The Connector.

The Connector Podcast - Humanizing Finance: DACX's Journey to Deepen Client Connections

January 17, 2024 Koen Vanderhoydonk (The Connector) / Yannick Vandecappelle (DACX) Season 1 Episode 38
The Connector Podcast - Humanizing Finance: DACX's Journey to Deepen Client Connections
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The Connector Podcast - Humanizing Finance: DACX's Journey to Deepen Client Connections
Jan 17, 2024 Season 1 Episode 38
Koen Vanderhoydonk (The Connector) / Yannick Vandecappelle (DACX)

Have you ever walked away from a financial meeting feeling you missed a personal connection? Yannick from DACX  joins us to unravel this phenomenon and reveals how his epiphany led to the birth of a company revolutionizing customer intimacy in the financial sphere. As we chatted with Yannick, his passion for blending tech-savvy solutions with the human touch in financial services became clear. The conversation ditches the traditional script of dry fiscal chatter and explores the spectrum of human emotions and connections that can transform the client experience.

This episode is about more than numbers and strategies; it's about understanding the person behind the portfolio. Yannick takes us on a journey from DACX's conception at a 2019 Hackathon to its mission to equip relationship managers with tools to mesh with clients on a deeper level. His stories are a testament to DACX's commitment to reshaping sales interactions, ensuring that you have a place at the financial table whether you're a microeconomics enthusiast or someone seeking genuine human dialogue. If you want to redefine how you think about customer relationships, pull up a chair—you won't want to miss a moment of this enlightening discussion.

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Koen Vanderhoydonk

#FinTech #RegTech #Scaleup #WealthTech

Show Notes Transcript

Have you ever walked away from a financial meeting feeling you missed a personal connection? Yannick from DACX  joins us to unravel this phenomenon and reveals how his epiphany led to the birth of a company revolutionizing customer intimacy in the financial sphere. As we chatted with Yannick, his passion for blending tech-savvy solutions with the human touch in financial services became clear. The conversation ditches the traditional script of dry fiscal chatter and explores the spectrum of human emotions and connections that can transform the client experience.

This episode is about more than numbers and strategies; it's about understanding the person behind the portfolio. Yannick takes us on a journey from DACX's conception at a 2019 Hackathon to its mission to equip relationship managers with tools to mesh with clients on a deeper level. His stories are a testament to DACX's commitment to reshaping sales interactions, ensuring that you have a place at the financial table whether you're a microeconomics enthusiast or someone seeking genuine human dialogue. If you want to redefine how you think about customer relationships, pull up a chair—you won't want to miss a moment of this enlightening discussion.

Thank you for tuning into our podcast about global trends in the FinTech industry.
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Koen Vanderhoydonk

#FinTech #RegTech #Scaleup #WealthTech


Welcome to the Connector podcast, an ongoing conversation connecting fintechs, banks and regulators worldwide. Join CEO and founder Koen Va der Hoijdon as you learn more about the latest available trends and solutions in the markets.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

Welcome to another podcast, and today I've got Yannick with me from DACX, a whole new company from Belgium, from Antwerp. Janik, who are you?

Yannick Vandecappelle:

Hi Koen, good morning. Thanks for inviting us today. So I'm Janik, born and raised in Belgium, worked for the past 15 years in the financial industry and during, let's say, our journey in the financial industry, we discovered that there's a whole, let's say, sphere out there where companies tend to move more in the direction of customer experience and human experience, customer intimacy, and we've noticed that the playing field is evolving very rapidly, but that there is, let's say as well, a lot of opportunities out there still to be discovered, explored and confirmed together with companies.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

So DAX is in this space of customer experience. How did it all happen?

Yannick Vandecappelle:

Actually dates back from 2019, when, in my previous company, we organized the Hackathon together with a lot of students who worked on business ideas, and during the 2019 Hackathon, actually the idea of anamatch analytics and matchmaking came together in one idea that was won by my co-founder, christoph, and that's actually when we start incubating the idea. So it dates back, let's say, a few years ago. He was then still studying and at the same time, we noticed that the idea was actually a real business problem. So, even if a company does everything right, being transparent about the costs, getting the best service out there, we still noticed that some companies had a churn, and that was the case as well with the company where I was working. Customers still left, and it was actually all about the fact that they were not feeling a click. They were not feeling a match with the person on the other side of the table.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

