Sippin' with the Shannons

The Menendez Brothers: Part 1

Bridget Shannon and Colleen Shannon Episode 85

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On this week's episode,  Bridget nearly died in a hot yoga class and Colleen got verbally accosted by a man on A BICYCLE. With a HELMET ON! The audacity. Then we get into the topic of the week... THE MENENDEZ BROTHERS. Bridget does a deep dive into the family and alllll the red flags that led to the night the brothers would slaughter their parents. In a word... woof. Just a warning, there are no heroes in this story!!!


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And I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky. It just reminds me of Just Friends, the beginning with Ryan Reynolds. Do you know what I'm talking about? Colleen, your lack of movie knowledge sometimes absolutely crushes my soul. We are going to watch a clip of it after the end of this. You know what I'm thinking? Because it is iconic. I made you, well I didn't make you do anything, but like, I didn't. Sleepover. No, last night. That was last night. Damn. That feels like last night when we went to yoga. Yes. So you should not make me, but like you should suggest something that you do. You get one and I get one kind of thing. Yeah. That could be fun. New experiences. We went to yoga last night, gang. And, um,, mistakes have been made. first of all, don't ever let Colleen pick out your workout class respectfully. I thought it was fun. You said. Heated yoga, sculpt. This is a full hit class with burpees and push ups and mountain climbers and jumping jacks. That is not sculpt. What I will say There is namaste. There is a brief namaste. What I will say is a lot of the mistakes were mine. Which was I did eat a taco dinner before I went to hot yoga to shame my fault. Second of all, the yoga mat that I brought that I've used for years is one of those ones that it's just the yoga mat. There's no padding rubbery. It's rubber. So in a room that's 101 degrees that you friction your feet on 111. Yeah, no, it's fucking not. I've seen up to I've looked when I like get to go to water sometimes and it'll be up to like 115. Colleen, that's, that is so offensive. It's inhumane. It's inhumane. And so, as I'm doing, you know, I'm in a high plank and my feet are doing jumping jacks, my bottom of my feet were burning. It felt like, the girls will know what I'm talking about, the girls and the gays. When you wear heels for too long that don't fit you and the bottoms of your feet burn at the club, at the clerb, that's what it felt like in this hot yoga class. so I was either ready to puke or black out and Colleen was like, if you need sanctuary, there's a bathroom. That's cool. I was like, okay, halfway through, I'm going to do a bathroom break. By halfway, I had been to the bathroom at least twice. And one of those times was to throw water on my face as I. Fuzzed out a little bit and came to in the fetal position on the bathroom floor of this yoga studio. And you know what? It actually was an excellent class. It was the heat. It, if there was no heat, I loved everything that we did. It was a bit of yoga. It was sculpting. It was full body. It was a hit class. The music was great. She was great. Couldn't hear a fucking word she was saying. Didn't matter. Just followed the people next to me. Queen Tammy. If you go to open doors, go to Dorchester and see Tammy. She's great. She's great. A hundred and one degrees when you are not moving up to a hundred and twelve degrees is inappropriate and should be illegal and I'm gonna die of the cell. I'm gonna have to call the police. Okay, that's fair. How do you do that every week? I think I just got used to it. Bitch. I just, I am chubby and I like to sweat now. Like before I like, I don't like to sweat in a certain, in a, space where I'm not supposed to be sweating, then I get pissed off. But if it's like, Oh, this is a controlled, everyone's sweating. Everyone. I'm like, it's okay. I'm here to sweat. Then I'm fine. So you have me calling in and her friend Cho, who's lovely, went to hot yoga last night and I perished in blacked out in the bathroom and ended up on the floor. And I'm not, I'm one of those people. I don't care if I'm doing the modified version and the person next to me is going full tilt. Like I'm just not one of those people trying to beat or compete. Oh, no one's like that. I could give two shits what's happening. I died in that class. Like, there was a time where I was like, you can either go lay down because you're gonna black out or you're gonna puke. Hashtag tacos. That's fair. And we made it through. We made it on the other side. And here we are. Literally never again. Okay. But, check, check, check, check, check. Nook's Fances. You keep saying that to me. Yeah, it's just like, you know, new things. New fun. I love this new era of Colleen. Ew. When you say it's fine, but when I say it's lame. Something is icky about it. Not because you're saying it, but like something about me being a new person or something, it gives me ickies. You literally have been a whole new person this whole year. Alright, well, hi everyone. Hey, welcome to this week's episode of Sippin with the Shannons. We're cousins and each week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, and we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Shannon. And I'm Colleen Shannon. How art thou? I'm Oh my god, my brain just went to a, uh, prayer. Cause you said thou art thou girl that you saw that that's like it. We need to deprogram you. Okay. Sorry that we talk about this too much But I just need you to know in that moment that I that's where my brain just went. I'm good. How are you? I'm good. I'm troubled. How are you? I finished baby reindeer. You did I'm episode three So I watched one two three, and that's when we did last week's episode. Oh, see that's where I'm at now four five six seven Ruined me. Okay, there is a part that Where he goes to his parents house. I was a mess. I was a mess and I think I said before Oh the producer of the show he that it's the main actor is actually happened to him it's one of those shows. That's just gonna stick with me for a while and I'm very interested to hear your Takes after you finish it how I feel at the moment is why I am Martha and she is me Sure, and also I don't feel bad for him in this moment right now But I know I will because of what you said absolutely well, I don't because it's like You're entertaining her. He's egging her. And then you're also like fucking up whatever it is on the side with Miss Girl. I know. Like you're stirring the pot. You're stirring the pot. Just mind your business and work at your bar and do your comedy. So four, five, six, and seven are all the context as to why it has got. Yep. Mmm, deep rooted issues. Okay. Oh my god. My, I can't believe he made a show and is reliving all of these things. Like it, it's. Is this just like a cup he can't fill? You know? Like that type of thing? I'm not going to spoil it for you. Okay, well, I'll watch it. Okay. So, that ruined me. Okay. but yeah, I don't really have too many updates. I went to her first birthday on Saturday. Slay. Jessie's youngest turned one. Happy birthday, Sid. Oh, Hillary had a baby! Oh! Baby Ben! So cute. Baby Ben was born and he's so cute. He is. He's the seventh friend baby. That's fucking crazy. Of just my girlfriends. You could, like, make a small army. Yeah, we're gonna make a baseball team. And take over the world. That's fun. Yeah. Because 8, Lara's pregnant with baby number 8 for July. So we need one more. We have 9. We have a whole line up. You could just be number 9. I'm 9? No need to have any more children. I shall be your number 9. We're good here. But we had like a little cookout. It was really fun. Because that's the thing about, you know, First birthdays and kids birthdays. They just turned out to be just drinking and cooking cookout events for adults, which is great Which is my vibe. The good Lord intended it to be that way. And so we're all hanging out We're having some seltzies. We're eating some hot dogs and cheeseburgers, as the good Lord intended. And we started talking about leftovers. I forget which friend I have doesn't like leftovers. I'm like, oh, I, I eat leftovers. I hate wasting food. I will eat whatever's in the fridge and have a hashtag girl dinner. I don't care. Why did we act like we grew up starving? I don't know what I mean? We weren't. We were quite the opposite. We were overfed. Clearly. Clearly overfed. No, but I don't, I don't know. I just hate leftovers. I hate wasting food. In my Bestie's husband, Matt, goes, Oh yeah, like that time we had people over and I came out into the kitchen and you were eating cold meatballs out of the fridge. Sorry? You have no recollection of this? He said, I have been to their house a handful of times. The fact that he pulled this out of his brain at a cookout. First of all, hilarious. Second of all, offensive. He said, they had a cookout. I know exactly what party they're talking about. At the end of the night, there were people sleeping over. We were all drunk. And he was like, you needed sustenance. I was like, hey, we made that crockpot of meatballs. And when I looked over, you were just going ham on the meatballs. And I said, I do love a meatball that does that. That, that makes sense. You're like gonna question, then you're like, no, that was definitely true. But for someone you don't see that often to just pull out like, oh yeah, when you ate the cold meatballs out of our fridge. When you were just deep throwing cold meatballs. Horrifying! Humbling. But hilarious. Agreed. You have to admit. Uh, yeah, we went and saw, uh, An Irish singer together. Oh my god, I forgot we did that. Yeah, that was like a week ago. Damn. He followed me on Instagram, did! Oh, what a sweet angel. What's his name? Let's give him a shout. Dave Try. He plays at the restaurant I work at, so that's the reason why I knew about him. but he only plays at like random places. Right. he is like, everyone loves him, people are obsessed, and he was playing at the Dubliner, so then I was like, oh, want to just go? You know, give it a whirl. He plays at the Dubliner every single Wednesday, in case anyone wanted to know. And we have the most elite combo for dinner, which is we each had wine, cold white wine, crisp white wine, with french fries, and shared a Caesar salad. And if that is not the absolute most elite dinner, I don't know what is. Then stop listening. Stop listening. You're in the wrong place. Tell the people what the fries were called. Skinny fries. So, you know. Gang, we don't make the rules. They were excellent. They were very much like McDonald's french fries. Mm hmm. Oh my god. On my way here, I, this is me saying this because I have to, I will forget. On the way here I was like, you know, take it in my surroundings, I don't usually do that that often. Oh. And, one, can, uh, John Brewer's not be an all you can eat hotpot place, question mark. An all you can eat hotpot? Yes. Oh. And Korean barbecue, come on! For those just tuning in, john Brewer's Tavern was a restaurant that we were absolutely obsessed with. Lay our life on the line for this place. And we started this podcast in John Brewer's. We literally had the first discussion of do you want to do a podcast with me in John Brewer's Tavern and it closed and now It's an all you can eat hot pot. Yes. Oh, that's sad. It's such a good Outdoor area too with cornhole such a bar where you could sit and watch the Red Sox in the summer It was such a fucking vibe Something must have happened to you because it was literally open one day and they were posting on Instagram being like, oh National margarita day the next day and it was doors closed People showed up to go eat and they were met with a sign that was like we are no longer in business Something happened. There is a part of the office where Michael Scott's like I'm having a tough week He says something along the lines of, like, my