Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

Episode 81 | How to Lead with Joy: An Interview with Shaunti Feldhahn

December 08, 2020 Jenni Catron

Do you ever face challenges or trials in your leadership journey? If you're like so many of the leaders we work with, your answer to that question is, "Yes! Every day." As leaders of faith, we have an invitation to not only face difficulties with courage and wisdom, but to find joy in the midst of them. Doing so can change the culture for those you lead. But how do we find joy when things are challenging? Listen in to this conversation between Jenni Catron and bestselling author, speaker and social researcher Shaunti Feldhahn as they discuss finding and leading with joy.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • what leading with joy looks like
  • how gratitude changes things
  • whether or not venting about our challenges helps as much as we think it does
  • how to become a more joy-filled leader

Connect with Shaunti:
on Instagram
Find Joy: A Devotional Journey to Unshakeable Wonder in an Uncertain World

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