The Nourished & Thriving Show

How to Shine When You're Running on Empty

September 14, 2023 Katie Lovitt
How to Shine When You're Running on Empty
The Nourished & Thriving Show
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The Nourished & Thriving Show
How to Shine When You're Running on Empty
Sep 14, 2023
Katie Lovitt

Feeling like you're running on fumes and nervous as the holidays inch closer? Y'all know all that stress isn't any good for your hot mess gut - I'm sharing some of my best tips to creating calm in the chaos today - enjoy!

Follow me on Instagram, and send me a DM to let me know what you resonated with in this episode. Ready to begin your gut rehab journey? Watch my program video and let's map out what that looks like for you.

Talk soon!

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Instagram - @the_healthygut_dietitian

Show Notes Transcript

Feeling like you're running on fumes and nervous as the holidays inch closer? Y'all know all that stress isn't any good for your hot mess gut - I'm sharing some of my best tips to creating calm in the chaos today - enjoy!

Follow me on Instagram, and send me a DM to let me know what you resonated with in this episode. Ready to begin your gut rehab journey? Watch my program video and let's map out what that looks like for you.

Talk soon!

Find Katie:
Schedule a Free Clarity Call with Katie!
Website -
Instagram - @the_healthygut_dietitian


Hey guys, welcome back. We are getting into fall and that means All the things, right? I feel like every year when like mid September to October hits, it is just a nonstop sprint through the holidays. So let's work to get ahead of that so that we're not completely burned out by the time Christmas and New Year's comes around. So we're talking today all about how to rest when you feel tired, what to do when you feel tired. As women, we really can't stop. Like there are a lot of balls that we're juggling that can't get dropped. People are relying on us. So how can you rest when you're weary? How can you find comfort and peace through the chaos and how can you become reinvigorated and inspired so that you can continue to inspire and lift those up around you? Let's get into it today.

Hey, everyone. Welcome to The Nourished and Thriving Show. I'm your host, Katie Lovitt. I'm a registered dietitian on a mission to help you increase your impact and legacy on the world while healing your gut and reducing your IBS symptoms. I'm so grateful to have you here. Each week I'll inspire you to live vibrantly and provide valuable resources and information that empowers you to take bold action towards your health goals. Before we dive in, make sure you follow or subscribe to my show wherever you're listening so you never miss an episode. Ready? Let's go!