favorite restaurant closed and I'm having a tough year, and that's how I felt. That's how I still feel. I still feel. It's just, it hasn't, we haven't felt the same since. No, I've been chasing the high ever since. The other thing I noticed is that I look to my left, and there is a Wendy's across the way, and I just happened to notice that. the Wendy's sign said, Free coffee with each breakfast purchase. Purchase was spelled P U R C H A C E. Purchase. Purchase. Purchase. Is everyone okay? It's Wendy's. There's one person working in the building. Did no one think to double check? Maybe they were out of S's. I don't know. It was with every breakfast purchase It was giving, it was giving something that was a little giggle. I looked at all you can eat hot pot per chase anything else to share? yes. You have an iPad today, which is giving your favorite podcast the morning toast. Actually, I get them at work and then I was like, you know what? We can make it a two for one and just like bring it to work. Our other work. Yeah. But it's not as fun. Okay, good. You know what I mean? Oh, this is what I meant to tell you. I was at Erin's today. We took the kids to the arcade. It was great. Love this journey for us. I said to Erin, because they wanted to watch The Lion Guard, and I said to Erin, Colleen said I have Zazu energy. She goes, I heard that on the podcast and I wanted to say, that's the meanest thing she's ever said to you. You do not give Zazu energy at all. Bitch. I told you it was offensive! I like Zazu. No, Zazu's a narc. He follows the rules. We are two in a pumba. Confirmed. Oh. By, by Mother. Oh, if Mother said it, then it must be true. Yeah. I'm not even mad that Mother said that, because if Mother said it, then that's fine with me. The meanest thing you've ever said to me is that I, I give Zazu energy. Wow. So just keep that in mind next time. Okay. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I said it from a place of someone who likes Zazu. No, it doesn't. Maybe that'll take the edge off. Sorry, mother. It doesn't. Sorry, mother. Anyway. this morning, a grown ass man on a bike with a helmet already know, called me a bitch. Noah, and. Guys, so I commute to work every day, like, kind of far, not really, but like, I, I sit in traffic. It's far. Yeah. And I drive the same route every single day. I, I stop at the same spots. I, I do everything the same, okay? At the exit that I get off every single fucking day, there is, it's always, it's a two laner and it's, everyone runs the red because if there's obviously no one else coming, when you're taking a right, you just go. Like you just look and you go. Yeah. You don't have to like. Right on red. Sit there for fucking ever. Everyone does it. It's so. Calm the fuck down everybody. So I get there today. I'll do the quickest rolling stop ever and then I turn like I always do and I reach over into my bag like a dumb bitch and I get my eyelash curler because I'm like about to be at work so I usually just like curl my eyelashes and like put on sunscreen and that's it. And as I look up a guy on a bike and mind you he was absolutely not at the light but when I was there because I did a right and a left. I don't, I'm a good driver. You looked both ways. I looked both ways. There's no one coming near me. I'm like, I'm uh. I'm a good driver, okay? I've never been in an accident. I drive a lot. Knock on wood right the fuck now. Oh yeah, sorry, sorry. I've never been in an accident of any sort caused by me. yeah, like, I'm, I'm fine. Head on a swivel, you know? I was looking out with my eyelash curler, looking like a dumb bitch, and this man on his little ass bike with his little ass helmet goes, It was a red light, you bitch! At me, through the way, and just kept going on his stupid little bike. And at first I was like, Because me being me I was like, oh my god, did I just like do something like I felt awful And then after like two minutes, I was like No! I didn't! And I can't, I, even if I clipped you, you shouldn't even call me a bitch. That is so rude. I don't care if I mow you down with my car. A grown Don't call me a bitch. No, I totally agree. He could have been like A grown ass man. Well, first of all, anyone who drives know if there's a sign that says no turn on red, then it's a free for all. You stop, and then you take a right. I do it every day. Every single day. However, if there was a sign that said that, and it was a red light, how about, it was a red light, there's no need for the bitch part. Right. You can inform someone without being an asshole. Yeah. Yes. If you felt the need to do so. Or, she wasn't gonna hit you and just move it the fuck along. Yeah, you weren't even near me. You grown ass man. And time he actually passed me, it was some time. Like, he wasn't at the light. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like Rude. A grown ass man. Called you a bitch. On a bike. From his bike. With a fucking helmet on. No. I mean, you should wear helmets, but ew. No, sorry. Illusory. Don't care. If you commute to work via bike, you need to have a helmet on. That, this podcast. I was dumbfounded. I was there with my eyelash curler going, what? And then I was like, hey. What the fuck just happened? The mood went from, was he talking to me? To, oh my god, did I do something? To, ah! I'm gonna light that man on fire. And I literally said a lot to myself. I Even if I clipped you, shouldn't, shouldn't ever say that. Shut up. Yeah. Chivalry is dead. Clearly. But that's what I had to say. Okay, I watched, Anyone But You. Well, I started to. Oh my god. I stopped after. So bad. I, I didn't hate it. Did you get to the part where they get to the hike and they put So that's where I stopped. Yeah. So I stopped at that point when they get to the spider and the asshole thing. It was fucking weird. the one thing that, my one good takeaway was, Why was the dog named Klonopin? And I loved that. I don't know, Colleen. And The whole and I get that wrong like old rom coms are like office like on like a silly basis kind of like the whole concept Sometimes is like so far fetched and ridiculous like this whole situation is on a communication issue Yeah, you couldn't have just said I heard what you said about me I thought it was rude and he couldn't have said oh my god I made that up like I was just saying that because I was being like a bro, you know Like you couldn't have just had that conversation This happens all the time in movies and it drives me crazy like what's I'm just like tell someone what happened Yeah. And then the other person says what they thought happened. It's too much. And then you just talk about it. It's too, and why is everyone around them entertaining it? I don't know. If I was the sister, I'd be like, both of you leave. Bye. You're annoying. You're causing a scene. For no reason. Just talk to each other. Shut up. Ugh, that was annoying to me. my thoughts that I had this week. Okay, let's do it. Why do common folks like us. Yeah. Comment on. Celeb Instagrams. Sure. As if they're talking directly to them. Do you know what I mean? In hopes that they see it, question mark? I very rarely comment, if, could count on one hand how many times I've commented on a celebrity's picture. No, like, I've seen people I know being like, okay girl, on like, Kendall Jenner's Instagram, sorry? No. Get a grip. It really bothers me. I don't know why. Like, do you think you're connected? Do you think she's gonna see that and be like, thank god this common folk said that? Like, no. She's out here like cutting cucumbers or whatever she was doing. Oh my god, so poorly. I hate Kendall Jenner. I'm sorry, I'm feeling hateful today. Yeah, I noticed. Something about JoJo Siwa being like Oh my god, golly. Sorry, I have to bring it up again. You have to let this die. No, something about her being like, no one's done a transformation like this, like such crazy you've seen that, right? Yeah, of course. Hello, Caitlyn Jenner? That's crazier. That's not, Colleen. That's crazier. That's not a transformation. I mean, it kind of is. Obviously, I know that, but I'm just saying, like, if that's what you're saying that no one recently has made any crazy changes, like, Caitlyn Jenner's on there, that's a crazy change. Let's pick another example. okay, let me think of another one. Any Disney star that's gone, like, dark, you know? Great. Great point. Miley. Yes, that's such a good one. I know. Yeah, like just, everyone relax. She was swinging from a Whatever it was. Wrecking ball. Yeah, wrecking ball. Being all crazy. She was twerking. Yeah, she was living her life. It was Hannah Montana like a second before and then was twerking on Robin Thicke. The other side. The other side. You know, we took a turn. The other side of me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what it's giving. Okay. I'm just saying. Okay. But it's just annoying. Sure. That's all. Uh, something that pisses me off. Okay? I got a notification the other day and I just, I'm going to read this to you and you let me know if this sounds familiar. Okay. I'm ready. I'm ready. Listen, I won't be the best looking guy to try and match with you today, but I can 100 percent guarantee that I'll be one of the funniest, caring, successful, and most genuine guys out there. Let's grab dinner to discuss. Oh my god, I got that on Hinge. I got the same one. Is it the same guy? Oh. My. God. Khaleem. No! Imagine we both said yes. No! Stop. Yep. Oh my god. Poor man, I'm sorry, but no. Oh my god, sir. Copy and paste, huh? Does that sound like something about us? I felt special. We are in the trenches if this is what we're getting. I hate that we have a crossover. There is something that's so upsetting about that. I mean, there's an age range issue, what does yours go to? Oh my god, sidebar, we're doing Shavasana, it's me dying at the end of the yoga class that I barely got through. I'm finally laying down, it's so hot in this fucking room. So you know how in Shavasana, if you don't do yoga, you lay down flat, your feet are down, and your arms are down as well, and your palms are facing up. So you're just laying there, and you're breathing, and you're just emptying your mind. You're just relaxing. Colleen, grab my hand. And I was like, it is 115 degrees in this room. Do not touch me. Trying to hold my hand! I just wanted to you. During Shavasana! I just wanted to feel close to you. Oh god. Oh wow, that poor man. That's fucking hilarious. We got the same exact message, days apart. I was read I actually read it out loud to myself and said, Why does this sound familiar? And then I was like, Holy shit. That's so fucking funny. So yeah, it's really hard on these streets, you guys. In the trenches. I feel like an old woman with this in front of me right now. I love it. I'm here for it. Another thought I had. Why do people, especially on TikTok, go absolutely ham cleaning their makeup brushes? Like, buy machinery for Just buy an upset. They're not expensive. No, no, no, no, no, no. They're literally not expensive. Yeah, no. So, mine are. I will be washing. Okay. Not all of them are cheap, but are you like buying the, the washing machine for them and like drying them out and doing the whole process? Because that's a lot. I have one of, I have those mats Okay. Where you just brush up against the mat. Okay. And then you put like a, a cleaning thing on it and then you, so you get all the gunk out of the, I actually was thinking it today'cause Colleen and I are both breaking out. We don't know what's happening. We haven't synced. I know what's happening with mine. Oh, you do? I don't. Yeah. I've been at dermaplaning too much because I've been growing chin hair so I keep breaking out because I'm taking like a rusty old fucking razor and just going in on it. Don't use a rusty fucking razor. Well, I'd rather, if I'm in the car on my way to work and I see a hair or two, I'm taking care of business. Just pluck them. I can't. Why? There's too many! I turned 26 at all. There's too many! I turned 26 at all and