You do have different sales people. You do have different styles. You have people who like to talk a lot about the microeconomics, about very financial savvy topics, and you do have people who honestly don't want to understand everything about the microeconomics. So imagine, kuhn, that we are on the same table, I'm your relationship manager and that I'm talking about Xi Jinping, I'm talking about inflation. I'm talking about that. We're overactive in the US with our investment strategy and you're like, okay, cool, but I'm a human, let's talk human things. I'm not interested about financials. So we really noticed that it's actually a topic that was, let's say, underserved in current emotional sales, which is actually often the case when you talk about financial relationships in a business context. So that's how we really spotted the idea of okay, that's something we really need to investigate with research and we need to find a solution to close that, let's say, mismatching on the human side.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

So, janik, you emphasized quite often the importance of human experience within customer experience, but how does that match up with DAX being a tech driven company?

Yannick Vandecappelle:

We see a lot of companies on the one hand working on customer experience, but it's often still product driven. We've noticed so, Imagine at the traditional Spotify example. People listening to this music also prefer be like that music, but it's very product oriented.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

We see the same in financial industry, you also already have a loan, or let's sell some insurances on top of that. So those examples I think are quite commonly used in the market. But we see that often in those discussions we tend to forget that actually behind that sales interaction there is an actual human. But there is a person and that person is driven by certain elements.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

So, example you have people with, let's say, more an engineering background. They typically have. They prefer statistics and numbers in their decision making process, so they tend to understand what is the rationale behind this decision. And then you have people more in the, let's say, the creative space. They try to work with examples, they want visuals, they want to understand what's in it.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

For me they're more like what we call, more like sentiment driven decision makers and not numbered decision makers and we've noticed that both in communication, in product proposition or in the way people are matched in business relationship, that it's not from that angle, or very, very little cases it's done from that angle with a scientific background.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

So a lot of companies just to emphasize on that as well a lot of companies tend to move in the direction of persona building. So they try to look at typologies, they try to look at who are those individuals, but they do that on a manual basis, they do manual exercises. So let's say that there's no scalability in the exercise, because even having those personas does not mean that you match them on your total client population. And on the other hand, as I mentioned, that's not from a scientific point of view where we started, from a scientific, psychological model where we are, let's say, ensuring certain that we can definitely map your client population based on something that has been studied and is based on research. So that's also why, on the one hand, we go for human and, the other hand, we use it from a technology perspective to make it scalable.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

No, that makes sense. No, I had the pleasure and joy to already see your application and I was very much impressed by the lead enrichment tool. I think it can be a game changer for sales teams. But can you maybe explain what type of data that you use, because everyone talking about data this GDPR, that pops into our mind. So how does that work?

Yannick Vandecappelle:

So what we try to do is data augmentation. Data augmentation from the point of view that typically, when you have a lead or you have a prospect, in your database or via a website, for example, you typically only have the name. So, for example, you would have your name, but the name actually is not a persona as such. It's very limited in terms of data intelligence. So what we do is we augment that data point with open data points. Today it's limited to data from public searches and social media. Those data we use to enrich the data points that a company already has.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

That's something we can do at the very early stage of a customer relationship, but of course, we can do that during life cycle as well, as, of course, a human evolves. But we see it as leapfrogging for a commercial to actually, in 10 seconds, jump from having only a name to having actually a view on the human. This could be the age, geographically, but typically also the background in terms of professional occupancy, or typically the background is studies and so forth. That's one tool. Of course we have more tools, but specifically focusing on lead enrichment, that's actually how we assist a sales team to go from, let's say, only the name into an entire view and we call that data augmentation. So we create a persona around. Let's say the name. Only today.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

I believe you also have a persona tool. What is the difference with the persona tool and the lead enrichments?

Yannick Vandecappelle:

We reverse engineered the psychological model that we use to create personas. What is persona? It's actually a better or an elevated understanding of the human behind, in our case, Kuhn and Yannick. Why is that so important? It's because if we want to, let's say, replicate data, that would be an easy exercise. But where we really stand out is where we elevate the data into usable and tangible insights. So typically for me it would be a hands-on profile, and a hands-on profile typically wants examples to understand. Why is this interaction valuable for me?

