
Episode 3

#ReadingTheStone Season 3 - Stories For Kate Episode 2: Valley Girl, like totally
The grapes return for another episode of 'Stories for Kate.' This time we do a deep dive into Martha Coolidge's 1983 indie classic Valley Girl, starring a young Deborah Foreman and Nicholas Cage. We talked about aspects of the f...
Season 3
Episode 2

#ReadingTheStone Season 3: Stories for Kate! Ep 1 Preamble: Foundational Romances
#ReadingTheStone Season 3: We have ventured a bit far afield from Story of the Stone and 18th century Chinese mansions for now, as Season 3 will be stories for (and about) Kate - in which we talk about her favorite books and films and ...
Season 3
Episode 1

#ReadingTheStone S2 Episode 10 Fellowship of The Stone: our post-120 wrap-up chat
[Originally recorded on March 25, 2023]"The Fellowship of the Stone" (thank you to one of the episode guests for our new sobriquet!) reconvened for a post #ReadingTheStone wrap-up episode. We welcomed a panoply of new-to-the-group frien...
Season 2
Episode 10

#ReadingTheStone S2 Episode 9 On Baoyu's Farewell, and Ours - Reaching Chapter 120
[Originally recorded on 3-11-2023] We recorded our first #ReadingTheStone Saturday chat on April 2, 2022, and now nearly 12 months later, we say farewell to Story of the Stone, as we reach Chapter 120 together. In this epi...
Season 2
Episode 9