I broke loose. Oh god, our fucking genetics are so bad. Cyborg, do for a giggle? Sure. We should do the nose hair things. No, that's not funny for me. I'll watch you do it. I'd love that for you. I feel like I could use a little. Rip. Oh god. That's all. But yeah, no, not, not a fan of that. Okay, if you don't have expensive ones, sure. Whatever, I don't. You know, I got like the real techniques over there. But I, I get what you mean. There are a lot of people who go through like a multi level process. I don't. I take soap. Like, what are we doing here? I take water, lukewarm water, and I spray them off and sometimes some oil so it doesn't fuck with the brushes. People just have a lot of time on their hands, I think. That couldn't be me. Like, rot like a normal person, please. Okay. Okay. Okay. Something from page six that made me giggle, okay? Okay. Barbara Streisand bluntly asked a slimmed down Melissa McCarthy about Ozempic use in her Boomer Instagram comment. Which went, how? Barbara Streisand came under fire Monday when she bluntly asked Melissa McCarthy in an Instagram comment whether she had used Ozempic to lose weight. Babs! This is the Instagram, okay? She looks stunning. Yep, stunning. She's going in. She does. She's in like a mint green dress with a blazer. She looks great. Yeah, she's, she's, she's giving slim. What did Babs comment? She comments. Give him my regards. Did you take ozempic, question mark? Streisand ultimately deleted her question, but not before users could weigh in with commentary of their own. Tell me they were funny. Tell me they were outrageous. Someone says, Babs, no honey, just now. Next one. Major boomer aunt with wine and an iPad energy. Is that us? Yes. Babs typing away on IG like my elderly mom telling me. She texted someone something and me explaining, No mom, you wrote it on Facebook on your wall for all to see. And this is the picture. Oh my god, Babs. Yeah, that's tough. Just don't write that in public. Maybe text to a friend. Maybe say, hey, you're looking good. You on the, you on the zempi? Zempi? Yeah, like what are we doing? Maybe not just out here for millions of people to see. Yeah, that's tough. Come on, Barb. I do have a good update for us. Okay. Okay. It's for you, mostly. Okay, great. I love updates. Cleopatra's lost tomb. Archaeologists. Oh my god, in the water. With new clues. Yes. Yes. I saw this. I'm so excited about this. Okay. Give us the update. It's our girl, Ms. Martinez. I know, she's at it. She got that two week, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you go. No, no, go. No, this is, she went and was like, I think it's underwater, and I think it's in this area. And you usually get a permit for months and months and months, sometimes years. They gave her a two week permit. This bitch was like, two weeks, I'll make it motherfucking happen. Hustle. And they went down there and found evidence so they can back in, go back and ask for more time for the permit. She is a baddie. She is going to find fucking Cleopatra. No, she is. Yes, she is. Oh my god. she also teamed up with our friend who was, uh, trying to find the Titanic. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, the guy. I forget his name. Yeah. That's just a great two for one there for us. I was gonna say, cause she was like, I'm about to go underwater, never done this before. Let's motherfucking go. I'm calling in some favors. She called it in, boy. But yeah, that's essentially. So they haven't found it yet, but they found an area where they're very, very hopeful it will be, which will be absolutely fucking crazy. It's looking promising. I mean, every story we've done, Amelia, her plane was found, now we're about to find Cleopatra. So are we finding Cleopatra? Are we? Good luck, Chuck, of missing objects. Are we? Single handedly, like, solving the world's problems? Wait, Who do people pray to when they're missing something? St. Anthony? I think so. Yeah, St. Anthony. St. Anthony! St. Anthony! Yeah, so there you go. You're welcome, St. Anthony. Slay! Oh, so cool. Love it. Any other updates for us? Any other thoughts? That was it. Great. That was it. Did you see Colleen Hoover's Blake Lively movie is coming out? Yeah, that was supposed to be my update, but I wanted to be a fresh one, and you already knew, so I didn't want to tell you. Oh, sorry. Well, it's still coming out. It looks terrible. Love you, Blake Lively, but I'm just, I'm not impressed. It's in theaters in August, so we'll see. We will see. I won't see it. Okay, I'll see it and I'll let you know. I'm doing like a Barbie boycott, like how I boycott a Barbie. Oh boy, here we go. All right, so the reason why I don't have a lot of details from this weekend is because I submerged myself into a case that I truly never want to speak about ever again. Okay. today we are doing a juicy, juicy episode. It was actually Requested by one of my really good friends Sarah and today, I don't know if this will be a two part or just one juicy episode to be continued. But today we will be talking about the Menendez Brothers. One of them is kind of a baddie. I swear to God, I want to preface this from the top, there will be no sexualizing of murderers. Yes ma'am. So just keep that in mind as we go, mkay? For those of you who don't know, this is the brothers from the 90s who murder their parents in cold blood. Boo! Okay, here we go. Woof! I've literally buckled the fuck up. Okay, my sources for today. Truth and Lies, the Menendez Brothers, which is an ABC special on Apple Plus. podcast on the left has two episodes on them that are great. The Casual Criminalist Podcast, the Menendez Brothers, Innocent or Guilty, Buzzfeed Unsolved, How They Were Caught, 48 Hours, the Menendez Brothers, Fight for Freedom, Murderpedia, Wikipedia, Google. Sounds like you have some time on your hands. I never want to talk about these people ever again after this episode. Okay, cool. We don't have to. Okay, great. So we have to start with the parents. Okay. So Jose and Kitty. Jose was from Havana, Cuba. Love that. Kitty. Yeah. It's a good name because that's not really her name. That's her nickname, but that's what everyone calls her. So Jose is from Havana, Cuba. He grew up in a upper class family. Both of his parents are essentially famous athletes. His dad was a professional soccer player. He ends up retiring and starting an accounting firm, question mark, weird, weird career change, but go for it. his mother is a champion swimmer who is in Cuba's Hall of Fame. Jose had two older sisters, but he was easily the favorite. of the family. He was spoiled rotten. He was rarely ever disciplined. His parents believed he could do absolutely no wrong. He was also very athletic and competitive from a very young age. Super, super driven. He reminds me a lot of Joe Kennedy Sr. Just that brilliance, whip smart, but a little conniving and manipulative from a young age. He was encouraged not to listen to anyone. By who? His parents. Okay. He was kicked out of two elementary schools. Mm hmm. He was kicked off a swimming team and he lit fire to at least one country club by the time he was ten years old. At least one, okay. And his parents just paid the damages and that was that. Money can't buy a class. Yeah, that's for sure. That is for motherfucking sure, Colleen, right on someone's tombstone, not ours. Because we don't have it. So when Fidel Castro comes into his power, this is bad news for upper class families, especially the Menendez family. He basically took property and money from rich people. And so they knew that their whole lives were just about to be uprooted. So his parents realizing that they are gonna all have to escape Cuba at some point, send Jose to the U. S. They're like, fuck right off. We need to save the prodigal son. Some sources say he's 15, some say 16. It doesn't really matter. He shows up. He has no money. He does not know a lick of English and that's it. He's got nothing. he'd been training to be an Olympic swimmer and his absolute biggest dream was to go to an Ivy League school. They have no money though. So this doesn't happen. But he goes to high school. He works really hard. He picks English up in a heartbeat. He Which again shows you the level of intelligence we're working with here. He also did side jobs. He was a hustler He was very driven. He ends up getting a SWIM scholarship to Southern, Illinois University This is where he meets Mary Louise Anderson also known as Kitty. Okay, so This is his future wife and her upbringing is very classic 1950s. Everything looks great from the outside. She's the youngest of four, but inside everything is a fucking mess. Her father beats their mother. Wait, actually just right up the top. Trigger warning for physical abuse, sexual abuse, animal abuse, cold blooded murder. Essentially, every gruesome topic you can think of, we're gonna, we're gonna do it here today. So, just up top. Gorgeous. So, gorgeous. Kitty's father beats their mother in front of them and beats the kids. And in the 50s, it was more of like, that's a family problem, not a law problem, which I'm very glad has changed, obviously. He cheats on the mother. He ends up leaving her for a younger woman. He leaves them with no money. Her mother was a stay at home mom, now had to work for an airline to just keep the family afloat. He goes on to be happy and with this younger woman, doesn't give a shit about his kids or his wife. The mom essentially grows up to be very bitter and depressed. And this affects Kitty, who also grows up struggling with her mental health, is depressed from a young age, she was very She, she had trouble making friends. She was having, having a tough time in the streets. She was having a really tough time. And she basically says that watching her mother whittle away Made it feel like the worst thing that could ever happen to a woman was divorce. She pinned all of her mother's and her family's problems on her dad and them getting divorced. Eek. Please keep that in mind. So she goes to Southern Illinois University. She loved working at the radio station and wanted to do something in broadcasting. This gave her lots of confidence. She ended up winning a local pageant because she's very pretty. She meets Jose. decides to follow in his father's footsteps and get an accounting degree and they meet on campus. She's a senior and he is a freshman. Oh. She's like three years. She's a cookie. Yeah. And so people are like, this is a weird pairing. Also, Jose's family hated Kitty and Kitty's family hated Jose. So off to a great start. Romeo and Juliet. Nevertheless. Montague. so nevertheless. When Kitty graduates, they secretly elope. They're like, fuck you guys, we're getting married. Jose gives up his swimming scholarship and they move to New York City. And Jose transfers to a local college to finish his degree. And Kitty wants to make it in broadcasting and he wants to be this big businessman. And so New York City seemed to be a great place to be. And they had this agreement from the jump that they both had these big dreams and they were going to support each other as a team and do it together. And so. While Jose is finishing his degree, Kitty becomes an elementary school teacher to support them. So she's like, okay, my turn first, you do your thing, and I'll do mine. He gets out of school, he gets a high powered corporate job, he starts making really, really good money, and Kitty gets pregnant. In this whole like, it's my turn now, he basically tells her, fuck right off. You're a full time mom now. Joke's on you. I'm not saying that when you get pregnant, you should lose all of your hopes and dreams. Jose made it clear to her, your dreams are cute. You are going to be a stay at home mother, even though he's making plenty of money for the both of them. So that's what they do. She quits her job as a teacher, leaves all of her career dreams in the dust, and becomes a full time mom. They have Joseph Lyle, who everyone will call Lyle from here on out, in 1968, and they had Eric in 