Project Weight Loss

The Scales: Weight, Hunger, & Food

Fina Perez Episode 17

Our conversation this week is about 3 important scales that can level up our Project Weight Loss, and they are the weight scale, the hunger scale and the food scale.

The data tells us that the weight scale is our friend. That tracking of our weight daily and seeing it either on paper or on an app, can be very helpful to us.  

On average people lose more weight when the weigh themselves daily or regularly. There are many reasons that our weight can be affected, so let’s pay attention and be in awareness over it so we can use the risk management tools to course correct as needed.

Manage your mind around the scale and feel your emotions instead of acting out from them. Let the vibration in your body happen. Over time, the reactions to the scale will change, they will level out. Be in awareness of your body when you eat, ask yourself where are you on the hunger scale. How full or hungry are you. 

Practice the thought, that the scale is a valuable tool.

Use a food scale for weighing your foods, particularly your grains, carbs, fats and proteins; eat and enjoy them, but be in awareness around how much of them you eat. 

So, use the scales and become a ninja with knowing how much you are eating and of what. This is awareness if you use these 3 scales, your project weight loss will be stronger. The data bears out that you will be helped if you chose to see the scales and use them as positive tools for your project weight loss journey.

You got this, be in full awareness and learn to befriend the scales.

Let’s go, let’s get it done.

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Let’s go, let’s get it done.

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