The Affluent Entrepreneur Show

How to Change Habits to Live a Rich Life

February 13, 2023 Mel H Abraham, CPA, CVA, ASA Season 2 Episode 123
How to Change Habits to Live a Rich Life
The Affluent Entrepreneur Show
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The Affluent Entrepreneur Show
How to Change Habits to Live a Rich Life
Feb 13, 2023 Season 2 Episode 123
Mel H Abraham, CPA, CVA, ASA

For sure, financial freedom is a top priority for all of us. And, who wouldn't want that peace of mind and security that comes with having control of their finances? But the thing is, it's not just about having a high income or a big bank account. It's about having the right habits.

That's why I've developed my own framework that helps you make the switch from the habits that are holding you back to the ones that will propel you forward. By taking action and changing your habits, you'll be on your way to achieving financial freedom and the peace of mind that comes with it.

Trust me, this episode is packed with practical advice and actionable steps that will help you make the change. So, don't wait any longer, seize this opportunity and take the first step toward your financial freedom!


  • The change motivators that will help you take action
  • The steps you can make to stick to habits that'll bring you financial freedom
  • Six habits to quit & six habits to embrace for financial success

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“The Entrepreneur's Solution The Modern Millionaire's Path to More Profit, Fans, & Freedom” –

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

For sure, financial freedom is a top priority for all of us. And, who wouldn't want that peace of mind and security that comes with having control of their finances? But the thing is, it's not just about having a high income or a big bank account. It's about having the right habits.

That's why I've developed my own framework that helps you make the switch from the habits that are holding you back to the ones that will propel you forward. By taking action and changing your habits, you'll be on your way to achieving financial freedom and the peace of mind that comes with it.

Trust me, this episode is packed with practical advice and actionable steps that will help you make the change. So, don't wait any longer, seize this opportunity and take the first step toward your financial freedom!


  • The change motivators that will help you take action
  • The steps you can make to stick to habits that'll bring you financial freedom
  • Six habits to quit & six habits to embrace for financial success

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Instagram (@melabraham9):
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“The Entrepreneur's Solution The Modern Millionaire's Path to More Profit, Fans, & Freedom” –

Mel Abraham  0:00  
Hey there, welcome to this episode of the Affluent Entrepreneurship. This one is a cool one. I did a keynote recently a live keynote recently talking about how do you transition? How do you quit the habits that you don't want and get the habits that you do want, let's face it, like I've said over and over again, wealth creation, financial freedom is built on the pillars of good habits, good decisions, and good behaviors. And so in this episode, I'm gonna walk you through my framework, and the arc of transition, and the keys that can help you change the habits from the ones that are keeping you from being financially free to the ones that will get you there. So enjoy this episode. I look forward to seeing you in the episode. Cheers. This is the affluent Entrepreneur Show for entrepreneurs that want to operate at a high level and achieve financial liberation. I'm your host, Mel Abraham, and I'll be sharing with you what it takes to create success beyond wealth. So you can have a richer, more fulfilling lifestyle. In this show, you'll learn how business and money intersect. So you can scale your business, scale your money, and scale your life, while creating a deeper impact and living with complete freedom. Because that's what it really means to be an affluent entrepreneur.