1970. They're a little less than three years apart, right around. While all of this is happening, while they're having these babies, Jose is having a ton of success in his career. He excelled at going into a company, auditing them, and helping them turn the company around financially. He was so good at it. He went to go audit a company in Chicago, moves the family to Chicago. They're having all of this financial problem. They go with his new plan and it works so well they make him president of the whole ass company. Yeah. Okay. Sure. Then. He ends up getting into a fight, cause you'll hear this a lot, he ends up not agreeing with one of the heads of the board, the chairman of the board or whatever, and he leaves the company and he ends up going to Hertz. He does the same thing and he becomes CFO of Hertz at 29. Like the car company? Yes. Oh, okay. Uh huh. 29. Years old and is the CFO of Hertz. Think about us right now. Correct. That's correct. So if you can't tell by now, I want to make something very clear. Jose is a complete and utter fucking asshole. He is the worst. Everybody who worked for him fucking hated him. Executives, the big time ones, love him. He is ruthless. He never stops working. He made them a shit ton of money. He is an absolute nightmare in the office. He fired people on the spot without on a dime, just like you are fired. He loved to publicly shame employees. So, say we're in a board meeting, and you ask me a question, he would say, Are you fucking stupid? In front of the whole room. Where was HR? And then go around the room and be like, Are you as stupid as Colleen? And ask every single person, Are you as fucking stupid as Colleen? Yeah. Ruthless. Where is HR? Who knows? When he eventually dies, because, spoiler alert, he gets murdered by his children, people in the office joke that all of the co workers have motive. That's how fucking cruel he is. He throws people under the bus. He steps over people. He loved Christmas because he liked to threaten to take bonuses away from people if they didn't do what he asked. And work overtime and do this, this, and that. That's the type of man we're talking about. So it turns out if you don't discipline your kids when they're younger and you tell them they don't have to listen to anyone, they grew up to be huge dicks. The math is magic. That is like the theme of this entire episode, turns out. So he had many, many, many affairs, especially in the office. One business associate quoted in Vanity Fair said, quote, Jose would fuck an umbrella, end quote. Justice for Kitty. For real. He had an affair with one woman, Louise, for eight years. They used their business trips to spend their time together, and they would also host parties at her townhouse for people. Like as a whole ass couple. Okay. But Jose's reputation got so bad at the company, they end up bringing in a whole new president. They're like, we can't with you anymore, but they don't fire him. They just reassign him. To where? They're just like, you're going to a new place now. Interesting. So, he gets reassigned to RCA Records, which is a struggling business at the time. RCA Records is a, I mean, a record company for music, right? Kitty finds out that Jose has been unfaithful. She doesn't understand the full scope. She doesn't know about the eight year long relationship with Luis. She just knows that he's had some off randos, kind of one night stand things. Side question. Yeah. Because this is still in the 50s, 60s, right? Do we have phones? We do not have phones. Okay. Nope. No way to track. So it's not like, oh, I went through your text messages? No, it's, I'm on a business trip. It's a week long when it's actually four days and then you just sleep at your mistress's house for most of it. Cool. So, they get into a huge fight and Kitty actually leaves Jose, but he uses her own divorced upbringing. to guilt her into coming back for the boys. Not, I love you so much, I can't live without you. Don't do this to your kids like your dad did it to you. So she comes back. He then makes huge moves at RCA Records. He's signed some massive bands and stars. I'm not gonna go through the list of them. There's a bunch of them. He also is just an asshole. He comes under scrutiny because of his ethics, because his business practices are Unethical, for lack of a better term, whatever. He can't turn the company around, everyone hates him, and so he ends up moving to live entertainment, which is a film industry. Okay. I actually, there's one section of this industry that just does porn. Love that. So, he really has, wearing a lot of hats. He really does it all. We went from car rental to porn. Legit. One section is porn and the other section produced Rambo. Like it's very, it's a lot going on. So Jose is now well into being a multimillionaire. He's making absolute bank. He's been raising the boys with Kitty or she has been, let me be very clear. She has been raising the boys near Princeton, New Jersey. They go to the Princeton Day School, I think it's called. Uh, the tuition is a college tuition now. That makes me sick. From K to 12. Okay. I think I heard somewhere that from kindergarten, it's like 33, 000. By the time you're a high school age, it's about 45, 000 a year. So they are brought up with everything you could possibly, the richest, richest douchebags on the planet, So, he's a multi millionaire, Kitty's raising the family in this opulent wealth. He signs with Live Entertainment, right? So he's coming off of RCA Records and starting the contract with Live. Kitty finds out about Louise, the woman of eight years. She confronts him, and Jose just comes clean about all of his affairs and his extramarital activities. He does! He does. And not only that, but he says, By the way, my contract with Live Entertainment means we have to move to California. And I'm uprooting the whole family. This is the only way he can become president of the company, is if he moves. Kitty, who has now always suffered with her mental health, absolutely fucking spirals. She built a life for herself in New Jersey, with friends, in a network so she could be something other than a fucking stay at home mom that she didn't even want to be. She can't be. is so upset that after this conversation she actively talks to people about ending her own life. Ugh, that makes me really sad. Just a mess. Jose tells her to suck it up because the move is happening whether she likes it or not. So now that we have an understanding of the parent situation, how about we talk about some children? I suppose we could do that. Jose's success continues to pop off. They move to Calabasas, California. Oh. The motto Jose instilled in his sons from birth was, Cheat, steal, lie, but win. They were told that the ends justify the means, that they should use people for their own success in whatever way necessary. Every moment of their day was controlled by Jose, what they were doing, what they ate, who they spoke to, everything. Lyle was the chosen child, so Lyle is the firstborn. Hosea apparently told Lyle that the only son that counts is the first one, and the rest are like throwaways. So, very similar to Joe Sr., Kennedy. He would question them about current events at the table when they were in elementary school, and he would direct all of the questions to Lyle, and then sometimes, like, throw one at Eric. And as they got older, the questions got more intense. Because that's normal behavior. Lyle was easily the more dominant of the two brothers. He's very cunning, he's very ambitious, he's a very classic Slytherin. Eric was prone to outbursts, he was really sensitive, and he was considered the weaker of the two. Was he more Gryffindor? He is more Slytherin fuck to Hufflepuff. Got it. I think. If I had to pick one. So Lyle is Jose Jr. and is being groomed from the moment he came into this world to be everything that his father ever dreamed of. Ew. And although the brothers are very different, they are very, very close. They are on each other like flies on shit. They are up each other's assholes. They don't have a lot of friends. I mean, they do have friends, but. They were together all of the time, and Eric absolutely worshipped the ground that Lyle walked on. One family member said quote, Eric would follow Lyle into hell even if it meant leaving heaven to do so. Yeah. So one of them Would you do that for Erin? Do that with Aaron? Would I leave heaven to go to hell with Aaron? Fuck yeah! Let's go light some shit up! I don't worship I love Aaron and we call her mother and she's everything to me. But if she did something wrong I'd be like, Aaron, that was fucked up. He is obsessed with Lyle. Got it. Like he does not have a brain of his own whatever Lyle says goes. Do you know what I mean? Mental illness. For sure. One of the more upsetting parenting stories It's in Trigger Warning, Animal Cruelty here, if you want to just skip ahead for a second. In the first or second grade, Lyle's in a class where they take rabbits home from the summer and Lyle's really excited. Now in the first and second grade, you're like, what, six, maybe seven? He brought a rabbit home and Kitty put it in like a little aquarium, you know, like the little glass, whatever. Jose wanted nothing to do with it. He was like, get rid of the fucking rabbit. He doesn't. He's like, I'll wait a few days and maybe my dad, it'll just like pass. One day he goes to the aquarium and the rabbit is gone, and he says, Where is the rabbit? And Jose said, I told you to get rid of it. It's in the trash. And when he opens the trash, he sees a dead rabbit that was beaten to death. That's really sad. And there's just flies around it. And it is said, That they did not release him into the wild, they did not give him to a neighbor, or bring him back to school or whatever to teach Lyle a lesson. And this is to be a pivotal moment in Lyle's life that essentially just fucks his ass up entirely. Interesting. And so when I tell you other things about Lyle later, I think it'll make sense. Cool. That was one of the big ones. If you would like to look into it, there are about 45, 000 other horrible stories, but that's a big one. they were told to pick a sport to become experts at and they were not allowed to play other sports because it was a distraction very much like Tiger's dad where he's like, it's golf and shut up about it. They were also told they were not allowed to play a team sport for a few reasons, Colleen. Would you like to know why? Ugh, sure. He didn't want them to understand teamwork so that when they were in the business world one day it would be easier to fuck people over. He didn't want teammates or coaches challenging him on his authority over the boys. And he didn't think their skills would be properly showcased if there were other people around. If you could write a handbook on how to fuck up your kids Jose Menendez could do it. They end up going with tennis, a. k. a. rich kid sports, right? I mean, it was like, tennis, swimming Chess. Golf. Like, is there any other rich kid? I think that covers it. Fencing. Oh, good one. Or, oh my god, horses. Oh, horse girls. Eric would be a horse kid. Yeah. I'm surprised Eric didn't go with horses. I think Jose picked for them and he picked tennis. Got it. And they're like 15 and 12. They might be younger at this point, but not the point. Their tennis coach testified in their trial and he said, quote, he's talking about Jose, He was the harshest man I've ever met. I thought it was cruel because they had to physically suffer. This is to practice tennis. So he's a nightmare. Like, he was known for going out on the court and interrupting the coaches to show them how it should be done. Ew. Like, he's one of those. Hard o. So on one hand, you have this absolute, abusive, fucking tyrant, horrific monster who should not be allowed to procreate, and on the other hand you have this You have, unfortunately, both parents letting them get away with whatever the fuck they want. There's no discipline, there's nothing they can't buy or pay someone