Space & Grace Podcast
Welcome to the Space & Grace Podcast! 🎙️ Join us as we dive into candid conversations about integrating mental wellness into our walk with Jesus. Join Ciara Helm, your host, a licensed therapist, retired minster and church mental health advocate. This show is a space for all things mental health and all things faith, where believers and churches create transformative spaces of acceptance and change. Tune in to explore practical insights, inspiring stories, and meaningful discussions that bridge our faith and mental health. Let's journey together towards living a whole hearted life ✨
26 episodes
Mental Health & Faith in the Church ft: Laura Howe, LCSW
It's that time of the month, for our special segment: Clinician's Corner. Where we invite fellow experts in the field of mental health onto the show to "talk shop"!!In this exciting episode of the Space & Grace Podcast, we are conti...
Season 2

Christianity & Mental Health: Breaking Stigma & Building Resilience
In this episode of the Space and Grace podcast, host Ciara Helm, LCSW a licensed therapist and retired minister, delves into the connection between faith and mental health. Ciara shares her personal story of grief and the struggle to re...
Season 2
Episode 4

Faith, Therapy, & Mindfulness: Embracing Mental Health in the Church
Have you ever felt like seeking therapy means you lack faith? It's a common feeling in the church, tune in as your Host Ciara, shares her personal journey of overcoming DA, you'll learn how therapy was crucial to her healing process and how evi...
Season 2
Episode 3

Mental Health Month- When the Miracle Doesn't Come
Welcome to Season 2 of the Podcast Formerly Known as the Working Through It! Podcast. Join your host Ciara Helm. as she kicks off the season sharing her heart about where she has been and her own healing journey while navigating wh...
Season 2
Episode 1

Introducing the Space & Grace Podcast: Bridging Faith, Ministry and Mental Wellness
Hey, friend! We've got some exciting news to share – your favorite podcast is getting a makeover! Welcome to the fresh and revamped Space & Grace Podcast, your ultimate hangout for all things faith and mental wellness. Don't worry, we're st...
Season 2

Why am I like this?! The 4 Trauma Responses- ft. Ciara Helm, LCSW
We are back from our break and ready to be courageously curious about life after trauma.Everyone Experiences Things Differently. If Your Traumatic Past Is Still Impacting Your Daily Life, There Might Be Something In That To Be Curious A...
Season 1

Clinician's Corner: Bio Feedback Therapy with Tisheila Justice, LCSW
Welcome back to another Clinician's Corner segment on the podcast, the segment where we bring on another fellow therapist to teach us about a new or different type of therapy. Let me tell you, we have an interesting form of mental h...

Black Love- ft: Debra Elana
How can we not talk about Black love for an episode that is on Valentines day during BLACK HISTORY MONTH?! I want to encourage you, if you are or are not a part of the black community, the discussion of black love is for everyone. Debra Elana i...

Clinician's Corner- Let's talk about Misophonia- ft: Carly from The Counseling Nook
This week we have a unique episode of Clinican's Corner, the segment where I get to sit down with a fellow therapist and talk about a different type of mental health treatment or diagnosis. This week I sat down with Carly the owner of The Couns...
Season 1
Episode 17

Making GOALS to help ANXIETY in 2023 ft. Ciara Helm, LCSW
Welcome back to Working Through IT and the very first episode of 2023! You asked for it and we delivered: Goals and anxiety in 2023! Join our host Ciara Helm, LCSW as she dives into the topic of anxiety on a deeper level by helping you understa...
Season 1
Episode 16

Missing someone special ft. Mr. Helm
Welcome back! Today's episode continues our series on the holidays and grief. Host Ciara Helm sites down with Mr. Helm who helps co-host this week's conversation by sharing his own personal experiences with grief. Grab your cafecito...
Season 1
Episode 15

Clinician’s Corner- EMDR ft. Dr. Andrew Dobo
Today's episode continues our series on the holidays and grief or anxiety with an in depth interview for Clinician's Corner with Dr. Andrew Dobo a Psychologist, EMDRIA Approved EMDR Trainer and Author . This week Dr. Dobo shares spills AL...
Season 1
Episode 14

Handling HOLIDAY GRIEF- ft. your host Ciara Helm
Today's episode starts our series on: Grief with another raw unedited episode from our host Ciara. This week Ciara shares about her own experience with grief and loss and breaks down the different things you can try to get you throu...
Season 1
Episode 13

Show up as you are- ft Host Ciara (Unedited)
Today's episode closes out our series on: Perfectionism with another unedited episode with our host Ciara. This week Ciara shares about her own struggles with perfectionism in her own work, her faith and how these things can be connected to pas...
Season 1
Episode 12

Clincian's Corner ft: Monica Denais
Today's episode continues our series topic on: Perfectionism with another Clinician's Corner episode. This week Ciara sits down with her colleague Monica Denais to discuss her clinical expertise on perfectionism. Grab your cafecito and co...
Season 1
Episode 11

Perfectionism- UNEDITED ft: host Ciara Helm
Today's episode continues our series topic on: Perfectionism with a special UNEDITED episode. This week Ciara shares her own experiences with perfectionism and honors the struggle by not editing the episode. It's real talk and definitely raw to...
Season 1
Episode 10

Recovering PERFECTIONIST- ft. Audra Budensiek
Today's episode kicks off our series: Perfectionism. Our host Ciara had the chance to sit down and hear our next guest's story about her journey through being a perfectionist and how much it robbed her from joy in life. It's an interview ...
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 8- NIGHTMARE JOBS... BURNOUT? ft:Ciara
Today's episode closed out our series: Nightmare Jobs. Our host Ciara recaps her own and her guest stories of nightmare jobs and another reason why our job may be a nightmare job- is because we are BURNED OUT. Ciara takes time to break do...
Season 1
Episode 8

Making dreams a reality: ft- George and Cris Prieto
"What is the one thing you would do if you knew you wouldn't fail?" A question that. changed our next guest's lives. Join our host Ciara and her honorary co-host: Mr. Helm as they sit down with George and Cris Prieto that were successful ...

Trapped in a NIGHTMARE JOB?- ft. Mr. Helm
Today's episode continues our new 30 minute format AND our this month's series for this month: Nightmare Jobs. Our host Ciara and her husband Mr. Helm share stories of nightmare jobs including working a job that not only gave him poison ivy twi...
Season 1
Episode 6

NIGHTMARE JOBS - ft. your host CIARA
Today's episode kicks off our new 30 minute format AND our new series for this month: Nightmare Jobs. Our host Ciara shares her own stories of nightmare jobs including working at an office with hidden microphones?!She then uses her educ...
Season 1
Episode 5

VIRTUAL REALITY THERAPY- Clinician's Corner- ft. Dr. Nikki Lacherza-Drew, PsyD
Clinician's corner is a series once a month, where I sit down with some of my colleagues that are also licensed therapists to learn more about different types of therapy in an effort to help remove the stigma related to needing mental hea...
Season 1
Episode 4

Taking chances to become my truest self- ft. Christi Chatman
This week's talk about taking chances was with Christi Chatman. We get real and dive into learning to listen to your gut. Christi gets raw and vulnerable as she shares about getting out of her comfort zone after losing her father, traveling the...

PICTURE THIS: You are a successful business owner in your field for over a decade, exploring the world and helping others. Then 2020 happens and at the same time your terminally ill parent starts to rapidly decline. What do you do?
Season 1
Episode 2