The Nourished & Thriving Show

Beyond Books: Learning More About Nutrition Won't Heal Your Gut

August 17, 2023 Katie Lovitt
Beyond Books: Learning More About Nutrition Won't Heal Your Gut
The Nourished & Thriving Show
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The Nourished & Thriving Show
Beyond Books: Learning More About Nutrition Won't Heal Your Gut
Aug 17, 2023
Katie Lovitt

You may have heard that knowledge is power ... but is it really? And what does knowledge have to do with your gut health? Listen in and see how knowledge may actually be keeping you from feeling better.

Follow me on Instagram, and send me a DM to let me know what you resonated with in this episode. Ready to begin your gut rehab journey? Watch my program video and let's map out what that looks like for you.

Talk soon!

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Instagram - @the_healthygut_dietitian

Show Notes Transcript

You may have heard that knowledge is power ... but is it really? And what does knowledge have to do with your gut health? Listen in and see how knowledge may actually be keeping you from feeling better.

Follow me on Instagram, and send me a DM to let me know what you resonated with in this episode. Ready to begin your gut rehab journey? Watch my program video and let's map out what that looks like for you.

Talk soon!

Find Katie:
Schedule a Free Clarity Call with Katie!
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Instagram - @the_healthygut_dietitian

Katie Lovitt:

It's not about you becoming the expert. It's about you. Creating a team of experts and a mastermind and a community of people who can help you the answers and gain the knowledge that you need to gain so that. You can apply it and take action,

Hey, everyone. Welcome to The Nourished and Thriving Show. I'm your host, Katie Lovitt. I'm a registered dietitian on a mission to help you increase your impact and legacy on the world while healing your gut and reducing your IBS symptoms. I'm so grateful to have you here. Each week I'll inspire you to live vibrantly and provide valuable resources and information that empowers you to take bold action towards your health goals. Before we dive in, make sure you follow or subscribe to my show wherever you're listening so you never miss an episode. Ready? Let's go!

Katie Lovitt:

