Piece of Work with Danielle Tantone
Hi there. Welcome to Piece of Work, the Podcast. I’m Danielle Tantone. I’m a nurse, author, coach, and survivor.
I love inspiring people to live their best life, reach for those big dreams, and find joy even in the pain.
As I wrote my memoir over so many years, trying to make sense of a story where I was way too often the bad guy instead of the hero, I came to understand that we are all a piece of work. But we’re also a work in progress. And even in our messiness, we are a work of art, too. All at the very same time. In fact we are all beautifully unique pieces of one masterpiece, waves in the same ocean.
This podcast explores the stories and struggles that make us human, the miracles that surround us, and all the ways we work to make sense of it all. Welcome to Piece of Work, The Podcast, with Danielle Tantone.
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Navigating Identity and Embracing Change: A Tapestry of Sex, Love, Triumph, and Personal Evolution with Ashleigh Renard

Cancer, Compassion, and Connection: A Voyage of Recovery and Hope

Dating without Nipples: Navigating Life's Transitions and the Journey of Self Discovery

Mastering Medicare: Understanding Your Options - Advantage Plans and Medicare Supplements

Breaking Down Breast Cancer and the Reconstruction Process with Dr. Tim Matatov

Demystifying College Planning: Choosing, Applying, and Financing - with Shawn Coates

Trailer: Piece of Work with Danielle Tantone

**Audiobook Excerpt - Piece of Work, a Memoir, Chapter 2 - A Refreshing Adventure

Medicare, Finances, and Life-changing Trauma - with Brian McArthur

Love is Not Dead, Just my Husband - with Rebecca Johnson

**Special Audiobook Excerpt! Piece of Work, a Memoir. Chapter 1

There Must be Something Worth Something in There - a Teenager's Perspective - with Camryn Long

We're all a Work in Progress - Danielle and Michael Tantone

Beer, Breast Cancer and Dr. Google - with Kara San Julian

Tenure, Teenagers, and Teamwork - with Michael Tantone

Calm the Hell Down and Get Clear on Your Goals - with Laura Maurer

Breathwork and Breakthroughs - with Brenda Winkle

Healing: When a Nurse Becomes a Patient - with Theresa Brown, RN

What Not to Say to Someone with Cancer - Heat Dziczek

Refresh, Renew, Relate - Just Me!

Keeping it Hot - with Ashleigh Renard

Fitness, Caretaking and Goal Crushing - with Dawn Brooks

A Silver-Haired Metalhead Librarian Memoirist - Anna-Marie O'Brien

A 25-year-old TikTok poet who has sold more than 40,000 books - Shelby Leigh

Better than Prince Harry! - with Jenni Vega