Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

To Pivot or To Innovate? An Interview with Les McKeown

Jenni Catron

How do we get clarity and confidence for leading through a climate we’ve never experienced before?

We’ve never led in a moment like this. 

Now, perhaps more than ever, leadership requires wisdom. But how do we find it?

James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Proverbs 24:6 says, “For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in the abundance of counselors there is victory.”

To sum it up:

  1. Seek God
  2. Seek counsel of wise guidance

4Sight's founder and CEO sits down with one of the wise counselors in her life. Les McKeown

The Predictable Success model gave me perspective, language, and practical help in understanding how to lead us through what I learned was the “whitewater” stage of organizational life. 

Les shares about how a crisis impacts the stages of growth in an organization and provides practical help and perspective on what we need to do to respond to the headwind of crisis.

Whether you lead in ministry or business, this conversation will be incredibly helpful to you as you continue to lead well at this time.

In this conversation, Les will explain:

  • The predictable stages of growth (or decline) for every organization 
  • Why it is more critical than ever that we understand where our organization is in the growth stages 
  • How the headwinds of change are influencing your organization
  • What is needed from your leadership to respond to the headwind 
  • The distinction between Pivoting and Innovation
  • Why we need to “Skate to where the puck is going to be” (Bobby Orr, professional ice hockey player)
  • What questions you should be asking right now
  • How you should be aligning and leading your team to succeed through this

About Les:
Les McKeown is the President and CEO of Predictable Success, a leading advisor on leadership and organizational development. He has started over 40 companies in his own right and was the founding partner of an incubation consulting company that advised on the creation and growth of hundreds of organizations worldwide.

Les advises CEOs and senior leaders of organizations on how to achieve scalable, sustainable growth. His clients range from large family-owned businesses to churches to Fortune 100 companies, and include the likes of Harvard University, American Express, and Chevron to name a few.

Les is the author of the Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling book, Predictable Success: Getting Your Organization on the Growth Track - and Keeping it There as well as the book The Synergist: How to Lead Your Team to Predictable Success

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