Project Weight Loss

Fresh Start: Forgiveness Part 2

December 29, 2022 Fina Perez Episode 34

Processing our emotions can lead us to forgive ourselves, free us to act and resolve our own problems. And in the end, it is usually not as bad as we think. You see forgiveness of oneself requires some bravery that we all have in us. Just enough bravery to move us to resolve our own setbacks.

 I want us to see that forgiveness is a process that we are the Maesters over. That it all starts for me by acknowledging the emotions behind not forgiving and then getting really clear about where we are currently. Being fully present in the moment of today. The reality of right now.

 Then moving from the specificity of the situation, and acting. And all through out at the base is strength. Think strength and power over ourselves.

 And in this process, if there is something that you need to do to help you, then do it. For example, if you need to create boundaries to gain strength, then do it. Create boundaries that ensure you are meeting your needs. Say no when you mean to say no. 

 And the last thing I want to say about self-forgiveness is that it is not permission to be unkind in the future to yourself or others or to others. Ask for forgiveness when you feel you have wronged someone. And of course, what I always love to say, do the right thing, just because you can.

 I love the idea that we can find closure with what we did or did not do in 2022 and start off with a clean slate in 2023. 

Let’s go, let’s get it done.

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