Project Weight Loss

Atomic Thoughts

Fina Perez Episode 38

I am so excited for you to create your own Atomic thoughts and that’s is what I am to share with you this week. Atomic thoughts have five main components

1.    they are simplified, generally small and clear  

2.    They are very powerful, and drive our emotions, drive how we feel. And we know that our emotions move us to act or not act.  

3.    Atomic thoughts are energetic in that they call us to act and propel us to feel the energy. 

4.    They are ours and 

5.    last and really the most important to me, is that they are true. We cannot fake these power sentences, they feel right and true at their core. And this is why I created my system based on this concept of VERITAS, truth


And what I love about Atomic thoughts is that they provide the vision for what we truly want. At our core. And most of the times they are not automatic.  


You see the problem is not what you look like, not your failures nor disappointments, it’s not being overweight, all of that is a manifestation of the something that is weighing you down. The true problem is that we are under feeling.   And guess what fuels our emotions, what fuels our feelings, our thoughts.  


I want you to recognize the power of your thoughts.  


Such a game changer. We can create the habit of thinking Atomic Thoughts, 


Thoughts that help us take our new daily actions and feel the emotions as they come our way.  We address the cause and then the rest is so much more doable, will power becomes less of an issue.


And through all of it we can be gentle with ourselves because what’s so beautiful about you is your humanity. 

Let’s go, let’s get it done.

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