Canadian Intelligence Eh
Everywhere you look these days terrorism and violent extremism dominate the headlines. Whether you follow what is happening in Afghanistan or Iraq, or in the West writ large, we are inundated with news of attacks by groups and individuals fighting for a 'cause'.In a world of multiple voices and opinions it can be very hard to know where to turn. One choice is to look to those who actually worked in counterterrorism in the national security world. In these half-hour podcasts 30-year Canadian intelligence veteran Phil Gurski is joined by a fascinating array of individuals with something meaningful to say about these issues as they provide insight into what they mean and what we need to do about them.
Podcasting since 2022 • 214 episodes
Canadian Intelligence Eh
Latest Episodes
Spies Like Us Season 2 Episode 23 - Valentine's Validation
The guys talk about what to do with ISIS returnees, the challenges of recruiting human sources with, shall we say, sketchy backgrounds, and show how Nancy Drew steals a page from Monty Python's "trying hard not to be seen".

Spies Like Us Season 2 Episode 22 - Canada-US security relations just got B-Czar!
This week the guys talk about the latest brain fart to come from the US on joint border security, Al comes up with a complicated jurisdiction story which he worked on very hard and yes, it is again time for Poetry by Phil

Episode 258 - Canada needs to step up its far north game
We in the Great White North proudly describe ourselves as an "Arctic" nation. In truth, we have a large portion of that part of the globe, which is lightly inhabited, but is increasingly becoming strategic in the face of global warming. M...

Episode 257 - How to tell non-violent 'radicals' from the violent ones
The field of 'radicalisation' studies has been growing quickly, especially since 9/11. Practitioners and academics have seen this process as a precursor to the actual execution of acts of terrorism. But most of those who radicalise never ...

Spies Like Us: Season 2 Episode 21 - Hogus pocus...bogus
The guys are joined by investigative journalist Sam Cooper to dissect the recently released Hogue report on foreign interference in Canada. Suffice to say they ain't impressed and suspect, like the Hardy Boys, that there is much left unsa...