Project Weight Loss

Milestone #1: Rediscovering the Unapologetic You

Fina Perez Episode 22

Our Project Weight Loss’ first milestone is this; that once you let the food go, you rediscover you and become completely unapologetic about who you are and who you are becoming. I am excited for you. Excited for all of it, bring it on I say, the negative emotions you will feel, the peace, and the joy that can follow.

The questions below are meant for the awareness of our first milestone in our Project Weight Loss Journey, which is that once we are left with ourselves, based on our new decisions and our new habits, we will be left with our emotions and once we physically process the emotions and breath through them we will be left with our person. Let's ask ourselves what we want, what we enjoy and how we will regenerate ourselves. And then let's be completely unapologetic about our decisions and wants. Let's decide to show up for ourselves!

Questions for consideration:

1.     Are you a sports fan or do you prefer live events?
2.     What’s your favorite color and why; what does it remind you of?
3.     What’s your favorite plant or flower?
4.     Do you like to garden or do you like to graph plants or do you like crafts?
5.     Are you an early bird gets the worm type of person or a night owl? 
6.     Do you prefer vacations, staycations, or the spa?
7.     Do you like to read or write?
8.     Are you a You Tuber or a movie buff?
9.     How do you like to regenerate yourself?
10.  How do you treat yourself?
11.  What brings you joy?

Have a beautiful week. 

Let’s go, let’s get it done.

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Let’s go, let’s get it done.

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