Stump The Guru Podcast

Taking Self - Responsibility In Your Sales Process - Stump The Guru

Ari Galper

CEOs need to take a hard look at their sales process to not only focus on how many sales they are making, but also to focus on why they are losing many of their most lucrative sales opportunities.

They need to begin shifting the mindset of their sales teams away from being solution-focused to being intensely problem-focused, so their potential clients feel their core issues are deeply understood, creating an unbreakable bond of trust.

Sales people need to look at how they are being perceived ... Are they talking too fast?  Are they over-enthusiastic?  Are they talking about that they offer, over everything else?

If Yes, then it's time to take some self-responsibility because it's these types of things which kill the sale.  In this episode of Stump The Guru Podcast, I'll be talking about Taking Self Responsibility In Your Sales Process. I've made it my life’s mission to give you the clarity that you are missing in your sales process, through decades of working with thousands of business owners all over the world, refining Trust-Based Selling into a true art form.

This podcast is live, unedited, unrehearsed and with guests from all over the world, from all different industries …. Listen in as I offer coaching you on how you can "take self-responsibility in your sales process" whilst my guests try to stump me with their challenging sales situations. 

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