The Alex McFarland Show
Alex’s greatest passion is growing the Body of Christ and instructing Christians on how to stand strong in the face of ever-diminishing morals, ethics, and values. Find out more at www.alexmcfarland.com
149 episodes
The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 149-A Biblical vs. Secular Worldview
If God is good and if God loves me then why do bad things happen? Why is there pain and suffering in this world? Join Alex in this episode of the Alex McFarland Show, as he talks about the biblical and secular wo...

Episode 148-Imago Dei: What Does it Mean to be Made in the Image of God Part 2
On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex finishes Part 2 of this series as he continues to search the scriptures and share historical opinions about being made in the image of God. Listen as he defines the concept of Imago Dei...
Season 1
Episode 148

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 147-Imago Dei: What Does it Mean to be Made in the Image of God Part 1
On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex dives into the scriptures and historical opinions about being made in the image of God. Listen as he defines the concept of Imago Dei according to the Bible and discusses the ethical im...
Season 1
Episode 147

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 146-What is Truth?
What is truth? On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex talks about the meaning of truth, how truth reflects God and how it has eternal implications. Our Constitution presupposes objective morality and truth. Listen as Alex pa...
Season 1
Episode 146

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 145-Guarding Your Marriage with Dr. Gary and Barbie Rosberg
On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex has Dr. Gary and Barbie Rosberg on the show. Together they discuss rebuilding America’s families, starting with America’s marriages. If you think your marriage is past the breaking poin...
Season 1
Episode 145

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 144-Questions and Answers About Apologetics
On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex discusses how we can be ready to defend Christianity by addressing the most common questions that have been asked by using apologetics. Christianity is true and worth believing. Listen ...
Season 1
Episode 144

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 143-Finding Purpose in Your Life for the New Year
How do we find purpose in our lives? On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex talks about how to find purpose and that everyone will give account to God for our lives. Romans 14:12 in the New Testament encourages everyone that...
Season 1
Episode 143

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 142-Blended: Navigating the Challenges and Joys of a Stepfamily with guests Paul and Jeannette Savage
On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex welcomes Paul and Jeannette Savage who have been married for 17 years and navigated parenting a blended family together. They discuss their book, Blended: Navigating the Chal...
Season 1
Episode 142

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 141-The Birth of Jesus with guest Dave Glander
On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex welcomes Dave Glander to the show to discuss Christmas and messianic prophecy. Right now the world is celebrating and commemorating the birth of Jesus but what does Christmas mean to yo...
Season 1
Episode 141

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 140-What Does Christmas Tell Us That We Need to Know About God?
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year but what do we need to know about God in this season? On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex dives into the scriptures to share five truths that we need to know about God. Chr...
Season 1
Episode 140

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 139-Is There Room in Your Life for a Savior?
Is there room in your life for a Savior? What matters most in this life is if we have made room for Jesus to be the center of it. On this week’s episode of the Alex McFarland Show, Alex shares insights through scriptur...
Season 1
Episode 139

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 138-Why Gratitude?
Why should we cultivate gratitude in our lives? On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex discusses seven reasons to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and what the Bible says about this topic. This episode is packed with scriptur...
Season 1
Episode 138

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 137-A Thanksgiving Special with Alex and Angie McFarland
In light of the holiday this week, Alex invites his wife Angie on the show to talk about one of his favorite topics, Thanksgiving. Together, they share how the Bible says to be steadfast in prayer, being watchful in prayer with thanksgiving ...
Season 1
Episode 137

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 136-Bless the Lord, All You People!
It’s amazing how circumstances can change our perspective when the key to thriving is gratitude and enjoying the little things in life. On this encouraging episode of the Alex McFarland Show, Alex shares th...
Season 1
Episode 136

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 135-Five Commitments of Every Authentic Christian
How should we be salt and light in this world? In this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex discusses 5 commitments every Christian and Church should make. How can we commit to the Christ who saved the world and be set apart as a ...
Season 1
Episode 135

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 134-Four Truths About Christianity
On this week’s episode of The Alex McFarland Show, Alex unpacks the scripture, 1 Corinthians 15:51-53. Alex shares 4 unique truths about God and Christianity and how those beliefs impact our nation. The Holy Spirit is moving, and we must be ...
Season 1
Episode 134

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 133 How Should Christians Act in Times of Tragedy? with guest Brian Coburn
What should be our response as Christians to all the tragedy, natural disasters, or pain and suffering? On this week’s episode of the Alex McFarland Show, Alex shares from his heart that our response should be one of leaning into Jesus Chris...
Season 1
Episode 133

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 132-Born to Be Brave with guest Kirk Cameron
On this week’s episode of the Alex McFarland Show, Alex welcomes special guest Kirk Cameron. He is an actor, producer, author, and conservative activist. Listen as he shares the vision of his new book: Born to be Brave...
Season 1
Episode 132

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 131-Why Should America Stand with and Support Israel?
We’ve officially hit one year since war broke out in Israel and we need to stand with them now more than ever! In this week’s episode of the Alex McFarland show, Alex talks about why we as Christian Americans should stand with and support Is...
Season 1
Episode 131

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 130-In the Midst of Tragedy, God is with Us with Producer Mike Segovia
In this week’s episode, Alex has the founder of PFC Audio Video and the producer of the Alex McFarland Show, Mike Segovia on the show. Together, they discuss how amid all the tragedy that is happening in the world today, Jesus is near. ...
Season 1
Episode 130

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 129-Why Christians Should Vote
In this week’s episode, Alex discusses how voting is a biblical duty for all Christians. We have an obligation to vote and care about our nation and we must do what we can while we still have the opportunity to do so. Let’s see America resto...
Season 1
Episode 129

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 128-God Has A Plan For Everyone with guest Angie McFarland
On this week’s episode, Alex has his wife Angie McFarland on the show. As she shares her beautiful testimony of how she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior, she also encourages listeners that God has a plan for everyone. Jesus cares so much ...
Season 1
Episode 128

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 127-Pray Without Ceasing with guest Tonya Skelly
Studies have shown that people around the world are suffering from anxiety and fear due to the state of the world. Where can we turn to for help in times like these? On this week’s episode, Alex has guest Tonya Skelly on the show to discuss ...
Season 1
Episode 127

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 126-Being Salt and Light on the Earth with guest Jonathan Saenz
What does it mean to be ‘salt and light’ on the earth? In today’s episode, Alex welcomes guest Jonathan Saenz, president of the non-profit organization Texas Values. Together, they discuss the importance of believers being knowledgeable and ...
Season 1
Episode 126

The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 125-The Daring Rescue with guest Melinda Patrick
Have you raised your children in the church and tried to model and encourage a relationship with Christ, just to have them turn and go the opposite direction in life? On this week’s episode, Alex has special guest Melinda Patrick ...
Season 1
Episode 125