Stronger Than Your Boyfriend
Join Katie and Heather, owners of Barpath Fitness, as they take a deep dive into important (and usually controversial) health & fitness topics. Combining a little science, a little ranting, and a lot of industry experience, Katie and Heather will be helping you sift through the toxic misinformation in the fitness industry. One podcast episode at a time. Barpath Fitness is an LGBTQ+ and women-owned fitness business that specializes in helping people move better, get stronger, and live pain free through individualized programming and coaching.
Stronger Than Your Boyfriend
Heavy Weight, Light Weight, and Everything in Between
February 14, 2023
Barpath Fitness
Season 1
Episode 57
In this episode, we bring some clarity to the confusion around lifting heavy or using lighter weights.
Heavy vs. light lifting is actually better determined by first understanding your repetition ranges and relative load.
We explain what that actually means, discuss why and how all intensities are beneficial, and what studies are finding. We go over what type of movements can be done with heavy, moderate, and light weights, and share some real life strategies to help you incorporate and structure both into your routine when appropriate.
To read more, check out the article that accompanies this episode: Heavy Weight, Light Weight, and Everything In Between