Voice of the Blue
This is a podcast dedicated to recounting the compelling stories of Law Enforcement. Our mission is to put a human face upon those who serve behind the badge and hold that thin blue line between peace and anarchy. This podcast was not created to glamourize the police profession, but to tell their story, sometimes in their own words, so we may recognize and appreciate their sacrifices and service. We cannot bridge the ever-widening chasm between society and our police unless we understand each other, and we cannot begin to understand each other until we realize that law enforcement officers are not products of government, they are citizens, American citizens, chosen by us from amongst us to do a thankless, stressful, difficult and deadly job,...and they have a right to be heard. After all, how can we understand others if we do not listen? Welcome to Voice of the Blue.
48 episodes
Heroic Cops Saving Children's Lives
The negatives of police work are often scrutinized more than their everyday heroism, so Royce focuses the spotlight on two brave officers that were indeed there when they were needed, and saved the life of a child.
Season 3
Episode 48

The Thinning Ranks of NYPD
The storied NYPD is suffering attrition in staggering numbers, and there's no sign that it will be reversed any time soon. Cops are leaving and their positions remain unfilled. Something needs to be done, and prayers said daily for those that s...
Season 3
Episode 47

Mass Exodus at Chicago PD
Chicago cops are leaving in droves due to the rigors of their job, which include not just the criminal element, but also societal shifts in support for their profession, as well as issues in leadership.Face it, cops are human beings, and th...
Season 3
Episode 46

Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership
Every 22 hours for the past two years, there's been an American police officer shot in the line of duty under the current presidential administration. One would naturally cite the heavy criminal elements in some of these cities, but it's actual...
Season 3
Episode 45

Officer Travis "T.J." Brown: Fighting for his Life
Officer Travis Brown was badly injured during the recent "protests" in Ferguson, Missouri, hit so hard by man who intentionally charged into him like a football lineman that he was unconscious for days and in serious danger of passing away....
Season 3
Episode 44

The Death of Sgt. Billy Randolph
Sgt. Billy Randolph's death was preventable, which adds anger to the sorrow of his untimely demise. Please tune in and share.
Season 3
Episode 43

The Threats Against Cops Are Rapidly Growing
There have been multiple recent attacks against police officers in New York (where the perpetrators were, once again, released on their own recognizance) and other cities, not to mention against our Border Patrol officers, and now, leaders of a...
Season 3
Episode 42

The Many Assaults Against The Blue Line
The officers in today's police department face multiple assaults against them and what they stand for, even from those in the upper echelons, like elected officials, city councils and mayors. Their constant vilification destroys morale and less...
Season 3
Episode 41

The Many Hazards Faced By the Blue Line
In this episode, Royce references multiple articles to show the hazards, tragedies, triumphs and sorrow of police work. Please share with your friends and family.
Season 3
Episode 40

Federal Officer Peter Forcelli
Peter Forcelli began his career as a New York cop, with a desire to remove bad people from the mean streets there.Later, he joined the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, again with the same desire to take down evil people who hurt ...
Season 3
Episode 39

The Stress of a Gunfight
Some of the most incredible stressors on the planet are inflicted upon our police officers on a daily basis. Take, for instance, a wild shoot-out between a cop and a Ganster Disciple who had sworn to kill any police officer he saw in the wake o...
Season 3
Episode 38

How About A Little Respect?
Royce calls for RESPECT between law enforcement and their fellow citizens, and no, the onus of the burden does NOT lie with law enforcement. Are there issues on both sides (i.e. LEO's and their fellow private citizens)? YES, and Royce makes a b...
Season 2
Episode 37

Law Enforcement Leadership
Previous guest John Blackledge authored a very timely book titled “Law Enforcement Leadership, Management & Supervision”, and he discusses with Royce the necessity of the principles of leadership therein.Tune in and share!
Season 1
Episode 36

John Blackledge Discusses Qualified Immunity
John Blackledge joins Royce in the studio again to continue the conversation on Qualified Immunity that began with Sarge Lindsley on October 19th. John has a way of making the complex simple and he does so masterfully in this episode.Tu...
Season 1
Episode 35

Copline: For Cops In Crisis
Meet Chuck (former Los Angeles Sheriff's Deputy) and Stephanie of Copline, a fantastic organization that helps officers in mental and emotional crisis. Tune in to hear these two caring professionals speak about the multiple causes and types of ...
Season 1
Episode 34

Qualified Immunity, From a Cop's Perspective.
Scott "Sarge" Lindsley joins Royce in the studio at the American Police Hall of Fame in Titusville, Florida to discuss the doctrine of Qualified immunity from a police officer's perspective. You definitely don't want to miss this one!
Season 1
Episode 33

The Truth About Police Training
Special guest Bob Combs (former patrolman and later Detective with Palm Bay PD) joins Royce again in the studio at the American Police Hall of Fame in Titusville, Florida to talk about why some police officers make wrong decisions during critic...
Season 1
Episode 32

The Human Element, Part Two
Royce continues and concludes this two-part series regarding the humanity of police officers and the struggles they deal with on a daily basis.
Season 1
Episode 31

The Human Element, Part One
Royce refers to an article written by Matt Funicello titled "Humanizing the Badge: Cops are Humans Too", which dovetails with the mission of the Voice of the Blue podcast. Tune in and share.
Season 1
Episode 30

Royce answers some of his critics regarding his defense of the law enforcement profession and uses current incidents to exemplify his points. Tune in and share!

Squeezed From Both Sides
In this episode, Royce flies solo and speaks from his heart about the devastation of the police profession he sees in America today.Tune in and share.
Season 1
Episode 28

John Gamerl, Melbourne PD
It was Royce's privilege to interview John Gamerl, a former Marine whose career included serving as a Florida Highway Patrol officer, City of Melbourne cop and lastly Melbourne Airport Police officer.Tune in and share!
Season 1
Episode 27

Joel Hodges, Clay County Sheriff's Office
Joel Hodges, presently regional manager for Glock, Inc., served with the Clay County Sheriff's Office in Florida, serving with a man who would one day becomes Sheriff of Brevard County, Wayne Ivey.Share this around!
Season 1
Episode 26