The Alex McFarland Show
Alex’s greatest passion is growing the Body of Christ and instructing Christians on how to stand strong in the face of ever-diminishing morals, ethics, and values. Find out more at www.alexmcfarland.com
The Alex McFarland Show
The Alex McFarland Show-Episode 14-Worldview and Apologetics with guest Dr. Gary Habermas
Alex McFarland
Season 1
Episode 14
Within the realm of Christian publishing, the fastest growing segments are worldview and apologetics. On today’s episode of the Alex McFarland Show, Alex talks with a fellow apologist, Dr. Gary Habermas. The two discuss why apologetics is so relevant today and why the resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of it. Dr. Habermas shares his own journey of coming to faith in God, and explains how Christian principles and beliefs compare to those of other religions.
Alex McFarland
The Cove Training: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus