Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

JCLP Ep. 32 What Getting Pneumonia & Seeing the Mr. Rogers Movie Taught me about Self-Leadership

Jenni Catron

Nobody likes to be faced with their own limitations. Particularly hard-working, self-starting leaders like you. So what do we do when life’s circumstances bring us up close and personal with the limits of our capacity? In this episode, Jenni Catron, Founder and CEO of the 4Sight Group, shares what she’s currently learning in a season that’s forcing her to slow down and lead herself well.

We often associate self-leadership with things like discipline, and discipline with things like productivity and efficiency, but the discipline I needed to learn this month was that sometimes leading yourself means slowing down, honoring your limits and making choices that you don’t enjoy.

There’s a conversation in the new movie “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” in which the journalist Lloyd asks Fred Rogers’ wife Joanne this question: “What’s it like to live with a saint?” She replies that she doesn’t like that word because it implies that what Mr. Rogers does and who he is unattainable. She said that what Fred does is a PRACTICE that he works on every day. Isn’t that a perfect picture of leading yourself well in the area of discipline and the incredible impact it can have on others?

“People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Our actions as leaders speak more loudly than our words. Those we lead and influence will be evaluating our actions, and they will never fully know our hearts. 

Actions speak louder than our intentions. Our leadership will be evaluated by what we do, not what we intend.

Disciplined moments are lonely moments, but these are the moments that build the foundation of influence.

4 Habits of a Disciplined Leader

  1. Set goals in all areas of life: personal, professional, family and fun

Disciplined leaders organize their lives to reflect what they value most.

  1. Take Initiative

Disciplined leaders can be trusted to do what they say they’ll do.

  1. Know When to Say No

Disciplined leaders are hyper-aware of the tendency of urgent issues to overtake their lives, and they have the courage to step up and retake control rather than becoming a victim to the tyranny of the urgent.

  1. Be Clear on What Only You can Do

Disciplined leaders know that when everyone plays their respective part to the best of their ability, the whole team is better.

If you'd like to take a step toward developing the type of self-awareness we talked about today, we have a great FREE resource that I'd love to get into your hands. It's called the 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership Assessment, and you can get your copy by simply texting 4Sight to (773) 770-4377 for this free download. In addition, you'll receive our weekly Leadership Insights that will continue to help you on your journey as thriving leader.

Also, check out Jenni’s book The 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership!

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