off for, they're being raised to use people, to not trust anyone, they're not allowed to cry, they have to be perfect all of the time, but they can cheat and steal and lie and as long as you don't get caught, it's fine. As long as it benefits you. Right. It doesn't matter. A hundred percent. Damn. By middle school, they both suffer from stomach pains, grinding their teeth, stutters, and have awful tempers. Stutters? Stutters. You're fucked. Wait for it. By the age of 14, Lyle is still playing with stuffed animals, wetting his bed, and is balding. Yeah. Yeah. Is that not fucking awful? Ugh. So, they say that. The rabbit situation prolonged the stuffed animal obsession. Yeah. Anyone who listens to any sort of true crime knows bedwetting is like the number one red flag for abuse. Mm-Hmm. It's like lighting things on fire, animal abuse, and wetting your bed. And for the record, the hair loss is not alopecia. He's not going through chemotherapy. He is not sick in any way. This is from stress. Your body reacting. Yes. And so, obviously there's a lot going on here. Jose is so embarrassed that Lyle is balding, he is forced to wear a toupee at 14 years old. It's not funny, but that's fucking crazy. It's not funny, but like, imagine a freshman in high school with a whole ass toupee on. That's what I'm saying! And he still has some of his hair, so he wears the toupee on top of his hair. Okay, it's not funny, but they are murderers, so like, we can giggle, I think. It's fine to giggle. We only giggle at these things, but What the hell? They're also having a ton of trouble in school, their teachers are like, they're not good, like they don't pay attention. Someone says, you know, I think they have learning disabilities, I believe. They have a stutter and a toupee on. One of them might have dyslexia. Jose is having absolutely none of it, he's like, my sons are perfect, fuck right off. Their homework is amazing though. They keep turning in amazing homework but failing all their tests. Kitty's doing all their homework. I was gonna say, who's doing it? So every type of feedback that they get, notoriously throughout their whole lives, Jose blames on someone else. Like, you'll see they do a bunch of shit later with their friends. Jose always blames the friends. There's, that is the worst type of parent. Yes. The worst. Take responsibility. Your kid is not perfect. Yeah. Discipline them, or they will grow up to be dicks. I would literally be like, yeah, my kid's a piece of shit. And then I would be like, I don't even know. I was gonna say B, but I'm saying whatever. A hundred percent. Like, the Montessori schools, I remember I said, because you did that episode with Hannah Up. Oh, yeah, yeah. And She Goes Missing, and I said something like, oh, the Montessori schools sound cool. And my friend Sarah, who told me to do this story, was like, those kids are the worst, because they just do whatever the fuck they want. There's no discipline. These are Montessori school kids, for sure. Okay, the math is mathing. So, both boys are completely spoiled rotten and this is where it comes to a point where you feel bad for the young boys and you want to throat punch the men. Do you know what I mean? Like there's an, there's a window here where you go, wow, that's awful. And then this behavior is just so vile. You're like, get a fucking grip, go to therapy and figure it out. Lyle is applying to colleges. He doesn't want to go to an Ivy League school. He told his friends he actually wants to open his own restaurant. But, in Jose's world, for the prodigal son, that is simply not an option. I was On the table? Not an option. It's one So, Jose is very, very insecure about a few things. One is that he never went to an Ivy League school. He does not like his heritage. He actually asked people at work to call him Joe. Oh! He doesn't like that he's an immigrant. Got it. He wants to be seen as an American. Does he think that people would treat him differently? Yes. Oh. And so, he wants It's so funny because they say that he was really cruel, To white American employees, but he also desperately wanted their, that's weird. Yeah. Is that Admir? I think if someone had told me, like I would find him to be more respectable knowing that he came from nothing. You know what what I mean? Mm-Hmm mm-Hmm. That's interesting. It was about money and power. And status. Joe. Yeah. Like your name is Jose Menendez. Like own that. The fact that you came here and didn't know a lick of fucking English and you got a scholarship, like it's a, it's a underdog story that everyone can relate to in some way, shape, or form. Own it. So I'm saying also the term a lick of English is like kind of weird. If you think about it, I use it all the time, but like really thinking about it, a lick. Yeah. I don't know where that fucking came from, but you'll notice the, he didn't name him. His son, Jose Lyle Menendez, he named him Joseph Lyle Menendez. So this is like a reoccurring thing of you have to go to the Ivy League school And I was in the last podcast on the left They talk about the classic immigrant parent who wants the American dream so bad and to be considered successful that they go to An extreme. Honestly, like fuck the American dream. What are we doing here? For real. It's a lie! It's all a lie. That's not true! So Lyle opening a fucking restaurant is not in the cards and because they grew up in Princeton, New Jersey, where better to go than actually, you know, Princeton itself. So he doesn't get in. Really? Yeah, he has to like reapply. He has to take, he's not a good student. He literally doesn't pay. His mother does his homework. But they have money. So whatever. He finally gets in. I think they do something like, oh, he plays tennis and he's an immigrant, which obviously Jose hates. Okay, Lori Loughlin. For real? So whatever, he finally gets in, and as a graduation present, he asks for a Porsche, and his parents get him an Alfa Romeo, and he flips the fuck out. Okay, my Supra's a 16. Like, literally, daddy, I wanted a Porsche. And I wrote, haven't you thrown a bitch fit on which luxury car your parents purchase you, Colleen? I think, I think, uh, the only car I was ever given was, uh, Actually, you know what, what A woman, I think like a lady at work that my mom was friends with, like died and like left her or like, said she could like have her car. Oh. And it was a 2000 Camry and I had a, I think we had to like, for proof of sale, like for the, whatever it's called, the, the, like the registration or whatever. Legally you have to pay some sort of money, like even if it's a dollar. Yeah. And when. Grandpa died he left like a thousand dollars like I think like to each one of us or something I don't fucking know what it was But I just took that money and like gave it to them for the car and that was my first car Oh, actually, oh, that's nice. Yeah. Yeah me and my dad went to a gas station and bought a light blue Ford Explorer was iconic iconic powder blue. It was so fucking old. It's definitely older. I think it was a 1996 that's crazy. I wanted it because it had a keypad You On the side. Like you didn't need a car. It didn't work. I was like luxury Living in the lab of luxury. I remember you having that car and being like, she's cool. Yeah, Rosie. We called her Rosie. Yeah, it didn't have brakes and I literally would pile 12 people into there and speed around in that thing like we were, you know, youths. As you should. So anyway, he's really pissed he didn't get a Porsche. Just an Alfa Romeo. Kill me. So he attends Princeton. It's short lived. Okay. Because Lyle is caught cheating in Psych 101. He's expelled for a year, and upon hearing this, Jose throws a complete bitch fit, flies to the East Coast, meets with the president in person, and says the punishment does not fit the crime, and I don't have evidence of this, but I am sure he tried to bribe the president. Doesn't give a fuck. It's like, a year is a year. See ya. Suspended. Bye. Why couldn't you just be I feel like Are they doing that to like, as like a reform thing, like they think they're gonna be better in a year? Like, I feel like if you're expelled, you should just be fucking expelled. See ya. Why you have to go And especially for cheating or plagiarism, like, I don't know, man. And it's Princeton. But he's rich, so I don't know. But the, the president doesn't change his mind, to his credit. He's just like, kick rocks. You're suspended for a year. Get out of here. So Good man. Completely embarrassed by Lyle Hosea's. Just horrified. And he's like, why don't you stay in this area? So that when you come back to LA, you don't have to explain to people why you're here. So he was so worried about people seeing Lyle and being like, Hey, aren't you in school? And Lyle having, he was like, why don't you stay here? Right. Appearances. Lyle goes back to LA anyway. And instead of disciplining him in any way, Jose gives him a job at Live Entertainment. In Live Entertainment, the people at this company fucking hate Lyle. He is the definition of every nepo baby's worst nightmare. He is hated. He doesn't do anything. He leaves early. He shows up late. He's super spoiled. He's arrogant. He's an asshole. He looks down on everyone. If it's nice out, he just leaves and goes play tennis to the point. He had so many complaints. He had so many people like, please fucking fire him. One of Jose's associates goes up to him and is like, we have a problem. And Jose says to him, what would you do in my situation if it wasn't your son? And he was like, I'd fire him a long time ago. so Jose fires Lyle. That's how bad he is. Now, he could have gone. He could have proved everyone wrong. He could have been, I don't know, kind and worked hard and He blames his dad, by the way. He's like, well, everyone hates me because they hate you. This is your fault. Because again, we do not take responsibility for our actions at all. Sounds exhausting. Yeah. So, He's now suspended from Princeton. He's at home and he just got fired from his dad's company. Meanwhile, Eric is a sophomore. He is now attending Calabasas high school and Calabasas. That's where they move every A list celebrity you can think of lives in Calabasas. Literally, just Google A list celebrities in Calabasas and a laundry list of people will show up. This is a new school for him and he always lived in his perfect older brother's shadow. So it's a place where he can actually go and meet people and just be Eric and not Lyle's little brother. Kitty was afraid Eric was gay. Afraid. And so she said to him, you have six months to get a girlfriend or else. Or else what? What do you mean? That's a great question. I'm not really sure. He does get a girlfriend. It's short lived. They apparently get into a fight at a party. You need her on the pod. He locks her in a room. She's freaking out. He eventually lets her go, and she says, quote, One of the oddest guys I've ever met. He's very arrogant, very confident, but deep down he's got a lot of problems and insecurities. End quote. Amen on that, sister. So they're both just so fucked up at this point. Eric joins the tennis team. He's actually pretty good. Like, he's a good tennis player. Okay. He's getting into like him more now? Mmm, no. Okay. Uh, he gets into, like, a lot of tournaments. He becomes buddies with this guy, Craig. Craig is also a rich kid. His dad's in the entertainment industry, rinse and repeat. They write a screenplay together called Friends. Not the hit TV show. Different thing. The main character, his name is Hamilton Cromwell. I want you to think of a douchier rich guy name. Hamilton Cromwell. I'm on to Halloween Town. For real. In this screenplay, Hamilton kills his parents for their money. Oh Jesus Christ. And then he goes on to kill a bunch of other people. Now, this gets brought up a lot when talking about this case. If you don't go on to kill your parents, no one cares. But you kind of fulfilled your own prophecy so it keeps getting brought up. Right. You manifested that shit. Yeah, it's