Refresh Her Podcast

Making the Most of Each Season of Life

Denise Season 2 Episode 16

How can we live our whole life to the fullest for the glory of God? Listen to hear  practical ways you can experience richness in every season of life.

Episode Notes:

Springtime - Early Youth - I Timothy 4:12
Be teachable.
Continue to grow in spiritual maturity.
Keep on learning. Hebrews 5:11-14

Summertime - Early adulthood Psalm 127:3-5
Look for wisdom to be a godly wife and mother.
Glean wisdom from an older woman.
Learn to enjoy the days of motherhood, knowing that it will end very soon.
Invest in your marriage.

Fall - Mid-life
Enjoy the new opportunities to serve the Lord.
Enjoy being able to serve the Lord with your strength.
Let your marriage be a blessing to your spouse and a testimony to others.
Pour into someone younger.

Winter - Senior years
2 Cor. 4:16
Proverbs 16:31
Psalm 37:25

Enjoy the comfort of home and use it to serve the Lord.
If you're married, love your mate in this season.
Use your testimony to point others to Christ.

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