Bethany Church - La Crosse, WI
Passionately following Christ together
458 episodes
Jesus Prays for Glory • John 17:1-8 • Steve Musto
(The audio is a little rough this week!) Pastor Steve begins a new series looking at the prayer requests of Jesus in John 17.

The Most Popular Scripture in the World • Steve Musto
Pastor Steve preaches our last sermon of 2024, and reveals the most popular scripture in the world for this year, and why it matters to us so much.

Prince of Peace • Unto Us • David Baxley
Pastor David wraps up our series looking at Isaiah 9:6, focusing on "Prince of Peace".

Eternal Father • Unto Us • Chase Vitort
Chase Vitort, our Director of Youth Ministry, gives us the next message in our series on Isaiah 9:6; Eternal Father.

Beyond The Sermon Holiday Break
If you have any leads on finding a trained monkey, please let us know. Thanks!

Mighty God • Unto Us • Steve Musto
Pastor Steve continues our Christmas sermon series in Isaiah 9:6, and the names of Jesus we find there. This week, we focus on "Mighty God".

Incorrect End Times Prophecies? • Beyond The Sermon
Pastor Steve, Pastor David, and Tami dive deeper into Isaiah, and break down some of the ways we should, and shouldn't, look at prophecy.

Wonderful Counselor • Unto Us • David Baxley
Pastor David starts our new Christmas sermon series in Isaiah 9:6, and the names of Jesus we find there. This week, we focus on Wonderful Counselor.

Jesus, Isaiah & Prophecy • Beyond The Sermon • Isaiah 9
Pastor Steve, Pastor David, and Tami dive into Isaiah 9, and discuss the historical context of Israel, Judah, and King Hezekiah in a famous prophetic passage about Jesus.

What the Law says about Celebration • Flyover • Steve Musto
Pastor Steve wraps up our series in the Old Testament Law, and looks at the feasts of the Old Testament.

Passover in ancient Israel • Beyond The Sermon • Exodus 12
Pastor Steve, Pastor David, and Tami dive into the feasts of ancient Israel, and talk about how they connect to us today.

What the Law says about Baptism • Flyover • Steve Musto
Pastor Steve continues our series in the Old Testament Law, and shows us where a lot of the traditions around baptism come from.

Baptism in ancient Israel? • Beyond The Sermon
Does baptism come out of nowhere with John the Baptist, or are there roots in ancient Israel? Why do we believe what we believe about baptism? What's it for?Join Pastor Steve, Pastor David, and Tami as they unpack Baptism in the ancient...

What does the law say about...Sexuality? • Flyover • Steve Musto
"All of us- married and single, gay and straight- have the same mission: to live the way God would have us live- with the challenges he has given us, the tough choices we have to face every day, the mistakes of our past trying to pull us down a...

What does the Law say about...the Treatment of Women? • Flyover • Steve Musto
"In a culture (then and now) where men dominate, it is easy to believe that there is something inherently more valuable in maleness than in femaleness. But that is not the Biblical narrative. The Bible makes no distinctions in the distribution ...