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

Would then be a logical step to business matching.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

Yes, indeed. So once you've actually captured the open data, created the persona for us, the logic next step is to do the business matchmaking. So if you can take the persona or build the persona from your lead, your prospects and your current customers, you can do exactly the same exercise with your internal sales team. And one plus one is actually equals three in this exercise. That means that you can overlay those two personas and look at who ideally would we place in front of that prospect or that customer. So to an extent that me, for example, in this use case as a salesperson, would feel comfortable, on the one hand, having tips how to interact with my future customer and, at the same time, knowing what is important for my customer to emphasize on. So ideally, of course, in, let's say, in theoretical world, we would match the best salesperson's personality or interpersonal profile with the customer that is making the appointment in the agenda.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

And then I would say one plus one equals hyper personalization. But when you talk about hyper personalization, then security again comes to the foreground. So I was also wondering how do you guys deal with data protection At the same time, maybe? What does it mean from a technical point of view? Are you a SaaS infrastructure or are you cloud-based? How does that work? So two questions in one.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

So, first things first, security. I think everything regarding data, specifically in this context of a personal data or personal data, is super tangible topic. The great thing about DAX is that we've been incubating our solution together with one of the leading private banks in the Benelux. So let's say that it's rooted in our DNA to look at security by design. So during development, we've been working not only on the idea, on the creation of the value, but also on those elements of technology development. So that's very strong aspect. We also feel that it's a super important value driver when talking to companies and talking to people who want to use our technology. So having that, let's say from day one, rooted in our methodology is super important. Of course, we were, let's say, looking at the idea and looking from a technology perspective. So we were very lucky to be, let's say, vetted and reviewed by experts in the industry who, on a day-to-day basis, have experienced, with banking and financial insurance, great security level. So that's, let's say, one. So that's one thing. Second, on the security aspect is that we did, of course, all the technical auditing on the Microsoft stack because we're Azure first, so we're a cloud-first, data-first company, meaning that we use Azure as our, let's say, backbone to host the solution. That makes us, of course, a SaaS solution. So also the technical and the security screening was done by Microsoft on the solution, just to reassure us on our approach and our methodology, so that, of course, was also documented and so forth.

Yannick Vandecappelle:

Then, moving forward on the second question are we cloud-based? Yes, we are, to an extent that companies can, let's say, consume our DAX solution on the one hand via an API. So imagine that you want to really technically integrate, that's a possibility. But at the same time we have our own portal, so people who just want to test it, try it, can use our website portal, of course secure, separated, based on the requirements of the test user or the company. We can even go, let's say, to the most elevated extent. We also make often the Joke NASA security standards, and we use it as a joke because sometimes financial companies really not only want the compute and the usage in a separate environment, but they also want the storage in a separate environment. So the great thing there is that we can spin up a complete standalone infrastructure for a company. That really makes us also, I would say, very, very unique as a startup that we have, let's say, that level of technical maturity in place.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

Well, it makes sense because if you work for a bank, then EBA is there. The European Banking Association has a very strong rules around cloud computing, saas computing and everything. Hey, we're almost at the end of our podcast A really nice one, by the way but what does the future look like? What are the future developments for DAX?

Yannick Vandecappelle:

The future looks bright, definitely if it's up to us, because we feel some first traction about the use cases that we have today. But we still have over 40 use cases in place that we want to create together with future partners and with future customers. Where are we heading towards? You already mentioned it hyper-personalization, on the one hand, where we started off as creating a hyper-personalization assistant for the sales in a face-to-face constellation. So assisting the salesperson in better understanding the human on the other side is one thing, but of course we noticed that salesperson also sends emails, that marketing team also wants to do segmentation and create campaigns. So we're more moving from the one-to-one constellation into the many-to-many constellation, where we want to be the single reference partner for personalization throughout the customer journey and also throughout the interactions between the company and the customers.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

Now, I guess every one of our listeners would like to get started with you guys, so how do they contact you?

Yannick Vandecappelle:

We can take a look at our website, our LinkedIn page. We can give you an extensive live demo. We can start using the tool tomorrow and we'll be happy to give, let's say, additional context about what are the capabilities and what is the value that we create for our partners today and in the future.

Koen Vanderhoydonk:

So, janne, thank you so much for sharing your insights, and I know what I'm going to do be hyper-personal today, so I'm going to do my best. So thank you very much. Thank you also to the listeners and stay tuned for more news in Fintech. Bye-bye, thanks.


Koen, bye-bye. Thanks for listening to another episode of the Connector Podcast. To connect and keep up to date with all the latest, head over to wwwjointheconnectorcom or hit subscribe via your podcast streaming platform.