Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

JCLP Ep. 37--We Can't Ignore the Culture Conversation

Jenni Catron

Everywhere you turn, the culture conversation seems to pop up. How do you attract great employees, enhance engagement, achieve your organizational goals while growing in collaboration and innovation? Great team culture goes far beyond what we say about who we are and what we believe; great culture occurs in what we do -- how we behave. This is the linchpin that differentiates the discussion of culture and the activation of culture. 

In this week’s episode of the Jenni Catron Leadership podcast, our founder and CEO Jenni addresses and elaborates on the following reasons it would be a mistake to ignore the culture conversation. Because the truth is: it’s not going away. 

6 Reasons Not to Ignore the Culture Conversation 

  1. The work we do really is all ABOUT people and FOR people.
  2. Purpose matters more than ever. 
  3. Gig economy and remote work is here to stay. 
  4.  Longevity pays off.
  5.  Navigating change requires great culture. 
  6.  Great culture multiplies. 

What You Do is Who You Are by Ben Horowitz

If you want the kind of team culture that you’d be proud to multiply, begin by diagnosing your existing culture. Start by getting perspective on your current culture.

Here are some questions to get you thinking. You might even gather your team and process them together. 

  • Do we have a clear, shared purpose?
  • Does each person on the team understand what is expected of them to achieve that purpose?
  • How well do we communicate?
  • How do we handle bad news? Do we avoid it, attack it
  • Are we vulnerable with each other?  
  • How do we handle disagreements?
  • Do we have a set of shared values as a team?
  • Does work get done when the leader is not present?
  • Do we regularly and consistently do performance reviews?
  • Does each person on the team have a plan for growth?

If you aren’t satisfied with the answers, the good news is: things CAN change. 

And you as the leader are responsible. You have to own it. You have to believe in it. You have to define it and you have to model it. It starts with you. You’re perfectly poised to do something about it. It’s patient and persistent work, but it’s worth it. 


Registration is open now for our online Culture Group - this is a 6-week live online course that walks you through the specifics of building an extraordinary team culture. If this is the year you’re committed to building a great culture, this is the group for you. Click HERE for details!

We also have a free Culture Workbook that will walk you through the steps of defining your culture. THIS is a great resource to walk through with your team to kick start the conversation.

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