Mel Abraham  1:20  
Hey, all so it's good to be here. And I'm just getting some things set. You know, when when this topic came up, I started to look at this. And I started to say, Hmm, what if I quit in my life? And I started to really look at this and say, What if I actually didn't quit anything in my life? What if what it was was just stepping stones to where I am in my life. And maybe looking at it through the eyes of everything we do is to move us forward, everything we do is to progress us everything we do. Whether it comes to us in a challenge, or a battle or or greatness is to move us forward to where we truly belong to, to that state of being like Jenna was talking about. And I'm going to bring back the whole idea of daydreaming in a moment because here's what I think happens is that when we come at life, with a curiosity bent, we come at life with the idea of growth. But right now we're in a world of uncertainty right now we're sitting back. I mean, some of you are probably feeling it's something that is thick out there, this uncertainty and, and fear. Even I just finished a launch. That was incredible. But in the conversations I had with so many, they're saddled with fear. They're saddled with stress, they're saddled with anxiety. And what happens is that I think when we start to come at things from a place of neediness or a place of insecurity, neediness leads to stress, insecurity leads to anxiety. But curiosity leads to growth. And I would, I would ask you, I would invite you to start to look at things and say, Can I get curious? Because quitting actually isn't hard. But letting go is, and sometimes we have to let go of what was to bring in what is and what was meant to be. I remember this coming in to me at one point, I was in a relationship with a wonderful, wonderful lady. And it's not my wife, but we weren't right for each other. Maybe you've been in that in that space. We we were not a good match. She I couldn't give her what she needed without giving up on my dreams. And she couldn't give me what I needed without giving up on her security. And, and so there was this friction there. And we stayed in a relationship for four years. It was it was loving, but it was tense. Now she is we're still dear dear friend She's married now with to a wonderful man that I know. But I remember a friend looking at me and he says how long? Are you going to allow that person to occupy the space in your heart and your life that's meant for someone else? And then he turns around, he says, better yet? How long? Are you going to occupy the space in her heart and her life that's meant for someone else? And I think that we need to start to evaluate and and Jenna took you through a wonderful framework to look at this, how this is but I want to look at this through the eyes of growth through the eyes of transition to move on to big Are places. And in the end, I'm going to walk you through six things that I want you to think about quitting when it comes to your money and six things that I think that you either need to start or continue doing or elevate when it comes to money. So we're going to bring it back to money, and finances in the end. But I think let's talk about where some of this comes from and where, where it plays out. And it wouldn't be a training with me if I didn't have a framework. So I got some frameworks for you. And we'll make sure that we get them to you in in the app and all of that type of stuff. So I first wanted to look at this through the eyes of Okay. When I changed, and I want to look at it and say it's changed versus quitting. When I change something, what was the catalyst? What was the motivator in there? And I think that there's five motivators that cause us to start to look at things and say, Hmm, maybe I need to change some things, okay. And so, I'm going to, I'm going to jump to the iPad and do this. The first thing is this, is that, and I'm going to give you six or five and a few questions, to ask yourself, as you go through this. Now, I want to come at this from the spirit of growth, not leaving things behind, I don't want you to try to figure out how you're going to exit and, and leave friends and leave relationships and leave. I mean, there may be a time for that. But let's just figure out where the richness in your life comes from. Because it's in that richness. And richness isn't about money. richness is about how you experience it, how you feel life. And that's one of the critical outcomes to affluence is to live a richer life, whether you're an employee, or whether you're an entrepreneur, whether you're a mother, a father, a sibling, richness is in the way you take it in. And so one of the first thing that I that I realized is that at the core, do I need to change because my values? Now I, my guess, is that pretty much everyone on this, on this training has, has done a values exercise, but there are so many people that don't intentionally define their values. And so when I look at something in my life, someone in my life, then the question that comes to, to place here is this question of is this elevating, honouring or demonstrating my values? Now, let's touch on this for a moment, because here's what I know. And I tell this to the people that I work with one on one, I've told it to my team members. And I said, I don't want to hear about the priorities, I don't really want to hear about the values because I can see them. If I want to understand your values, I just got to watch your feet, I gotta watch your hands, I don't watch your anxious actions. I don't need to watch your mouth. Because there's a whole lot of folks out there. That potentially will talk a good game, but let's watch what their actions are doing. You may sit back and say, I want to, I want to I want to lose weight. But in the meantime, you've got Snickers bars on the desk. And I mean, that's great. And there's no judgment there whatsoever. Just be truthful. And accept it. There's no judgement, we all have our own set of values. But let's live true to what they are. And sometimes things happen in life that allow us to start to reevaluate values to start looking at things through a different set of eyes to say, what I thought I was doing back then, I thought was right. It felt right. And so I did. But today, I have more knowledge and more experience, I have experienced life differently. And so my values have shifted a little bit. And therefore I need to stay in alignment with those values. If when we live in conflict with our values. We we create stress in our life. Stress is another form of distress, distress causes illness. Joy comes from living in alignment with those values. Here's another question, a sub question of this set you can ask here and hopefully this is hitting with you because what we want to do is is at the end of the day, ask this question. Do I have a sense of pride for how I showed up today? Do I have a sense of pride that we showed up today and just allow it to inform you not for judgment purposes but to inform you say if the answer's no then maybe why? What is it that I should be Looking at differently, how should I be looking at differently? Should I? Should I maybe do something different? If I did something I had an interaction with someone yesterday that I actually wasn't proud of. I wasn't. And I made sure that the first thing this morning, I think I woke them up. I picked up the phone. And I called them. I said, You know what? I don't know that that was the best me yesterday. And I'm sorry. And I hope you'll accept it. And I'll do better next time. Sometimes we have to tell that to ourselves, you know, and so, so the first thing that causes me to think about changes, is there. A conflict with my values. Second change, motivator, is a conflict with my well being. Okay. And I'll talk about this in the sense of, of a situation that happened with us now, we live in a wonderful, wonderful beach community right here in Laguna Beach, right on the water. But prior to that about six, seven years ago, actually, right after Stephanie, I got married, we moved into a small community, just south of here, okay. And it was a small community of 51.

