Hope Line Media Podcast Channel
Get hope & encourage on demand on the Hope Line Media Podcast Channel. One place for the most inspirational and encouraging podcasters in the podcast universe.
39 episodes
Hope For Today Ep3: Hope in the Unexpected
Tiffany L. Johnson shares a personal story of a family tragedy turning into purpose and it all happened unexpectedly. There is hope in the unexpected twist and turns of life.
My Mirror Talk: Change & Transition
Perrin shares the changes and transitions that she's facing in life and encourages us to embrace change.

God Wants Me Whole EP 15: Closing The Door On The Emotion Of Jealousy Part 3
Regina Banks continues her series on "Closing The Door On The Emotion Of Jealousy".
God Wants Me Whole EP 14: Closing The Door On The Emotion Of Jealousy Part 2
Regina Banks, the Heart Gatherer, encourages us to put away jealousy and envy as we continue our journey to wholeness in part two of her series on jealousy.

God Wants Me Whole EP 13: Closing The Door On The Emotion Of Jealousy Part 1
Regina Banks, the Heart Gatherer, encourages us to put away jealousy and envy as we continue our journey to wholeness.

If Only One: You Matter
Don't believe the lies from others or even yourself that you are worthless and you don't matter. Katie Lee encourages you to see your value. YOU MATTER.

God Wants Me Whole EP 12: "Now Run It"
When God speaks to us and gives us direction and instruction we can't stop at hearing we must must do what he said. What if it's not prayer that we need, but discipline? Take this journey with Regina Banks as we walk into wholeness!
Diamonds Are Set Apart: Generational First
You may have heard of "generational curses" but Renecka shares that God is calling us to be a "Generational First".

How Can I Be An Overcomer
Katie Lee walks us through the word of God explaining how we can overcome the challenges we face in life.

I'm In Control Of My Healing
Perrin's physical therapy sessions led to an eye opening conversation with her therapist that changed her life and she believes it will change yours too!
This Requires A New Mindset - Part 4
Regina Banks, the Heart Gatherer, continues to encourage us to get in a new environment as we develop a new mindset!

Diamonds Are Set Apart: It's The Test For Me
Once you claim victory over something, you can be sure that the test is coming!!! Diamond Neek encourages us to stop doubting the victory just because of the tests you face.

This Requires A New Mindset - Part 3
Regina Banks continues to share the importance of a new mindset as God is doing new things in our lives. In this installment, she stresses the impact setting goals and writing out your vision.

This Requires A New Mindset - Part 2
Regina Banks continues to share the importance of a new mindset!

This Requires A New Mindset - Part 1
God is doing something new in our lives and it will require a new mindset from us if we are to move into this new place God has set up for us. Regina Banks encourages us to move past the old and into the new regarding our mindset!
Hope For Today: There is Hope in the Block
Feeling stuck? You're not the only one! Tiffany L. Johnson shares some thoughts with you to push past your block!
This Too Shall Pass
Katie Lee encourages us that we can be BETTER instead of being BITTER! Check out the latest episode of "If Only One".

Not My Will, But God's Will Be Done
Are you living in your will or God's will? Regina Banks encourages us to submit to God's will and make him Lord over every area of our lives.
It's Ok To Be Happy
What's standing between you and your happiness??? Go ahead and get rid of that stuff!!! Diamond Neek encourages us to do what we have to do to be unapologetically happy.

Stop Sleeping On Yourself
Your GPS to wholeness, Regina Banks, encourages us to not throw our confidence away and start showing up for ourselves! STOP SLEEPING ON YOURSELF!!!
Love Yourself This Valentine's Day
Regina Banks lays out keys to learning to love yourself this Valentine's Day!
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? More importantly, what do you say? Diamond Neek encourages us to speak life into that image we see.

Enjoy the Blessing of Living
Regina Banks, the Heart Gatherer, encouraged us to decree and set in the atmosphere the day we want in the latest episode of the God Wants Me Whole Podcast.