All right. So, you know, I actually was inspired by this episode because of myself. I've been feeling a little run down this week and just tired and like my energy is a little bit lacking. Not maybe be able to tell that through this podcast episode, because I've been able to build my energy throughout the day today by doing some of the things that I'm going to outline for you. Now if you're watching this on YouTube, you will see I am wearing a sunshine golden dress. And that was intentional because I needed a little bit of sunshine today. It is finally cooling off. It's not 135 million degrees here in Texas. And we finally have gray skies. Hallelujah. But y'all, I was tired and these like moody skies were not doing anything to help me with that. So I put on my sunshine yellow dress. I put on some fun earrings and throughout the day I have felt my energy increase and go on. And, um, you know, let me, I just wanted to share what I do with this, but I share with my clients to do with this energy and this funk, because you don't have to stay in that space all day. And if you're as busy as I am, you're like, when am I going to rest? Like, when am I possibly going to have a moment to stop and rest and recoup? And so we're going to talk through how to create space for that, while also keeping that energy up until you can get to that point where you can have some rest. So, um, This is actually a new tip that I read, and it's kind of a duh for me. Um, but somebody just shared something in a perspective that I hadn't thought about recently. I'm sure it's something I've heard before, but I've forgotten in the chaos of everyday's, you know, demands. And it's from this book that I'm reading. Um, Called the time saving mom, um, and it's all about like, she's telling the story about how tired she was with all of her kids and, um, a special needs, um, baby that they were fostering and not sleeping well. And she was just saying how she started starting her day off with prayer. With praying to God. And, um, this isn't just any prayer. This is a prayer for God. I'm not enough today. I am tired and I'm not at my best and there's no way this is going to go well. Will you please come and give me energy that's impossible for me to have without you because I didn't get enough rest. Will you come and help me be wise? In these moments when I am tired and have brain fog, will you help me to think rationally in these moments when it's so much easier for me to be more emotionally driven because my defenses are down because I'm tired? Will you please go before me today and make the way and help me to know that you're going before me and that you're setting everything up for me and just asking for his help to guide you. And I've been doing this and I've just felt like I've had hit this. piece inside of me every single day as he's guiding that way and helping lift me up and helping to make me stronger and more alert and more clear than I would have been on my own. So if you don't share my faith, you know, this may not apply to you, but if you do. This can be a really powerful thing for you to start incorporating in your mornings before you ever start. Um, my mornings are chaotic. I sometimes, yes, have quiet time all to myself before another little person wakes up in my house to read the Bible and pray and all of that. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'm saying that prayer like I was this morning when I'm getting my little two year old dressed, you know, and just saying that as I'm dressing him and praying for him as I'm praying for myself. Um, so you don't have to have quiet stillness all the time if that's not the season of life that you're in right now. So that's the first tip. Um, I'm going to give you four more. Okay. Well, actually those are the first two tips. You're welcome. Hold on. Um, the first tip was dress colorfully because it's fun and it'll lift up your mood. The second one is to start with prayer and a specific kind of prayer. The third one is I'm going to really encourage you to examine your boundaries. I did an Instagram live on this on, I don't even know what day that was, maybe yesterday. Actually, this seems like a week ago. Um, all about time management and boundary setting, because I've just been like feeling this pressure of more things coming into our life. Um, and they're all good things, right? But it's things that need to be managed and dealt with. And so really identifying, you know, as women, um, maybe, you know, if we're especially like more type a types of women, we tend to be overly responsible for things that are not ours to carry. And we think we're helping other people by doing that, but really we're hurting them because we're stealing the opportunity from them for them to step up and have responsibility in this way or grow in this certain way. So I really encourage you to examine. Are there things I'm being responsible for that are not mine to carry? Maybe do some journaling on that. Maybe do some prayer on that. Are there some things that I'm doing that are taking up my time, mental capacity, emotional capacity, resources, that aren't priorities for me and aren't actually things that I feel called to do? They're just things I've said yes because I feel like I should say yes. Let them go. Let them go. You're going to be so much more free to fully immerse yourself and show up in the things that are priorities for you and that you are feeling called and led to do. This is your permission. Let it go. Because again, if you are doing things that maybe you feel like you should do, but aren't your calling, what if somebody else is wishing they had an opportunity for that? And it would be so perfect for them, but it's not available because you're over here doing it. Right? Like go of the things that you can let go of. That's my second one. Boundaries, examine those boundaries. Um, I talked more about this on my life, so make sure you go check that out on Instagram, but food issues, money issues, time issues, they're all really boundaries issues. So definitely explore that. There's a really good book that I, you know, gave a call out on my Instagram live for, um, so go check that out. The next tip that I'm going to give you is Are you participating in some form of active relaxation every single day or most days a week whenever you can? Or are you either on go, go, go care for everyone, work, cook all the things or vegging out? In front of the TV on your phone on social media, like checking out, like those are the two extremes. I feel like a lot of people get caught up in between and there has to be something that's called active relaxation as well. Because really what you're doing, whenever you are, you know, just zoning out on Instagram or TV, you're really delaying and just putting that stress off. If you're not... Actually unwinding and unpacking some of that. So some examples of active relaxation are going to be a yoga class, walking outside in nature, doing a meditation, getting a massage. Those are four really great things to do. Um, you know, on a regular basis, you're not going to go get a massage every single day, but that'd be pretty awesome if you were. But you know, doing things, doing at least one thing, even if it's for five minutes, journaling is another one. If that really lifts you up, listening to some good music and just sitting and closing your eyes and being still and absorbing yourself in that moment. Um, something where you can really just get back in check with your body and your surroundings. Um, and re like recalibrating everything, resetting everything is so, so, so important. So that's my third, my fourth, my fifth, however you want to count, I lost count. Math was never my strong suit. Um, but okay. So then the next one is Finding a balance of chilling out, having quiet time and having true, genuine connection with others who lift you up and inspire you, right? I think it has to be a balance and everyone's threshold and need for each of these is completely different. Like. People who are more extroverts are going to need, you know, maybe more time in connection. Um, people who are more introverts are maybe going to need more time by themselves or different kinds of connections. Some people really thrive well with small intimate connection and some people really thrive with a huge group of people and the energy from that. And so really, you know, examine what kinds of people, what kinds of environments Light me up. And I walk away feeling invigorated and energized and ready to go. Um, and what kinds of environments don't do that for me. And if you know you have something that is coming up, that's something that you're going to, you're doing that, you know, is the kind of situation that's going to kind of drain you emotionally. Try to do something ahead of time. That's going to fill you up and help you prepare right for that situation. And then the chill out time. I think even the biggest extroverts still need quiet time to themselves to rest and pull away a little bit. So just making sure that you're having that balance, um, and identifying the right balance for you. That can be really powerful. Like you think you're doing it right and maybe it's Um, and then the last one that I'm going to give you is movement. I know for myself, whenever I'm sitting here at my desk working, those hours can just slip away right now. Thankfully, my kids are. still young enough to wear home a lot still. And so when they're home, I'm active and up and on my feet. So it balances itself out. Um, but if you're somebody who just works really, really long hours or sits a lot during the day and stuff like that, making sure that you're getting movement because you know, the body in motion stays in motion, the body at rest stays at rest. Um, actually posted Instagram story a few days ago, but it's like. You don't get motivated to be healthy and then go take action towards being healthy. The motivation comes from taking those actions. And the more you do it, the more you want to do it because you like how you feel and it starts to feel more natural for you. So if you're feeling really tired and sluggish and like, you just want to check out on the couch, maybe go for a walk. Do a yoga class, do some sort of a workout and get that blood flowing and maybe that energy will follow. So I gave you guys a lot to talk about today. I hope you, this is a short episode because I talked fast and I ran through all of those pretty quick. Go back and re listen to this. Take some notes. down, take, jot down the notes of things that stand out to you the most and try one out, explore one. Because if you just sit here and consume this information all day long, nothing is going to change, right? You have to take some action. So that's my homework assignment for you. Pick one of these things that I shared. And take some action towards it and be mindful going into the holiday season with these boundaries and this over responsibility. I think that's one thing that everyone needs to do. Absolutely. So that's it for today. And we will talk some more next time.

Thank you so much for listening to the entire episode. I hope you are feeling inspired and empowered to take bold action towards your health goals. If you enjoy what you heard, don't forget to follow my show so you never miss a new episode. And it would mean the world to me, if you left me a review, so others know what to expect from my show. Last, get in touch. Let me know what bold action you're taking. Let me know how you're inspired. Follow me on Instagram@the_healthygut_dietitian. I've put a link in my show notes for you, so you can simply click and follow. Come say hi, I respond to all my messages and I can't wait to get in touch.