Mel Abraham  11:19  
Homes. So it was tiny. But we didn't know it at the time. But everyone was up in everyone's business. Have you ever been in a community where everyone's up in everyone's business? Like, if you're doing anything, your house, and they're all checking it out? And they go, What are you doing? What do you do? And then there's the gossip in between. And then there's the, you know, the whispering when you walk up and all of the craziness in this community, and then, you know, we started isolating, we started, I don't feel like going out. I don't feel like walking in the community. And it became so. So negative, negative energy that it started to affect my relationship was Stephanie, because she knew I so I have, my filter is about this long. Okay. I think about something that comes out in here, and it comes out. And there's so many times that I thought it was freaking hilarious in between my ears. And when it comes out there. No one laughed. I go, God, I thought I was hoping it was hilarious in here. So she was worried that that filter system was going to come to bear on some of the community, because I'm looking at these people and the way they're treating people and I'm like, gone. No. And I wouldn't stand for it. But I drafted an email that was going to the HOA, and it never got sent because I I learned don't just send don't hit send. And I read it to Stephanie and she goes, Oh, you can't send them. You get sued. I mean, it was so good. I still have it. Okay, but here's the deal. Once we realized it was affecting our relationship, it was affecting our well being. Once we realize that we said, it's time to move. It's time to change. Because this is unhealthy. We don't feel like going out. We don't feel like communicating. We don't have we have one set of neighbors that we were right next door is that we we loved in fact, they moved. And we moved to the same community with we said we're come Alright, you're stuck with us. And but now we live in a community where everyone? Yeah, not everyone, but it's a friendly community. We walk brutto and people are smiling and you're talking, we would have never had that in the other community, just because of the nature of it. And I don't know why it was that way. But all I knew was that it was affecting my well being it was affecting our well being it was affecting our relations, time to change. And so so we looked at it from that perspective. So it says something in your life that maybe is affecting your well being Now it doesn't mean that you quit it, it just means you might have to change it, it means that maybe you move them to an outer circle instead of an inner circle of associates, maybe it's about having a conversation, but it's about changing and protecting you. You can quite quit on whatever you want. But you can't quite quit on yourself because yourself is coming with you either way, anyway, you you like it, okay. And I don't I don't buy into the quiet quittin and quiet quitting and all that stuff. And so, so I think that that we need to stick through some of the things that leads me to number three, change motivation. Now, let me give you the question. How is this affecting my well being I kind of put it out there already. How is this affecting my well being? Now, if I'm in a decision mode, what I might do is I would take a piece of paper and I would draw a line down the center and I would say Positive effects, negative effects. And I'd start to wait, I started to look at it in in that in that light. You know, we even sold the property, I should have kept it in hindsight. But we sold the product because I wanted nothing to do with them. And I go, we left a lot of money on the table. In hindsight, we got our piece back. And that's priceless. And I'm okay with it. So, number three is value. Do I get value out of this? Here's the question does do I value this to the point of loving it or just liking it? Here's what I mean by this are the things in your life that you're doing? Because you liked them? And are the things in your life just like Jenna talked about the piano, that you absolutely love that, you know, you want to do more of what you're not see if it's the things in our