The Search
Welcome to “The Search.” The purpose of this program is to explore the proper method of examining the Bible to discover its meaning. We believe that the meaning of Scripture is synonymous with the truth and that loyalty to Christ involves the relentless pursuit of that meaning—both to know it and to be transformed by it.
118 episodes
"The Wicked Fool" (Psalm 14)
Who is the fool of Psalm 14? In this psalm, David describes those who have decided to live life without any regard for God and the outcome of that decision is dire both for them and others.----------------------------Please follow us on...
Season 8
Episode 8
"The Ideal vs. Reality" (Psalms 9-13)
Psalm 8 praised the creator God for elevating humanity by granting them glory, honor, and authority over His creation. However, if the world of Psalm 8 is the ideal, the lived experience of humanity is far from it. In Psalms 9-13, David laments...
Season 8
Episode 7
"God, Creation, and Humanity" (Psalm 8)
In Psalm 8, David ponders three incredible truths: the world as it was when God created it, the wonder of God's mighty power, and the honor and glory God bestowed upon humanity. It is an amazing psalm.----------------------------Please ...
Season 8
Episode 6
"A Prayer for Justice" (Psalm 7)
What is biblical justice and what does it sound like to pray for it? As David suffered unjust attacks, he often called upon the righteous judge to vindicate him and Psalm 7 is a perfect example of that kind of prayer.-----------------------...
Season 8
Episode 5
"A Prayer for Healing" (Psalm 6)
In this unique lament prayer, David believes he is near death. He asks God both for healing and deliverance on account of God's unfailing love and while most of the prayer displays David's despondency, by the end, his tone and demeanor drastica...
Season 8
Episode 4
"Three Prayers for Deliverance" (Psalms 3-5)
The opening prayers of the Psalter fall under the category of laments, but what exactly is a lament and how is it different from a complaint? Find out in this survey of Psalms 3-5.----------------------------Please follow us on these pl...
Season 8
Episode 3
"Serving God’s Anointed King" (Psalm 2)
Psalm 2, alongside the first psalm, serves as an introduction to the entire Psalter. Psalm 2 familiarizes readers with one of the key figures of the Hebrew Bible-the anointed king of David's line. Join me in learning more about this king as he ...
Season 8
Episode 2
"Joining the Assembly of the Righteous" (Psalm 1)
Welcome to the Psalter! The books of Psalms has been instrumental in the thinking and worship of Christians since the days of the apostles. This series is dedicated to the study of this amazing collection of songs, prayers, and poems.------...
Season 8
Episode 1
"Paul's Farewell to the Corinthians" (1 Cor 16:5-24, Lesson 30)
The closing section of 1 Corinthians includes Paul's upcoming travel plans, a message about Timothy and Apollos, warm wishes from some Christians in Asia, closing admonitions to the Corinthians, and a personal note from Paul to this troubled gr...
Season 7
Episode 30
"The Collection for the Saints" (1 Cor 16:1-4, Lesson 29)
Charitable giving has been a part of the life of the church since the very beginning. In 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, the apostle Paul was organizing a special collection for needy believers in Judea and in so doing, teaches us about the collection fo...
Season 7
Episode 29
"The Resurrection Transformation" (1 Cor 15:50-58, Lesson 28)
What will happen to the living when Christ returns? This is the final question Paul addresses in his masterful presentation on the resurrection of the body. In addition to his comments on the transformation of the living, Paul concludes with no...
Season 7
Episode 28
"The Resurrection Body" (1 Cor 15:35-49, Lesson 27)
What will the resurrection body be like? That is essentially the question the apostle Paul addressed in this section of 1 Corinthians 15. One truth about the resurrection must be asserted: the body which dies is the body that will come back to ...
Season 7
Episode 27
"The Resurrection Lifestyle" (1 Cor 15.29-34, Lesson 26)
One of the most mysterious phrases in Paul's letters is the expression: "baptized for the dead" (1 Cor 15:29). While there is considerable uncertainty about the meaning of baptism for the dead, the function this verse serves as part of Paul's b...
Season 7
Episode 26
"The Resurrection Firstfruits" (1 Cor 15:20-28, Lesson 25)
What did Paul mean when he referred to Jesus as "the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep" (1 Cor 15:20)? Furthermore, what did Paul believe about the reign of Christ and His eventual return? This section, which is at the heart of Paul's...
Season 7
Episode 25
"The Resurrection Reality" (1 Cor 15:6-19, Lesson 24)
How confident can Christians be about the claim that Jesus was raised from the dead? While Paul's discussion in 1 Corinthians was not designed to prove such a claim, he does offer some helpful pieces of evidence which support why he and others ...
Season 7
Episode 24
"The Resurrection Gospel" (1 Cor 15:1-5, Lesson 23)
Paul begins his important discussion about the resurrection by reminding the Corinthians of what they had come to believe about Jesus. This reminder will act as the launching point for Paul's larger discussion about the future, general resurrec...
Season 7
Episode 23
"The Orderliness of Christian Assemblies" (1 Cor 14:26-40, Lesson 22)
In this final section of Paul's discussion concerning spiritual gifts the apostle emphasizes orderliness. Everything in Christian assemblies must be done for the building up of the body, and having proper decorum and order is just as vital in a...
Season 7
Episode 22
"Five Intelligible Words" (1 Cor 14:1-25, Lesson 21)
1 Corinthians 14 lays out two principles which will help in accomplishing the goal of edifying those gathered in Christian assemblies: understandability and orderliness. The first half of the chapter focuses on ensuring that anyone attending th...
Season 7
Episode 21
"The Greatest is Love" (1 Cor 13, Lesson 20)
1 Corinthians 13 records Paul's epic love poem, but what was the apostle's reason for discussing love in this way? Let's learn more about the context of this section and why love is spoken of as the greatest of all.-------------------------...
Season 7
Episode 20
"Using Your Gifts Responsibly" (1 Cor 12, Lesson 19)
Like attending idol feasts in 1 Corinthians 8-10, the proper use of spiritual gifts had become a major stumbling block for the Corinthians. Paul begins his discussion by first reminding the Corinthians of the source of these gifts and then emph...
Season 7
Episode 19
"Do this in remembrance of Me" (1 Cor 11:17-34, Lesson 18)
Why did Paul need to address the Lord's Supper when writing to the Corinthians? What was the problem he was correcting? Answering these important interpretive questions will really help to illuminate Paul's teaching on communion.-----------...
Season 7
Episode 18
"Headship, Head Coverings, and Hair" (1 Cor 11:1-17, Lesson 17)
The first half of 1 Corinthians 11 is a difficult text. I pray that this study will be helpful to you as you consider the teachings of Paul as they relate to the concept of headship and the question of head coverings. -----------------...
Season 7
Episode 17
"Feasting and Fellowship" (Special Study #1, Lesson 16)
In the ancient world sharing a meal was considered a core element of fellowship. This concept of Table Fellowship has significant impact on Paul's letter to the Corinthians with respect to the problem of attending idol feasts as well as Paul's ...
Season 7
Episode 16
"Flee From Idolatry" (1 Cor 10:14-33, Lesson 15)
In this section of 1 Corinthians 10, Paul finally concludes his argument against the idol temple. While some of the Corinthians believed attending idol feasts was morally neutral, Paul exposes the true power behind pagan worship and makes it cl...
Season 7
Episode 15
"Learning From History" (1 Cor 10:1-13, Lesson 14)
There were many striking parallels between ancient Israel and the Corinthians. These similarities were explained by Paul in order to convince the Corinthians that their flirtation with idolatry would have the same ruinous impact on them as it d...
Season 7
Episode 14