Dare To Venture
Venture is a local church that gathers and scatters from two locations (Dallas, NC, & Lincolnton, NC). We believe the Bible is God's Word; therefore, we highly value preaching and teaching it in a way that helps you understand and be transformed by it! For more information on Venture, visit www.DareToVenture.org.
153 episodes
Greatness | Worship Part 2
How are you responding to the clear revelation of God in Christ of who He is, what He has done, is doing, and will do? Is your life a testimony of proper worship or rebellion?References

Greatness | Worship Part 1
Who or what are you allowing to convince you to bow down to instead of God? Who or what are you allowing to rob you of the experience of properly worshiping God?References

Greatness | Newness
How much of your life’s energy is spent trying to find newness in the things of this world instead of the newness you have in Christ that is unlike anything this world has to offer?References

Greatness | The Ends Don't Justify The Means
What are the sinful actions or attitudes you are attempting to justify, and who in your life knows you well enough to see that it not only doesn’t align with Christ but also loves you enough to call you out?References<...

Greatness | How to Overcome Bitterness
Are you foolishly claiming to follow Christ while justifying bitterness? Confess your bitterness for what it is (sin) and start devoting the mental and emotional energy you gave to feeding your bitterness to growing and clinging to how mu...

Greatness | How to Fight Your Pride and Arrogance
Is your life defined by a proper response to HIS glory or an effort to get glory?ReferencesNotes

The Blueprint | Faith
We’d love to connect with you, follow us on social media!Facebook Youtube <...
The Blueprint | The Virgin Birth
Are you seeking God for permission to spend more of what you make on the things of this world or for the wisdom, discipline, and faith to spend more on what matters most to Him—His life-giving work through the local Church?and follow Him?
The Blueprint | Giving
Are you seeking God for permission to spend more of what you make on the things of this world or for the wisdom, discipline, and faith to spend more on what matters most to Him—His life-giving work through the local Church?and follow Him?
The Blueprint | The Church
How are you treating your eternal family, that is, how well are you building relationships with others in your local church to help each other live life, grow in Christ, and engage those far from God with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to know and ...
The Blueprint | Heaven, Hell, and The Second Coming of Christ
When you look at how you live, does it make sense in light of Who and what’s coming?ReferencesNot...
The Blueprint | Adoption
If you claim to be a follower of Christ, ask yourself how well your life is testifying to the gracious, blood-bought privilege of getting to be a child of God. References
The Blueprint | Sanctification
Are you walking in the sanctifying work of the Spirit in your life or against it? The following actions do NOT sanctify us, but rather, if done with sincerity and consistency, they will fuel our faith by aligning our hearts and minds with...
The Blueprint | Penal Substitutionary Atonement
Speaker | Thomas Crane How can sinners be made right with a Holy God? We’d love to connect with you, follow us on social media!...
the Blueprint | The Trinity
"God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, also known as the Trinity. The Trinity is three distinct persons, but inseparable in nature, essence, or being. God’s essential characteristics are true of the entire Trinity. He is...
The Blueprint | The Bible
“The Bible consists of sixty-six different books, composed by many different writers, in three different languages, under different circumstances; writers of almost every social rank, statesmen and peasants, kings, herdsmen, fishermen, prie...
Contrast | Love Your Enemies
How do you love those who treat you like enemies—especially those in your family, community, and work?ReferencesNotes<...
Contrast | Team
How are you using your time and abilities to give life to other people in Venture and to labor with them to engage those far from God with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to know and follow Him?References
Contrast | Religiously Lost Versus Relationally Saved
A religiously lost person sees God’s rules as restrictive, while a relationally saved person sees God’s rules as love.References
Contrast | Living in a Gray Area
Speaker | Jonathan PughHow do we make choices in those gray zones of life where there isn’t a book, chapter, and verse telling us exactly what we should do? How can we be honest with other people, honest with ourselves, and maintain our...
Contrast | Waiting on The Lord | Part 2
Waiting on the Lord means trusting God to do what He alone said He would do, staying out of what He told us to stay out of, and only doing what He permitted or commanded us to do. However, the question is how can we successfully do this?<...

Contrast | Waiting For the Lord Part 1
Waiting on the Lord means trusting God to do what He alone said He would do, staying out of what He told us to stay out of, and only doing what He permitted or commanded us to do. However, the question is how can we successfully do this?<...
Contrast | How To Know If God’s Good With You
Because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, God’s good with you! Do you believe it, and what difference is it making in your life?References