life that we love, we ought to be doing those finding a way that's where the richness in life comes from. But we need to then look at it through the eyes of, of, Hey, am I liking this? Or am I loving it? The love, that's a top priority. The like, we can make some choices around. But I love the fact that she said you don't quit on a bad day. Because there's plenty of times that you kind of go I really don't like this right now. But that's right now. Generally speaking, I love everything I do right now. I love the way my life is I get to serve I get to give I get to, to work with you. I do know, are there times that don't like it? Yeah, you know, tech goes wrong or, or you know, all kinds of things that can happen. I sent an email out that was supposed to go to five people and went to 35,000 people and you know, oops, yeah. wasn't liking it at that moment. But I still love what I do. And so, so there's a secondary question here. Because I think it's too easy, especially in today's culture, to sit back and say, well cancel, I'm out. When that second question is this, ask, Why did I start this in the first place? Why? And get reconnected to that why you started it in the first place. Because too often we disconnect. And we forget the things that were important to us. Hopefully, this resonates with you. Okay, number four, number four. We've completed it, we set out to do something, and we're done. So I had a martial arts studio for 11 years. And, you know, inevitably, parents would bring and it was in a nice neighborhood. So these parents, a lot of parents would literally bring their children. And it was, it was sad in some senses, because they tried to use them at the karate school, the martial arts studio as a babysitting and desert daycare, and they would drop their kids off, and they would leave them there. And I can't tell you how many times these kids would test for belt ranks. And the parents wouldn't be there to watch. I remember a young, a young young man now who came to me in tears before his black belt test. And I said what is going on Brad? And all he said was I just want to hear I just want to hear my dad say he's proud of me once. And that pains me. But what ends up happening is that because the parents were bringing children in, for purposes of let them try it. What would happen is they'd stay in for a month. And when things got a little tough because it's new to them. They'd say I want to quit and they quit. And they never make progress. And what we're doing is we're setting a pattern of, well, if you don't like something quit instead of working through the challenging times. And so one of the things that I did is I made an agreement with the parents when they brought their kids in, I say, here's where I want, and it'll serve your kids long into this. He said, I don't need them to be black belts. You know, most of them won't when you look at the percentages, but what I want them to do is to start something and finish something. That's it. So decide. There's all the belts, just aside with your child, what belt and tell them, You're going to go through this, you're going to stay with it, you're going to commit to it until you get to blue belt until you get to Green Belt until you get to yellow belt. And then you can make the choice. I wish I'd have known I said, but not on a bad day. Okay. But then you can make a choice. Because what happens is that now we have an idea of a point of completion. Now we have an idea where we can say, I came here, I did what I was I was going to do, and now I can make a different choice, if I choose to, many of them stuck around. But when they stepped into the game, whether it was a job, whether it's in the martial arts studio, or, or what have you, they stepped into it with the intent to stay for a period of time and complete something. The joy, and the esteem that came through that completion was dramatic, versus coming to something without understanding what completion or success looks like. When I get asked to speak, and Brennan says, I get paid well to speak, and I do want to and I have a conversation with someone that's that's bringing me in to speak. I said, I asked him, I said, two things. 