like everyone, you know, it's a screenplay, everyone makes shit up. Well then he went and did it. So then it kind of created its own importance. Right. So anyway, Eric's behavior is no better than Lyle's. Craig says in the Apple Plus documentary they walked into a shoe store and no one walked up to Eric immediately to help him and so he started throwing the shoes all over the store. They literally throw temper tantrums. I would have laughed in his face. I know, but they're so rich. People, all of their quote unquote friends are people who are like using them for money or just want to like fuck around. Do you know what I mean? Like, they don't have true friends. Because you know what you have to be? A good friend to have good friends. I was gonna say, I don't think they're good. They're not good people. They're well enough. So, no. No, no, no, no. So things get worse when Eric falls into the quote, wrong crowd. Which, you live in a mansion in Calabasas, like what is the wrong fucking crowd? But whatever. Smokin weed! Smokin the reefer! Actually, you know they're rich, they're doing a lot of cocaine. For sure, coke. no, they're not doing drugs, as far as I know. That's what I think of when I think of like the wrong path. Oh, for rich people, coke is number one on the list. Cool. Just checking. In 1988, a year before the murders take place, Eric, Lyle, and their friends rob a house. They have a rich friend, they find out there's a safe in the house, their other friend, I don't know his name, let's call him Johnny. Johnny's like, guys, I know the combination to that safe. So they break into this house and they steal everything from the safe. And it is apparently so much fun that they wanted to do it again. They are rich. Yeah, they don't need the money. To be clear, they do not need a single dime. They are doing this for the thrill and because, are you ready for this? They didn't want to ask Jose for money and get a lecture. So they decided to go steal it. Right. What do they need money for? Great question. Great question. This time they do it again. This time they cut out Johnny who knew the combination of the safe. So the second time they go, they cut him out and they go to another friend's house. They steal 100, 000 worth of cash and jewelry in 1988, which is roughly 264, 000. A quarter of a million dollars they steal from this house. But, Johnny was pissed, and he called the fucking police on them. As he should! Drops a dime, rats them out. As they're driving, Lyle gets pulled over for a routine traffic violation with all of the stolen items in his trunk. Yikes. Jose is fucking furious. He is not upset that they stole. He is not even upset that they stole from their friends. What do you think he's upset about? I don't know. They got caught! Oh, okay. I thought there was like an underlying They. Got. Caught. You fucking idiot. Can't. So he hires some insanely expensive defense attorneys because he just wants to keep them out of jail. He's like, I just want to clean this up. So they come to an agreement that all of the money and jewelry be returned. Jose pays 11, 000 in damages. Just writes a check and gives it to the family because that's the kind of money they have. Lyle is 20 at this time and Eric is 17. So if they get charged, Lyle is tried as an adult. So they decide. That the underage kid who has no priors and isn't suspended from Princeton should take All of the blame. And that is what they do. They fully blame Eric. They're like, this was all Eric's idea. This was all Eric's fault. So that Lyle has no criminal charges on his adult record. Is he happily doing this though? Because it's like, my brother. I love him. Yes. Yes. And Daddy'd love me if I did this. Okay. Yep. Very sad. He has to serve some community service, and he has to go to therapy. But they get off scot free. Thank God! No. Oh, okay. So that's also bad. And let me tell you why. Okay, cool. So the therapist that is recommending them is Dr. Jerome Oziel. He plays a huge, huge part in this case, so put a pin in him. He does. He does. Remember him later. Slay Jerome. But, no, we fucking hate Jerome. Oh, fuck Jerome. He's the worst. He's so unethical of a therapist. He was paid off by Jose. Oh, good lord. Who would be like, make sure you say X, Y, and Z, and also make sure you tell me everything that Eric tells you, which he actively did. So, Eric going to therapy is actually not a good thing because Jose controlled it, which is super shitty. And he wasn't even a good therapist, which we'll talk about. So the Menendez brothers are now the talk of the town for all the wrong reasons. And for the record, the neighbors never liked them. One woman, when she was asked about I can't imagine they would. No, but one woman when asked about Kitty, she was like, her hair is so messy and she wears sweatpants to PTA meetings. Which, who fucking cares, but, when you live in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country. You know she was down bad. Yeah, you know, and this poor kitty is just like, really struggling. Jose then went on to say that people were, like, calling his house and threatening him and people were slashing his tires, but why would someone in that neighborhood need to slash your tires? Like, I just don't believe that. But what I find super interesting is that apparently the inside of their house was tacky. So they would buy these million dollar homes. But they screamed of new money in a in a place where they're oil money or TV movie money where They're all nepo babies to have second hand furniture in your home is like disgusting So they literally start from nothing and make it and they don't even fit into the neighborhood. They try to make it in Do you know what I mean? The weird irony of that. So they end up moving into a mansion in Beverly Hills, which was previously owned by Elton John, Michael Jackson, Prince rented it out, like some fucking prince rented it out from the Middle East. Some, I don't know. That's crazy. Yeah. Eric transfers to Beverly Hill High School after all of this mess. And Lyle makes his way back to Princeton the following year. So when the new school year starts, they're back in Princeton and Eric's in a new high school. When Lyle gets to his room in Princeton, he has a roommate, which is weird, because he had requested a private room and is horrified that there is some bum in his room. So Lyle does what every normal person would do in this situation and throws all of the roommate shit into the hallway. Everything, everything that person owned into the hallway, the RA was horrified and said something to the effect of he had an attitude about do what I want when I want. Jose then writes a strongly worded letter and they end up giving him his own dorm room because after a year of being suspended, you deserve to be treated. It's just nonstop with these two boys, non fucking stop. So early in 1989, Lyle had a girlfriend and. She introduces him to a guy named Donovan Goodreau. Also, Donovan Goodreau. The wealth. Most of the girls that Lyle dates, his parents hate. They think they're cheap. They think they're just like, less than. Oh, okay. Good to know. They become friends. Dunavan and Lyle become friends. He's still wearing a toupee? Yeah, oh for sure, for sure, for sure. Dunavan's doing all of Lyle's homework. I can't! He literally just got expelled for cheating. And now he has a whole ass quote unquote friend. Why does he have an assistant? Doing his, uh, for real. Their friendship is short lived, though. Because when they get back from spring break, Donovan is being accused by multiple students of stealing shit. They're like, you're stealing shit out of our rooms. Lyle does not back up his quote unquote friend. He does not come to his aid or his defense whatsoever. He actually piles on and confronts him as well as like, I know you stole my shit when he did it. Was Lyle the one stealing? No. Oh, okay. But like. Okay. Okay. Why are you piling on? Fuck off. Donovan swears that he did not steal anything, that he is innocent, and he is forced to leave Princeton. And in his haste to leave, Donovan accidentally leaves his wallet in Lyle's room, which has his driver's license, his social security card, and other shit. This will come up later. I also read somewhere that Lyle actually stole his wallet. But I'll, I'll just let the listeners decide. It's open to interpretation. Donovan's wallet ended up in Lyle's room with all of his identifications on it. Justice for Donovan. Oh, you just wait what Donovan does. By the summer of 1989, the family is in shambles. So they finish out the school year. Great year. It's, it's tough. It is tough. Jose has completely lowered his insane expectations to literally Lyle just has to pass college and Eric can go to a good school. Not an Ivy League. They just want them both to be somewhat settled. I'm so happy to hear that he's lowering his expectations. Yeah, because We love a realist. I was gonna say, and now it's really effective after you've literally ruined their lives, but that's fine. Uh, he's barely passing, Lyle. He's on academic probation because he's, you know, He's doing so poorly, he's failing at least one class. They get a letter in the mail that he's on disciplinary probation. He keeps throwing parties at school. They ruined a bunch of shit. He blames it on his friends. He got his license suspended for speeding in the state of New Jersey. And he got his family suspended from a country club because him and Donovan went on a jewelry ride in a golf cart at night on one of the golf courses they go to, and they had to pay thousands of dollars in damages. And they literally were not allowed back on the premises until they were paid. Okay, Donovan. Then they find out Lyle got his girlfriend pregnant. Oh my god. Jose. I mean, Poppy Kettle is not happy. He apparently went and saw this woman. She was like a model. She was, I think, nine or ten years older than him. She was in her thirties. Jesus. He paid for her to get an abortion and essentially bullied her into getting one and he also gave her 100, 000 to never date Lyle again. How fast would you take that money? I wouldn't even have to finish sons. I'll do whatever. Take your two paid son back and I will take those 100, 000. I'll do anything. In the 80s too. That's a lot of fucking money. I would feel blessed that I came into the situation. No seriously. You're all thinking it. You're all thinking it. I'm thinking it too. Okay, Jose and Kitty are completely at their wit's end. They cannot get over how badly they're behaving, which at this point, how, how are you surprised? There were no red flags up until this point. We're all gonna act fucking surprised. They apparently threatened the children to take them out of the will. Oh, that's a way to get to them. And that's, and that's where all of this starts. Cause that's the only card they have to play. They literally have never disciplined these kids. It's not like, I can take your car away, I can take, it's the only thing they get is you don't get our inheritance. So. That's troubling. At this point, it becomes clear. Jose, Jose's behavior doesn't change after this point. Kitty's does. She becomes afraid of her sons. To the point where, a month before the murders, Kitty told her therapist she was afraid her sons were sociopaths, that they were narcissists who lacked consciousness or any empathy for anyone whatsoever. Imagine saying that about your children. Your grown ass children. Oh, she sleeps with her bedroom locked? With guns in one of the bureaus one of the drawers and she does not give them house keys So when they get home, even if they get home late They have to wake her up and she has to let them in the house. That is the lack of distrust at this point Also Lyle was so upset that his dad paid off his girlfriend to get he decided that he was gonna give a big Fuck you to his parents and move into the guest house That was behind the pool in the tennis court. That was probably so upsetting for them. Yeah, for real. That