Lead Culture with Jenni Catron

Episode 17 | Troy Pollock

Jenni Catron - Troy Pollock Season 1 Episode 17

Jenni talks to Troy Pollock on Navigating Fast Growth, Hiring the Right People and Creating a Great Product. Troy is currently the VP of Community / Evangelism at Pushpay. Prior to this, Troy was the Vice President of the Customer Success Department at Pushpay overseeing all post-sale organizations. As the first U.S. employee, he has helped shape the company to be one of the fastest growing SaaS companies today. Most notably, Troy pioneered the Customer Success Department from humble beginnings to an Award Winning team that partners with churches and non-profits around the globe. He has been an integral part of the development, strategic planning, and “hyper-growth” classification that surrounds the success of Pushpay internationally. After studying Communication & Sociology at SDSU and Theology at ORU, Troy helped pioneer a healthy church in Southern California, where he served as an Executive for 6 years. These experiences allowed Troy’s transition to Pushpay to facilitate his calling and desire to help faith organizations ignite generosity and drive engagement within their communities. The fruit of Troy’s leadership can be seen in the accomplishments of the Departments he has overseen, and the growth of generosity across the organizations that Pushpay has partnered with.

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