Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

Episode 19 | Joey Furjanic

Jenni Catron - Joey Furjanic Season 1 Episode 19

Joey Furjanic has been participating, serving, and focused on partnering with Jesus in building HIS church for more than a decade. Joey's parents moved to Orlando, FL from Philadelphia, PA (for work) when he was really young and God was clearly in the middle of it. Joey met Christ at Faith Assembly of God and got heavily involved. He worked there for three years before shipping off to complete his degree at Southwestern Assemblies of God University. During that time, he served and worked at two places: The Oaks Fellowship and what is now New Community Church. From there, he traveled to Europe and the United States as an itinerant speaker and began consulting smaller churches that desired to grow in an effort to experience their maximum impact.

Eventually, while consulting for Journey Center he met and got to married to his wife Lauren. From there, they took a post at Crossroads Community Church where they oversaw youth ministry for (at the time) their 9 locations. Also, during this time, he was traveling extensively preaching at places like Gateway Church and speaking events like iMatter Festival or at conferences PennDel Youth would host. They were fortunate as well to fill in and speak for teams like the Chicago Bears.

However, the stirring for Philadelphia was too great to ignore and in the fall of 2013, they packed up everything and moved back to Philadelphia to start The Block Church. Lauren and Joey have 2 sons (Maverick) and (Phil the dog).

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