had its, it was its own house. The drama. For real. Tensions continue to rise in the house over the summer. Kitty is scared of her kids, like there's just no other way to put it. On August 18th, the brothers took a little road trip down to San Diego, over two hours each way, around two hours. They purchased two shotguns and a box of ammunition using Donovan Goodrose ID. Mhm. On August 19th, this is the last day the family will ever spend together. They chart a private boat and the crew thought the family's behavior was very weird. The boys wanted absolutely nothing to do with their parents, stood together at the front of the boat, barely speaking and looking pensive, while Jose fished on the back of the boat and barely spoke to anyone because Kitty was down below dealing with her seasickness. They spent the whole day like that. Just barely. They were like, it didn't even look like a family. None of them wanted anything to do with the other. That's so weird. And maybe they were looking pensive because they were applauding their parents death. I don't know. Just a thought. The next day. The events of August 20th, 1989. It depends on what source or what person you talk to. I personally don't believe the account the boys gave to the police. So if you look at the police report, it's It will have some of this, but not all of this. I am going solely based off of autopsy and confession. I mean, I feel like that's the precise way to go about it. In the confession that was given before they were arrested. To friends and the therapist. Oh, okay. So like before their story changes, because plot twist, it changes. Of course it does. So, okay. The maid is off for the night. The boys, they played tennis in the morning. They watched a match. They went to a mall. They shopped. They're out. Kitty and Jose. are sitting on the couch, and they're dozing off while watching a James Bond movie. So do they like love each other at this point, do we think? So at this point, it says that, on this night. In a lot of reports I look at, she is laying with her head in his lap and she's falling asleep while they watch a movie and they had made like a little dessert. Like they were just eating and watching TV. They were just vibing. They were vibing. I think he loved her as much as he could love a person. Okay. Outside of Lyle. I think she was so utterly devoted to this man. It was, it's her downfall, is her devotion to her husband. But she also felt like she probably had no other choice, so it's like And that's, Kitty is really tricky. Kitty's the only one that I have a lot of trouble with. Because there is obviously years of abuse happening here. He, he literally did not care about this woman. He treated her like a, a side wife. While he did whatever the fuck he wanted and she raised the kids. He never took her dreams to account. He never But she is obsessed with him. She loves him so much. Interesting. So, okay. They're dozing. They're watching a James Bond movie. Around 10 p. m., a teenage girl was outside of her home, located down the street from their house. She's waiting for her boyfriend, and she notices a car drive up, stop in front of the Menendez home. Two men get outside. One man goes up to the house, and one goes to the trunk. Okay. She loses interest and like, turns away and walks away. Just like, noted. Noted. According to their confession, Lyle, who is 21, grabbed the shotguns they purchased out of the trunk, handed one to Eric, who is 18 years old, and said, let's do it. Okay, I'm going to keep this as high level as I can. If you get squeamish, just skip ahead. They murder their parents, so just skip ahead. I will try to touch on the things that are super important, but not go into it. Okay? Cool. Everybody. They walk into their house. They walk down the hallway, into the family room. They see their father. He's got his legs up on the coffee table, relaxed. Kitty is asleep on his lap. They're just hanging. They shoot their father first. They shoot wide, they shoot like the glass door behind them or whatever. They shoot their father first. One of them is essentially execution style. And Kitty wakes up in the middle, like frantic. Of course. Covered in blood. She starts to run down the hallway. And Lyle says, shoot, Mom, to Eric. And so that's what he did, many, many times. Somehow, even with all the times that she has been shot, she is still alive. This is easily my least favorite part of this entire story. Just an extra, extra trigger warning. Lovely. She is alive, she is crawling away from them, sobbing, and They are out of ammunition, so they decide to go back out to the car, reload, and they use, they use a birdshot the second time, and this is important because when they do the autopsy, this is how they know they reloaded. Because some of her wounds were one shot, and the fatal wounds were another one. So they know they went back out to the car. But the time it takes to go back, I can't. So they go back into the house. And Lyle shoots her in the face. Great. And when she looks dead, Eric shoots her two more times, just to be sure. Which is very Lyle and Eric. Lyle does the dirty work and Eric's like, pew pew. Not to make light, it's the least funniest thing, one of the least funniest things we'll talk about. Uh, they were both shot in the knees as well to make it look like a mob hit. The murder scene was absolutely savage. Cops who had been on the force for decades said it's the most brutal thing they've ever seen in their careers. They were unrecognizable. And Jose was shot six times, Kitty was shot ten. And that's as high level as I can keep it. It is so much fucking worse. Ew. It is so horrible. Did no one hear these shots also? They thought it was firecrackers, the neighbors. This is also massive houses. Multiple acres, gated communities. Ignorant people. Well, it's just very privacy when you live in these, like, super rich, like, houses have gaps in them. I mean, I don't know their neighborhood. This is just me assuming. Yeah, I would assume too. So Lyle and Eric then pick up all the shell casings. They go into the guest house. Allegedly. They shower. They change out of their bloody clothes. They weren't worried about fingerprints because it's their house. Their fingerprints are already everywhere. They can't prove, you know, it's not like a stranger coming in, right? Yeah, that's true. They drive around. They discard the guns. They stick their clothes in the shell casings into a back dumpster of like some alleyway. They buy tickets to see Batman. Some say they actually went to the movies and sat and watched the movie. Some say they went. Earlier in the day bought the tickets as an alibi and then never actually saw it. It depends on who you listen to. I'm not sure. I would hate to think that they sat and watched batman after doing that just like as if. Yeah, they also call a friend to meet them at the cheesecake factory. The Cheesecake Factory was around then? Apparently. Sly. The Cheesecake Factory comes up more than once in this story. Really? Like, what is with the Cheesecake Factory and the Mendez Brothers? I'm going to look at the Cheesecake Factory differently now. Ugh, God. So, they call a friend and they're like, Hey, do you want to meet up at the Cheesecake Factory? All of this was to re establish an alibi. Cool. Eric starts to freak out. Classic Eric, right? They decide to go home. They're like, all right, it's time to go home. They're expecting the police to show up at some point anyway. When they get home, Lyle makes a very infamous 9 1 1 call. He is bes the drama. Colleen, you would die. It is like, someone killed my ba like, it is so And in the background, he's like, shut up, Eric, which is, it's, again, it's not funny, but it's just so Lyle and Eric for Eric to be flipping out. And even on 9 1 1, Lyle's like, shut up. Oh, you want to hear this? When the cops get there, Lyle is so beside himself. No, Eric is so beside himself. He is trying to ram his head into the tree and Lyle is holding him back. Did I mention that Eric wants a career in acting and modeling? Yes. No. The Oscar goes to, one neighbor said he was in the fetal position on the ground weeping. Oh my god. He's the weak link. For sure. What I know about them now, this is classic. Like, he probably actually was crying. But it's just ramming your head into a tree, too fucking far. You, you slaughtered your parents, like, get a fucking grip. They're so distraught that police didn't suspect them and do not test their hands for gunshot residue. Yes, that face that you're making, yes. At one point, Lyle realizes as he's talking to a police officer he missed a shell casing and as the cop turns around he leans down and snatches it and no one sees it. How do they know that now? Like, he just has to say it later. Okay. He then gets asked, who do you think did this? And Lyle says, the mob. Because the mafia is just such an easy thing to fall back on, Colleen. Now, what's actually interesting about this is Don't give them a bad rap. At the time, this is not a bad idea. Oh. Because the mob and the entertainment industry were in cahoots, because it's a great way to clean dirty money. That's fair. Because you're making so much money. So, now they're like, there's a mob hit out on the family. Right? Also, a lot of people don't like Jose. A lot of people have motive to kill Jose. One piece of evidence from Kitty's autopsy that absolutely breaks my fucking heart. was one of the wounds, was on her hand. Now, Hand wounds are very common in self defense, right? You lift your hand up, palm facing out to the person to defend yourself, right? Her hand was flipped, so her outside of her palm, no, how do you explain this? The back of her hand was facing outward. They said. She either picked her hand up in a weird way to shield herself, or police think she was shielding her eyes because she couldn't see who, she didn't want to see who was attacking her. And she was shielding her eyes. Oh, Kitty! We don't love that. But she knew who it was. Even if she was hiding it. No, she abso Oh, by the She absolutely knows. But it's like, I just can't. Even without the map. I can't. My own children would do that to me. So, things start to get a little weird, Colleen. Oh, God. The first inkling from the police that something isn't right with the brothers is that they showed up at the murder scene of their parents at 5. 30 a. m. So about six hours later. Not even. And they asked if they could grab their tennis rackets. So that they could play tennis that day. Okay. It's 5. 30 a. m. They call the cops, I think it was at 11. 