hey guys, today we're talking about knowledge and you may think that that's like got nothing to do with your gut, but it has all the things with and about to explain. So going way back to the very beginning of this podcast when it was just a wee young little baby podcast, I kicked the show off with a summary of my six stages of gut. Rehab and then I proceeded to have an episode covering each one of those stages in more depth. So if you have not listened to those, make sure you go back and listen to them after you listened to today's episode. Because they really are helpful in seeing the big picture of what healing your gut even looks like, what that process looks like, and some really big pitfalls in places that people get stuck along. That way they can actually get stuck there for a long time. You can get stuck there for a long time and it can keep you from getting better and continuing to move forward and find out information and feel better. Episode about knowledge is talking about one of those stages of gut rehab and how that stage, you know, it's, it's really applicable in that stage, but also all of the stages, and it could be the thing that's really holding you back. Now, the thing is knowledge is knowledge. Holding you back is learning, holding you back. So there's a few ways that this can happen. So first of all, The quote that, you know, Thomas Jefferson is attributed with, um, saying, and I think he actually, um, borrowed it from Francis Bacon from a long time before he was around, said, knowledge is power. And Thomas Jefferson said this with the intent of building a state university, which is a really marvelous thing to, you know, work, to, to build and create. I think it's wonderful a state university. To knowledge to people. That's wonderful. You know, thinking about the Middle Ages or you know, even a couple of hundred years ago, how knowledge was not nearly as easily shared or distributed. People who were commoners or not educated, you know, really they had no way to better themselves because they didn't have any way of, you know, receiving education, of learning new skills, um, or anything like that. And so, you know, really is what created this big, you know, rift in society, right? Between people who have resources to become educated and who didn't. And that rift is absolutely still present today, but the gap. Narrowed and made smaller because of the accessibility to information. You know, and today with the internet and podcasts and all of that, you know, you have millions of information points at your fingertips. So we've almost gone from one extreme to the other, right, where we, people didn't have enough access to knowledge and now it's like trying to drink out of a fire hose. It's just way too much information to be able to sort through. And you know, people. Just think, oh, I just need to learn more. I just need to study more. I just need to read more, listen to more, and have better understanding of my body, or my gut health, or my gut symptoms or nutrition, whatever it is, and then I'll feel better. And this is where I disagree with Thomas Jefferson, where he says that knowledge is power. I actually agree more with Napoleon Hill in his famous book, think And Grow Rich. He says Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is the potential for power, and I agree with him. Knowledge is absolutely still necessary. But you do not need to be an expert in every single thing, nor should you be, nor can you be, right. Just go try and read stuff on the internet and you know, nobody can know everything, right? We are limited by our human, you know, limitations, our human capacities to learn. And, um, Napoleon Hill followed that, you know, knowledge is the potential for power. He follows that up with a story. Henry Ford, um, who, you know, sued newspapers for tell, you know, saying he was uneducated and, and basically an idiot. And he was put on stage as a witness against himself. Um, and the attorney was asking him all of these, you know, really detailed questions about history and, you know, educational information. And Henry Ford finally says, If I wanted to answer any of these questions that you are asking me, I have a button on my desk where I can call, you know any number of people who bring me all of the information possible. That I would need to know, and I think that that is really powerful. So you don't have to know all the things in order to have power, whether it's in your job or over your own body with your health. It's not about you becoming the expert. It's about you. Creating a team of experts and a mastermind and a community of people who can help you the answers and gain the knowledge that you need to gain so that. You can apply it and take action, right? Because if you just sit back and you're reading, and you're reading and you're reading and learning and, oh, I just need to learn more, oh, I guess I need to become a doctor myself or a nutritionist myself. I've talked to people like that, and that's wonderful if you become so passionate about nutrition or health through your own experience that you wanna go help other people. But if you feel like you need to gain. All of that information just so that you can help yourself. You are making it way more difficult than it needs to be. And my friend, if you continue to just learn and retain information, you get stuck in that second stage of gut rehab, which is the root cause. Researcher. You just research and research and research, and then you start to find. Everything contradicts everything else. So how can you possibly know what the right answer is or what the perfect solution is to your struggles? When everything is contradictory, you have to try things. You have to have experience, and that is the value that I bring. Part of the value I, I bring is I've helped hundreds of people. I've seen what works and what doesn't work. I'm part of masterminds with other providers who see what works and what don't works. So I bring all of that experience of application, of knowledge to you. And I also bring you the knowledge that's most important for you to know so that you're not sifting through the internet with billions of data points, trying to figure out how to even get a grip on all of this information that's out there. If you sit and study and study and study, but are too scared to take action or aren't sure what to try, or maybe you try one thing and then it doesn't work and so you keep studying and you get stuck in that root cause. Researcher phase. You're no better than an encyclopedia, right? And with an encyclopedia, you can read an encyclopedia all you want and gain all the facts that you want about any topic that's in the book, but you still won't know how to apply that knowledge. And that is what is really powerful and that is what is missing from so much of your health journey. So is knowledge, power. Knowledge is powerful and it is required for power. But it's really just creating that potential, right? It's what you do with that knowledge that makes all the difference in the world. And if you just sit on your knowledge and learn and learn, you may know a lot of random facts, but you're not gonna be any better off at the end of the day. If you had never, you know, spent hours and hours of your life learning all of that information. And honestly, yes, learning is fun and it's great to learn more and you know, it's exciting to discover new things, but. If you are in pain and you are struggling with your gut health and you're spending hours online researching or doing courses, but you're not able to apply that information and see meaningful change, what have you gained? You know, what have you lost? How many years of your life have you spent doing that instead of living? You know, I think it's really easy to get distracted by all of the information out there, but this is your reminder that that knowledge has to be applied. So that was a very passionate rant. Today's episode is not super long, but it's powerful and I hope that you go back and re-listen to it and that you share it with somebody else who needs it. You know, another point, um, about that knowledge is power. You know, how many people do you see chasing degrees? You know, maybe they have two masters and now they're going for their PhD. And have you ever just thought, what are to accomplish with all that studying? You know, all of that schooling? Um, That school is not cheap, you know? And whether, how are they gonna earn that investment back? You know, how are you, even if it's free online reading, how are you gonna earn that investment of your time back if you're not able to apply and implement that information and see the results? And, um, yeah, it's really something to think about. I hope that you give it some thought if you were in that place. Of being a root cause researcher and you're stuck and you think if I just keep looking harder and reading longer, I'll find all the answers and it'll work for me and my gut will be healed just by learning this information and gaining this knowledge. If you're tired of being stuck there, I would love to talk with you about how to get you unstuck and how to free up your time so that you can go live that beautiful life. So that's it for this week, and we'll talk soon.

Thank you so much for listening to the entire episode. I hope you are feeling inspired and empowered to take bold action towards your health goals. If you enjoy what you heard, don't forget to follow my show so you never miss a new episode. And it would mean the world to me, if you left me a review, so others know what to expect from my show. Last, get in touch. Let me know what bold action you're taking. Let me know how you're inspired. Follow me on Instagram@the_healthygut_dietitian. I've put a link in my show notes for you, so you can simply click and follow. Come say hi, I respond to all my messages and I can't wait to get in touch.