Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

Episode 86 | Cultivating Connection in Your Marriage: An Interview with Toni Nieuwhof

January 12, 2021 Jenni Catron

As leaders, it's often up to us to prioritize objectives for our team, to articulate what matters most and guide those we lead to focus their energy toward it. So, why does it also seem that the relationships that matter most to us don't always receive our focused energy? In this episode, Jenni Catron and author (and former divorce attorney) Toni Nieuwhof discuss ways to prioritize our closest relationships and the benefits of doing so. It's the thematic content of Nieuwhof's new book Before You Split, a valuable resource for leaders who want to pursue healthy relationships.

In this episode, you'll learn...

  • the value of emotional health and maturity
  • how to respond to difficult emotions
  • why trying to "fix" your marriage isn't necessarily the best approach
  • ways to reconnect and grow with your spouse

Before You Split: Find What You Really Want for the Future of Your Marriage
Follow Toni on Instagram

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