Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

JCLP EP. 41--How to Create a Culture Guide: An Interview with Jennifer Martin

Jenni Catron

It really is too bad that those we lead aren't mind readers, isn't it? If they were, then they would just KNOW what to do and when. They'd know the nuances to how to pursue goals in ways that truly reflect not just what they should do but HOW they should do it. But alas, our team members can't read our minds. This is why it's so crucial that we're intentional to take what comes intuitively to us, the things that are core to the culture we're trying to create and the vision we're trying to achieve, and to communicate it to those we lead. Bonus points if it's communicated in an easily understood and easily reproducible way.

In this episode, Jenni Catron interviews Jennifer Martin, Executive Pastor of Ministries at NorthRock Church in San Antonio, Texas, about how to do just that. Jennifer shares about the intentional steps she's taking to infuse culture throughout her team and how she's seeking to institutionalize it by creating a Culture Guide.

Connect with Jennifer Martin: jennifer@northrocksa.com
NorthRock Church

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