Sleep Unplugged with Dr. Chris Winter

#3 - Sleep and Menopause: Why Don't We Talk About This More?

July 11, 2022 Chris Winter

When I wrote my first book The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep Is Broken and How To Fix It, I made the decision to cut the chapter on menopause because of length. I have regretted that decision ever since. It is by far and away the most common question I get asked about the contents. "Is there a chapter about menopause?"

No, but there is a podcast episode entirely devoted to the topic. In this episode we will cover: 

  • the basics of menopause and how it affects sleep
  • some data that tries to understand the impact menopause has on women's sleep architecture 
  • the consequences of hot flashes and how predictive they are regarding sleep issues
  • how menopause can lead to a higher incidence of sleep disordered breathing
  • the role of hormone replacement therapy
  • how other factors could influence sleep in the menopausal population
  • strategies for minimizing the impact of menopause on sleep

Produced by: Maeve Winter


Thanks for listening and sleep well!

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