Project Weight Loss

Risk Management-3 Simple Steps

Fina Perez Episode 16

Our conversation this week is about our Project Weight loss as it pertains to the risks and how to monitor and course correct for one of the major risks, events or situations that are unplanned. 

I will give you 3 simple tools that will help you take the deep dive into monitoring risks and provide some valuable questions that create a framework for the deep work.

 The three steps to course correct are to first, assess the situation by asking some general questions. And this is really just stopping to take a look at what happened. The what, when where why and how.

 Then step two we do the deep dive to analyze ourselves a little deeper. What I am making this mean? How does it all feel and take a look at the thought a good look at the thought causing that feeling. Ask yourself, not in a blaming way, but in an inquisitive way, how will this affect my project weight loss. 

 And then last, go to work to course correct, by deciding what your response be for the next time. And with this comes the sharing with your connections the lessons learned and the recap of what happened. 

 1, 2, and 3. All deep work, but really at the end of the day, simple. And this is very helpful in so many other areas, but particularly for our Project Weight Loss.

 Write it down, analyze it and then move on.

 Let’s go, let’s get it done.

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Let’s go, let’s get it done.

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