Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

Achieve More Together--An Interview with Greg Holder

April 14, 2020 Jenni Catron

In the face of the current challenging climate, with the fears and limitations it creates, how can leaders call people toward hope and unity? 4Sight Founder and CEO Jenni Catron discusses these ideas and more with author and pastor Greg Holder in the latest episode of The Jenni Catron Leadership Podcast.

Listen in to find out:

  • What Jesus prayed for YOU
  • What the largest living organism on the planet has to do with our effectiveness as leaders of faith
  • How to paint a picture of "When this is over..."
  • How to go on a media diet
  • What fly fishing and bears can teach you about team culture

About Greg:
Greg Holder is a pastor, author, speaker, and story-teller. He has been the Lead Pastor for 20+ years at The Crossing, a multi-site church that reaches +8,000 people across four campuses in the St. Louis, Missouri area and a thriving online community. He is the author of The Genius of OneAdvent Conspiracy, and translator of the book of Jeremiah for The Voice Bible. With a diverse assortment of interest, gifts, and training, including degrees in psychology and counseling, Greg brings unique insight into the development of God-honoring relationships. 

 Connect with Greg:

Buy The Genius of One
Pre-order Greg's new book Never Settle

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