Mel Abraham  21:22  
One, what does success look like for you? And how can I make sure that you look like a star? Because if I can hit those two things, one, they'll be happy to pay the bill. And two, they'll bring me back. But too often we step into something without understanding what completion looks like. Okay. And that leads me to number five, number four up there, here's the question is, did I do what I came came here to do? Or what I committed to? I am, I am really, really, to me, commitment. Your Word is, is everything. So if you commit to something, we do it, you know. And so number five, is this life changes. Life changes, things things happen. When when I got married, and so I met Stephanie in an airport. Okay, leaving a Brenden event. I met her in airports, some will say was stalking I say was persistence. But we've been married now. 11 and a half years, when we met, she was on her way to move to the east coast to spend a year in the east coast before she moved to the, the mothership of the company she was working for in Germany, she had no desire to me to do, let alone get committed to do. But she turned around, I was able to convince her just have dinner with me, how bad can it be? There she is now 13 years later, but all of a sudden, her life completely changed. She never went to Germany, she went to she went to the east coast for a year because she had already committed live up to the commitments complete the task, and then moved back to the west coast. But life changed. And so she made a shift. glad she did. All right. But she made a shift. But it also made a shift in me. And so are there things that happen in your life, the cancer, a marriage, the birth of a child, the birth of my my granddaughter, and a second granddaughter on the way, all those things will beg the possibility of change the possibility of doing something different. And so if that happens, and remember, I'm talking about possible change and growth, not quitting per se, but if that happens, there's an arc you're going to follow. And that arc is going to look like this. Okay. It's it's what I call the transition arc. Okay. Oh, let's give you the question. Has my life changed? That raises the necessity for change? Has my life changed? That raises the necessity for a change? Okay, not necessarily a desire, but a necessity for the change. Let's look at how this plays out. Let's say that you have that you think that there's something that is a catalyst for change a catalyst for growth, okay. How this will look is this is that when we talk about an arc, it starts first with this clarification, okay. In other words, we need to get clear on what but more importantly, we need to get clear on why because what that does is it keeps them from being in keeps you from being impulsive. Now, I'm gonna bring this back to money. Because one of the things that happens, you see the market dropping by 1000 points or something, then all of a sudden the emotions kick in, you trigger you're not sure why you're not sure what but you say I'm selling everything you sit on the sidelines, and then you never get back in. It happens all the time, it happened to me. So we need to clarify first, the what and the why to keep impulsive nature out of it. And then from there, remember I said this is about growth. It's not about stopping something. But it's about replacing something, what are we going to do instead? What are we going to do instead? Everything is a transition. Everything is a stepping stone to who you're meant to be. And then if we're going to make a change, then we need to do a gracefully we need to do a graciously we need to do it with integrity. And so the next step of this arc is to schedule it. Scared schedule it, because sometimes we have to talk to folks to do it with from that perspective. Because then that leads to this, this idea of communicate, so then we get to communicate. So scheduling now one of the things that I one of the other reasons I want you to schedule is love change sometimes is scary. But the best thing you can do about your fears, is to schedule your fears. Put it on the calendar, Brendan did this to me. Oh, that dude. I'm backstage with him. Because I'm backstage with him pretty much all the time. And I'm backstage with him at one of his events. This is before my book was out. It was before I ever did any live events. I was releasing Business Breakthrough Academy. We're going back a lot of years, a decade, over a decade. And he says hey, you know you should be doing a live event. Yeah, I don't want to do I don't want to do this. He says, he's you don't need to do live, man. Just Just do me a favor, Humor me and put something on the calendar. Pick a date. That's all pick a day. All right, I'll pick a date. So I pick a date. The next time we're backstage next event, and he says to pick a date. And I said yeah, he says, What's the date? I still remember the date. June 3, fourth, and fifth. And he said, beautiful. All right. Cool. He says, you know, that's like, six, eight weeks after Experts Academy. I said, Yeah, I didn't want to conflict with it. I just put it in there. And, and everything he says, he says good. He says, bring a jacket to Experts Academy, you're getting on stage, you're selling the event. And all? Oh, so he put he scheduled the fear. He forced me to schedule the fear. And then he forced me to go communicate it to the world. Okay, and so that's the that's the fourth step. And the Arca The fifth step in the ark is this inhibit or add friction or a boundary to make sure that you don't backslide. Okay, do something to make it difficult for you to go backwards. create friction in the game, not from moving forwards, but from moving backwards. And last is to simply acknowledge the change in your life, to celebrate it, to understand that it's a gift. I look at everything that I've gone through the bad relationships, you know, the Ponzi scheme that I keep the cancer, all of it and I go, I needed all of this. It's the gift that created me. And I know that some of us might be going through a difficult time right now. I know some of us might be uncertain, might have fear might be scared. But this is creating you acknowledge it, celebrate it, embrace it. Hey, this is the thing that I think we start to look at from that perspective. So what I want to do is I'll walk you through six things that I do want you to quit around your money and six things that I want you to either start, elevate, or continue doing. All right. So Okay, here we go. The on the quitting side, the first thing I want you to look at is this. I want you to stop thinking it's complicated. It's not. We need consistency. We need a savings plan, we need an investing plan, and we need to do it and stay in the game long term. It's it. We'll talk about what to start doing instead. But the second thing I want you to quit is this concept or this thought you some of you all out there might be young, you might be in your 20s. Okay. And at 61, I can call you a youngster. All right, but you might be in your 20s. And you might sit back and go, I got time. Hey, y'all, you you, you don't have time. Time is your greatest wealth creation lever. Every dollar you put away at in your 20s is going to turn into somewhere between 70 and $85. When you become 60. Think about it. $80 For every dollar. Start early. And put it behind you Jarrett, my son, Jeremy, his wife, 32 and 30. They've got three homes and a multimillion dollar net worth. And it's because they started early. They didn't look at and say I got time.