47 p. m. Okay. You, you don't need to play tennis the next day. Also, when they get the autopsy report, it is very, very, very fucking clear this was not a mob hit. There is no forced entry. Which usually means you know the intruder or they have some way into the house and they know it well enough. It was messy, it was overkill, it was personal. The mob usually doesn't fuck with wives or children, and Kitty was shot more times than Jose was. And they usually won and done. Or kneecaps. Yeah, and why would you shoot someone in the kneecaps postmortem? Isn't the whole point of shooting someone in the kneecaps to cause pain so you can get information out of them or disable them so that they can't run? Why would you shoot them after the fact in the kneecaps? Just for funsies? Because a 21 and 18 year old are fucking stupid, that's why. And their dad has 15 million in a policy that they want their little grubby hands on. So they start to trail the brothers, not because they have any, there's actually zero evidence at the crime scene. They have fucking nothing, but they're keeping their eye on them. They're like, something ain't right here. There are two memorial services for each parent. One is held by live entertainment. They wanted to dispel any like mob ties. They were like, no, it's not the mob. We swear. Also kills me was for Kitty in her hometown in New Jersey because that was her actual home Oh, so they have one on each coast Lyle's in an interview saying that maybe if him and his brother had been home at the time his parents would be alive And he would have been able to help. Okay. Mm hmm three days after the murder. They go on a spending spree They spent seven hundred thousand dollars in the first few weeks and they will ultimately spend a million dollars in the first six months You Just off of Jose's life insurance policy. That's crazy. Lyle buys himself a car. Do you want to guess what kind of car? The one he was supposed to get? A Porsche. Good lord. Literally is like, don't care about this Alfa Romeo. Always wanted a Porsche. Daddy didn't get me one. Buying one with his money. But he's dead now, so that's cool. That's not a red flag at all. Eric got himself a Jeep Wrangler. They were both spotted driving their dead mother's car. They buy multiple Rolexes to match their suits for the funeral. I heard that Lyle was wearing three Rolexes at one of the funerals. Not an outfit change. Three at one time. That's disgusting. They actually bullshowed up an hour late, I think to their fathers, because they had just come from shopping. I'm not kidding you. Lyle says to his family at the funeral, My father always told me I'd never be able to fill his shoes. I'm actually wearing his shoes right now. At the funeral. I'm scared. Mm hmm. So, take that, Dad. They, uh, Lyle spent 24, they're just sleeping in the house. Yeah, the guest house, I believe. That's crazy. Lyle spends 24, 000 on a stereo system. They spend 40, 000 on clothes, they hire bodyguards to protect them from the mob, they stay in some of the nicest hotels, because they can't stay, oh, this is what I was just gonna say, they can't stay at home because the mob's after them, Colleen. Oh, right, right. So at first. They're not staying in the guest house. They're staying in luxury. Like, they run up a tab for, with Live Entertainment. They stay at one of the nicest Bel Air hotels. It's like 8, 800. And just in room service, they spent 2, 000. Just in room service alone. They thought they were inheriting 90 million. Turns out, with all of the taxes and the estates and all the crap, they each get 2 million. Rude awakening. Also, Live Entertainment had this policy, but Jose had to do like a physical to get it, and he just never did it. So they thought they were gonna get a chunk of money that just, they were like, oops, sorry, he never actually did that, so he doesn't qualify for it, so you guys don't get anything. Nice. So they're basically saying, well, this was not worth it. Yeah. So Lyle still has this dream of owning a restaurant, Colleen. So when he goes back to Princeton, he tries to buy a pizza restaurant across the street from Princeton. He somehow offends the owner so much they refuse to sell to him. God only fucking knows what this asshole said to them. He settles for a buffalo wing spot that's super popular. He changes the name, which is so dumb. If you have a profitable restaurant that people love to go to, why would you he changes it to Mr. Buffalo's. Okay. And he wants a new chain opened all over the place every two months. I want to be very clear. This is some rich people shit. This is someone who has not worked a day in his life. He has no idea how businesses run. He has no idea that when you open a new restaurant, you hemorrhage money for many years before it becomes profitable. Before you have steady customers. He could have just bought it. bought it and owned it and just let it run. But he tries, he hires his friends and then he just lets them freeload and eat and drink whenever they want for free. John Taffer would have a field day. A field day. He tries and he opens an investment company. He again rents this fancy office. He fills it with all this fancy furniture. He hires some of his deadbeat friends. Some of them, his quote unquote friends, he had only known for a few weeks. It's, it's giving, buying friends. Also, you don't have that much money. No. The Porsche alone. Is like you have two million dollars where what is happening? I guess in six months He had charged his dad's credit card ninety thousand dollars like they are popping the fuck off eric Classic fucking eric taking advantage of he tried to sponsor a rock concert In Los Angeles, and he gave his partner 40, 000 and got ghosted because he wasn't a partner and there was no rock concert. He got fire festivaled. Crazy. I'm telling you. So he disappears with Eric's money. So Eric decides, I'm really not cut out for the business world, so I'm going to go and stick with tennis. Okay. He hires a 60, 000 a year tennis coach and he buys his way into tournaments and he doesn't go to UCLA, which is where he was supposed to go. They have. Two computer experts that they pay to wipe out the family's hard drive to wipe any other versions of the will so the money won't go to anyone else. And one of the experts who went over to wipe the hard drives said, quote, the entire experience made my skin crawl. Mm hmm. Okay. So now we hit a wall because Lyle is mentally doing fine because he's a sociopath. Eric is suffering. He's the more sensitive brother. He cannot keep his mouth shut. The first confession came 12 days after the murders. Eric and Craig, his buddy, his tennis buddy, they were playing chess and he says totally calmly, Do you want to know how we did it? And tells him everything. Sorry? Then they just go back to playing chess, Colleen. Okay. Craig? Uh, Craig! Is Craig a little rattled or no? Craig went home and told his mom and she told no one. Could we just maybe talk What the fuck is happening? I imagine going home to your mom and being like, Listen to this Tia, I just heard. And it's literally about a murder. For real. The brothers are also fighting quite a bit. Eric thought Lyle was spending too much money. He's becoming just like his father. He even said that he's like, he's just becoming like my dad. Lyle thought Eric was a bitch. And Eric started to have severe stomach pains because of the stress. Because I guess murder weighs on you as a person. I don't know. Lyle apparently says to her friend, he's trying to manipulate Eric into giving him his half of the money. So there's a lot of backstabbing and fighting happening within the brothers. In two months after the murders, on Halloween, Eric goes to see his therapist, Dr. Jerome Oziel. Remember that pin? Remember that horrible therapist I told you about that pin? He asks Oziel, I need to go for a walk, I need to get outside, let's walk. On the way back to the office, Eric leans up against the parking meter and says, quote, We did it. We killed our parents. End quote. And that is where I'm ending part one of the Menendez Brothers. Gas! You're really leaving me on a cliffhanger! I know! Is Jerome going to get clout from this? Jerome does get clout, but it's not great clout. Got it. Noted. I don't know. If you're going to do the bad press is good press vibe, then I guess. Ugh. But yeah, that's where we're going to end part one. We're going to talk about What happens next in part two? Gorgeous. Do you wanna, let's end with some positive stories. Cause that was a lot. That was a lot of tough stuff. Okay, give us some light and flufferoo. Okay, this is from Upworthy. They posted something on Reddit where they posted, Millennials of Reddit, now nearing your 40s, what are your biggest mistakes at this point in your life? Like, what would you tell someone in their 20s? Okay. A lot of them are, you know, take care of your body, get healthier, whatever. But here are a few that I thought were really good to hear. Staying too long in a job in my 20s just because it was safe and easy. When I finally got the motivation to leave, I ended up with an almost 50 percent pay boost. put myself on the back burner for anything and anyone else. A fuckin men. Woof. Smoking and not dealing with my shit right away. Colleen. Pining after the wrong person. Someone wrote, I turned 40 this year and just started liking who I am. Why the fuck did it take 40 years for self acceptance? That scares me. Amen. One guy writes, take care of your fucking back. Lift with your knees. Sure, it's rad when you grab a fridge by yourself and lift it in the back of a moving truck unaided, but one day that shit is going to have consequences that won't just magically go away by resting and taking it easy for a week. Take care of your back. I wish I spent more time with my dad when I had the chance. I don't like this story. I'm not sure if people have experienced the same, but when I entered my 30s, I became convinced I was rapidly running out of time. Rather than using that as motivation, I let it paralyze me with indecision because I couldn't afford to make the wrong choice. Consequently, I'm now 39, and though I've had great things happen in my 30s, I regret spending so much time worrying and so little time committing to a course of action. I like to call that analysis paralysis. It's real. Scared. Someone wrote, work to live, don't live to work. That's a classic one. Live life. Really live it. Experience as much as you can. Every sensation, sight, sound, touch. Be open. Be brave. Live your first few decades in the fast lane. You have the rest of your life to take it easy when you have no choice. Why do you look so scared? Because I'm just, this is stressing me out. Why? I don't know. I don't know. And then a lot of people said, you know, wear a sunscreen. I wish I saved more money. I wish I traveled more. I wish I took care of myself and got healthy and then. Amen. Yeah. Use your PTO. You'll forget some days at work, but you won't forget vacations you took or places you went and all that good stuff. Hold on to good friends. That's another good one. Okay. So those are a few. I'll post the rest of them. If you would like to. Take a look, see. Give her a scroll. Give her a scroll! Okay, this one is from the Today Show, their Instagram. In December 2000, three days before Christmas, police lieutenant Jean Eyster received a late night phone call about a baby found abandoned in a cardboard box that had no note. During the investigation, Eister began referring to the infant as Baby Jesus. He says the name Baby Boy Doe didn't sit right with him and he was born a couple days before Christmas and placed in a box and in my mind, that box was a manger, so he became Baby Jesus. So cute. After Eister learned that Baby Jesus had been Placed with some really great adoptive parents. He breathes a sigh of relief, but Eister said he never stopped thinking about that baby I wondered what he turned out to be. Eister, who retired in 2019, recently got answers. I'm sitting here 23 years later when my phone rings, Eister says. It was officer Josh Morgan And he was sitting with a young man named Matthew. He goes you're not gonna believe this But baby Jesus is sitting next to me, and he's my rookie. He's a cop. Oh, I love that. And so on March 22nd, Icester 70 and Matthew, who's 23, were reunited This meeting was really special for Eyster, who lost his only son, Nicholas, in January. Look at the two of them. Oh, he's hot. Oh, Colleen! No, he's not. No, I lied, I lied. He's cute, but he's not hot. Isn't that amazing? That's cute. Baby Jesus, look at him. Jesus. Baby Jesus. Oh, yeah, he's cute. I want to punch him. Like, you know, when someone, they're just cute. Yeah, they're so cute. Yeah. Both of them. He's so cute. I know, they're really sweet. So, yeah, those are my two positive stories for the week. I feel like I haven't done those recently, so hopefully that helps. I like them. All right, everybody. That was a lot to unpack. That was hefty. I hope you're prepared for part two. No. Simply no. Everyone have a good week. Don't kill your parents. And also avoid hot yoga. Couldn't have said it better myself. Love you, mean it. Love you, mean it. Bye! Bye!


This podcast was produced by me. Bridget, Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt You can find his band super Stoker anywhere you listen to music.

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