Geopats: conversations with expats
I grew up straddling two cultures and this sparked my curiosity for more. In fact, I've spent the majority of my adult life living outside my passport country and loving it. I want to know the nuances of places and people, so that's why I'm having these recorded conversations with folks who live in different places about their experiences AND what has grounded them while adjusting to a new culture.
Podcasting since 2022 • 134 episodes
Geopats: conversations with expats
Latest Episodes
Podcasts, live streams, and audio chat characteristics and monetization in China with Lawrence Lin
In this podcast episode I go back to China, virtually! I chat with Lawrence Lin, a Chinese podcast industry expert. He shares all about the exciting opportunities for podcasting AND other audio mediums in China. We discuss the current landscape...
May 11, 2023
Creating and producing podcasts in Argentina with Vanina Pikholc
Vanina was making podcasts on the radio before she knew what podcasts were. Curious what she means by this? Ohhh, that’s not the only thing that will keep your interest with this skilled storyteller. Vanina shares so much information about the ...
April 28, 2023
Early podcasting in Spain and the UK with Pilar Orti and Craig Wealand
Language podcaster Craig is from the UK but has been podcasting in Spain for many years. Alternatively business podcaster Pilar has the opposite geographical podcasting experience being from Spain and podcasting from the UK for a long time. ...
April 24, 2023
The Global Chatter's, Mediocrity is the Cousin of Privilege with JK Hobson
You know I love listening to other expat podcasts. Well, my client, Amanda Bates of The Black Expat, has an incredible podcast called The Global Chatter, which is:"a conversational podcast on international mobility, identity, race, career, ...
October 04, 2022
Coffee: How does it sound? with Jason Sheesley
Making our morning cup is not only a ritual and often an energy requirement but it's a sound experience. That's why I'm so glad that Audio Engineer Jason Sheesley agreed to join us for this playful coffee chat. We explore U.S. and Europe coffee...
September 27, 2022
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