Mel Abraham  31:24  
The other thing that I want you to stop is that you might be sitting back saying I'm 40 I'm 50 I'm 60 I am late. What's your alternative? To do nothing, I'm late. So guess what, I'm not going to invest? I'm not going to build wealth, I'm not going to try to find my path to financial freedom. No, you're not late. It literally. I mean, if 50 years old, you got 20 more years left, we can build wealth. So but it those mindsets will keep you from moving. It'll keep you from doing things. So let's quit that. Number three. And this is a tough one, I get it. But allowing your emotions to get involved in your financial decisions. When your emotions go up. Your financial intellect goes down. The reason I got caught in the Ponzi scheme is because they caught my emotions. They got into my psyche, they got into my heart, they gave me the aspiration they looked at I ran the numbers, I'm looking at a God who I am done. As soon as you feel the emotional tug, when you make a financial decision, it's time to back off. Okay. Number four, not having a plan. You got to have a plan. We don't just, you know, haphazardly we might get ourselves to financial freedom. But what would happen if you actually had a plan that's built on a system that's built on a framework that is proven that is tried and true over the long term, and you just execute? Number five, what I want you to quit is this, trying to keep up with the Joneses oh my god, this goes back to my $900 coffee machine. Do not swipe on on Instagram, do not look at what other people are parading on social media channels and all that stuff as if this is the reality of their life. They may be in debt, they may be doing facades, they may be doing all kinds of things. We don't keep up with the Joneses. We're not comparing ourselves and buying things because of what other people have. Okay. And number six, avoid destructive debt if you are financing a lifestyle. But again, you may be in a situation where you need to write now, I want you to go to and we'll make sure that we hooked this up. It's completely free Mel forward slash no debt, it's going to give you a tool that you can put your debt in and try to get yourself on a payment plan. But here's the challenge. Understand this. Feds are raising interest rates, interest rates on credit cards are going to go up. If you're carrying balances on cards, they're going to go up the expense is going to go up it's going to start to choke on you. If you're not careful. I want you to to get rid of destructive debt. We do not finance lifestyle. We use debt to create wealth or cash flow, but not to finance lifestyle. I know it's hard for some people because of where they're at. But we just got to get a plan in place to get you out of it. Now, that being said, what should you do? What do you start doing or what do you can do and the first thing is this because you think it's if you think it's complicated. The reason is because we just got to get you guided and educated. Follow people read books go to my show I don't get involved in your own financial journey. Okay? Make investing a priority. See right now there's this whole movement of YOLO you only live once. caution to the wind you only live once. It's true. But how are you going to take care of yourself down the road? If we don't consider what's down the road, because it's common. And so, when we make investing a priority, what happens is that we say, All right, I'm gonna make money. I'm going to invest a portion of money based on a plan that's going to move me forward towards financial freedom, and then I'm going to build my lifestyle intraday with what's left. And if we don't like what's left, then we figure out how to increase it. Okay. That leads me to number three. We need to make financial choices from logic, logical place, detaching it from the emotions, detaching it from the emotions, I got to look at it. And if that means that you separate yourself from the decision and in time and say, I'm not going to put it, I'm not going to make the decision today. There are a lot of times where you get on a call, and they're trying to push you into a decision. Like, and I someone that tries to do that with me, when they lose the sale, to they'll get an education because I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a worker. All right, I love negotiating so, so I want you to detach yourself emotionally from the choice. Because when emotions get in, we start to make bad financial decisions. Okay? Number four, instead of not having a plan, I want you to decide for every dollar to give it a job description. Every dollar has a reason to live. It is to pay the mortgages to pay the rent it is to pay the utilities is to put food on the table. It's it's to put clothes on your