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The Simple Life

Frankie O'Connor

Created to help big dreamers and high achievers like you get out of your own way, find clarity in amongst the chaos and feel inspired to make small simple changes. You have somewhere between 20K-80K thoughts a day, of which 90% are repetitive and 80% negative! That's a lot of repeated negativity. I am here to help you simplify your life, guide you to understand that you are the creator of your reality and empower you to become the master of your mind. I believe we live in a world that screams you're not enough, buy this and you will feel better, look better, be better and everything will be fixed. Everything outside of you is trying to fix you and I’m here to lovingly remind you that you are enough, you’ve always been enough and the answers you're searching for are on the inside not the outside.My mission is to help you become your own inspiration, it's simple.