The Horse Business Advice Podcast
The Horse Business Advice Podcast brings you tips, insights, and candid real stories of equine business owners. My passion is helping equine businesses get the confidence to move forward and get organised to balance life and a business at the same time. Hosted by Melody Semmler - founder of global business Equine Entrepreneurs, mother, lover of horses, and a online business coach based in Perth, Australia.
31 episodes
How to use ChatGPT AI to increase productivity in your horse business
AI (Artificial Intelligence - not the other AI most horse owners go to...) is here and it's your choice if you are going to use it for good or evil. I think we all go through stages of mindest when it comes to getting our heads aro...

Is your business idea really a gap in the equestrian business market?
Is it a gap in the equestrian business market, or is it just not something people want? Confronting question I know, but here’s the thing, I come across budding horse business owners all the time that say ‘nobody does this’ or ‘everyone...
Episode 30

My Email Marketing Apocalypse (and how to deal with sh%t going wrong in your business)
Recently, I had a big, fat, disaster with my email marketing platform and I really wanted to build a blankie fort, put some fairy lights up, and hide until the end of time, but I couldn't.I'm going to tell you how I dealt with a disaste...

Identifying and solving money leaks in your business
Sometimes, it's not about busting your ass to make more sales, that you probably don't have time to make/pack/send/do the service because you are already flat out.Sometimes it's about finding the money leaks.As a business coach, I...
Season 1
Episode 28

Why putting your prices up in your equine business is sometimes necessary, and how to do it without it feeling awkward
It’s a harsh fact of reality, prices of things are increasing, and that’s going to affect you as a business. It can feel terrifying to put your prices up, but sometimes, it’s absolutely necessary. In this episode, I’m going to chat abou...
Season 1
Episode 27

How often should I post on social media?
The golden question.... how often should I post on social media? So today, I'm chatting about how often you should be posting on social media as an equine business owner, staying consistent, and nailing your messaging. Enjoy ...
Season 1
Episode 26

Ways to avoid being hacked on social media
Getting hacked on social media has become the number one fear for small business owners. It can be crippling. And as many times as I remind people to do everything to secure their account, it's not until you get hacked that you rea...
Season 1
Episode 25

Dealing with negative reviews
Finding a negative review popping up about your business can be stressful on so many levels. Did you do the wrong thing? Is the customer being unreasonable? What if people see it and nobody every buys from you again? (hint - that i...
Season 1
Episode 26

Understanding the importance of website SEO
You need to have an idea of the importance SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has on your business! There's no escaping this, even if you are planning to outsource this part of your business to someone else. Understanding SEO on even a basic leve...
Season 1
Episode 24

Horse Records with Andy Ide
Andy Ide is the Founder and the initial programmer of HorseRecords - the fast and easy way to record all your horse information. From recording performance, veterinary, farrier, feeding, dentistry, chiropractic, serving, foaling dates,...
Season 1
Episode 23

Creating a new website
So you’ve decided you need a new website. It’s a mega task and it can get out of control really fast.In this episode of the podcast, I'm sharing a bunch of important tips to help you keep the process manageable. ...
Season 1
Episode 22

Setting boundaries and avoiding burnout
The constant enquiries and stress of wondering what orders or bookings have come in can be huge for business owners. In the day and age of social media and different time zones people will message all times of the day, so you need to se...
Season 1
Episode 21

Bookkeeping for equestrians with Trish Woolcock
Are you on top of your bookkeeping? Accurate bookkeeping is important for a number of reasons such as helping your equine business manage its cash flow, meet its financial obligations and plan its investments.In this week's episode of t...
Season 1
Episode 20

Gaining confidence in your business
“What if I’m not good enough?” “What if someone badmouths me?” “What if I don’t know all the answers?” “What if I upset XYZ (normally, a competitor)The trouble is, you won't get clients if you don’t advertise your business. ...
Season 1
Episode 19

Branding your equine business
When people think of branding, they instantly think of the logo and colours they use. While these are important branding elements, your brand is much more. It’s the look and feel, your tone, the kind of images you choose, and every...
Season 1
Episode 17

Equine email marketing 101 with Lisa Hill
Have you ever wondered just why the experts recommend you utilise email list and the importance of having a list?There are 4 billion daily email users and at least 50% buy from email marketing every month. In this episode, ...
Season 1
Episode 16

Growing a thriving equine business with Beth Lauren Parrish
Beth Lauren Parrish: a CHA Certified Level 3 Instructor, Level 1 Equestrian Tai Chi Instructor and a RTT Practitioner. She has the tools to enhance her clients' transformations rapidly and profoundly. Beth offers online courses, remote coaching...
Season 1
Episode 15

A behind the scenes chat about how I keep on top of things in my business
Have you ever wondered how I manage the daily running of Equine Entrepreneurs? The answer is more simple than you probably think!In today's episode, I'm diving deep into how I structure my day for success. I'm also chatting about how yo...
Season 1
Episode 14

Reasons you might not want to 'put yourself out there'
If you post on social media, what’s the worst that can happen? Potentially nobody will buy your stuff but what are the alternatives? One person might buy something and share it with their 20 friends and their friends will buy something.
Season 1
Episode 13

Learn from my trade stall experiences (and mistakes)!
Are you thinking about promoting your business at a trade stall or want to learn more about the ins and outs of hosting a trade stall?In this episode, I'm talking about my experience of having a trade stall at Equitana for my previous b...
Season 1
Episode 12

10 things I wish I knew before starting my business
Learning to switch off has been of my biggest learnings as an equine business owner. I encourage all of my clients to schedule time to ride their horses and schedule this in as an appointment so it is a non-negotiable. It’s amazing how producti...
Season 1
Episode 11

Setting t&c's so sh%t doesn't go wrong
For a lot of equine small business owners, dealing with last minute cancellations can be stressful when they’re counting on this income to pay bills. One common theme I see is there are still many businesses that do not have necess...
Season 1
Episode 10

How to email your audience without feeling icky
You know emailing your list is important, but you hate the idea of bombarding your email list with emails. So many equine business owners neglect their email marketing because you receive a whole pile of emails you don’t want and you assume you...
Season 1
Episode 9

Do I need a website for my business?
While social media is a great outlet to advertise your business, many people forget you don’t own your social media profile.One of the things I see on a daily basis is ‘I’ve just lost my social media account’. For many, that's thousands...
Season 1
Episode 8

10 social media post ideas for your equine business
All the social media platforms, whether that’s TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or another platform are intended to be used in a social way. Unless you are creating content that is using these platforms the way they intended, your post reach is not...
Season 1
Episode 7