back, it's to take care of medical, but what happens is that we don't assign it to them. We just haphazardly. It's in the accounting, we spend it and we go, Oh, I got more month than I have money what happened. Some people will call this a budget, I call it a job description. We give every dollar a job description. So it does the things that it's supposed to do for us today and in the future. Number five, stay in your lane, stay in your lane. Forget what's going on around you. You get to live your life. This is your Daydream, this is your world, this is your stuff, stay in your lane. And number six is this instead of destructed that look at ways to build an unshakable financial foundation. So it doesn't matter what's going on in the economy. I don't care if we're in a recession, I don't care if we're in a bear market, a bull market, you have a foundation to build from, we're not getting caught in meme stocks like GameStop, we're not getting caught in in some crazy trend, or something like that, that isn't sustainable for the long term. Rather, we're going to do one thing. We're going to focus, okay, and then I'm gonna leave you with something else here. I want you to focus on what you want most, instead of what you want now. Read that again. Focus on what you want most. For what you want now, too often YOLO canceled culture, the things that we're doing is focusing on what we want now. And we're sacrificing what we want most. And I think that this is the thing that we need to look at, stay in the game. If something is aching you figure it out, we can grow. Doesn't matter whether you're an employee, an entrepreneur, a mother, a father, doesn't matter. What matters is that you're fully invested in the game and you're living your life. And I'll leave you with this. Because and, and it's interesting that Jenna used the word daydream. And some of you might have seen this this gal Her name is Lila she was on America's Got Talent. And it just it literally just came up on my on my feed. And I watched it and I listened to the lyrics of an original song that she wrote. This is a woman who had a record deal. This is a woman who was going places this is a woman whose mother got cancer and she got taken out of a record deal because she went became her mother's caretaker. And now she's coming back to live her dream. I just want to read you the chorus, because I think it's so, so important, says darlin, don't quit your day dream. It's your life that you're making. It ain't it, it ain't big enough, if it doesn't scare the hell out of you. If it makes you nervous, it's probably worth it. Why save it for your sleep, when you could be living your Daydream. And I think that's the way we need to live. I think that that's the we need to look at things that when we look at things through the eyes through, I don't need to quit, I need to grow. I might have to change. But it's all for me to be the best. me that I'm meant to be, we all have a calling, we all have a reason to be here, we've all been put here with a unique gift to give to the world. And it is on us to allow it to come out to do the things that that brings. And even if we can't express it fully, because mainly we didn't get it all done. It's in the expression alone.

Mel Abraham  41:14  
That the joy comes from, it's in the expression alone, that the richness comes from. And so I'd invite you to look through the eyes of growth versus quitting, of change versus leaving behind. And knowing that you make choices to create the you you were meant to be with that. I thank you. I sending love your way. And this is this is such such a blessing to be here to be able to serve and to know that we have people like you out in the world doing great things for for the world, because that's what what we need. All right. So I look forward to seeing you in the app in the growth the app, let me know reach out to me, you can connect with me on Instagram, Mel Abraham nine. Let me know send me notes. I'd love to chat with you. And make sure that you guys are dialed in, that you're making a difference and if there's anything I can do to support you in this journey, as we move into this, this season of gratitude of love in this year and into next year. Thank you and God bless you. Thank you for listening to the Affluent Entrepreneurship with me your host Mel Abraham. If you want to achieve financial liberation to create an affluent lifestyle, join me in the Affluent Entrepreneur Facebook group now by going to mele forward slash group and I'll see you there.

Quitting isn't hard, letting go is
The change motivators
Transition arc: How to transition change
Six things to quit that hold you back from financial freedom
Six things to start doing to get you on the right path
Focus on what you want most