The Restored Mind

Mindset and Attitude

November 08, 2023 Caroline Thao
Mindset and Attitude
The Restored Mind
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The Restored Mind
Mindset and Attitude
Nov 08, 2023
Caroline Thao

In today's episode we are going to be talking about how your mindset can affect your attitude. Mindset transformation is key in any journey that you're on. If you believe that you can't, most likely you won't. Unlock your potential by working towards a growth mindset. Sharing with you my thoughts in today's episode! 

Connect with me as you journey on in your mindset transformation! Now offering life coaching as a service, click the link below to get schedule a call with me.

*Life coaching:


FB Group:

I'm excited to connect with you! Remember, you can do hard things!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13

*Affiliated with Painting Miracles, INC & Certified Life Coach through the I-A.M System

Show Notes Transcript

In today's episode we are going to be talking about how your mindset can affect your attitude. Mindset transformation is key in any journey that you're on. If you believe that you can't, most likely you won't. Unlock your potential by working towards a growth mindset. Sharing with you my thoughts in today's episode! 

Connect with me as you journey on in your mindset transformation! Now offering life coaching as a service, click the link below to get schedule a call with me.

*Life coaching:


FB Group:

I'm excited to connect with you! Remember, you can do hard things!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13

*Affiliated with Painting Miracles, INC & Certified Life Coach through the I-A.M System

Hey friend, welcome to the Restore Mind podcast, where we are going to be talking about various life topics surrounding mindset transformation. Imagine what it will look like to have peace in your life, despite what the world is telling you. Hi, my name is Caroline, a wife, mom of three, and makeup turned fitness enthusiast. I am here to help you build a strong mindset that will propel you forward into a life of peace and joy. Philippians 4. 13 says, I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Well, my friend, there is freedom waiting for you. So if you are ready to build a 2. 0 version of yourself, then this podcast is for you. So grab your water, or whatever you like to drink, throw on your walking shoes, and let's get going because it's always 4. 13. Hello and welcome to the restored mind podcast. My name is Caroline. And I'm super excited to have you here today. If you are a returning listener, thank you so much for taking the time and making the choice to come back weekly, to listen in on my weekly episodes and if you are a new listener, welcome to the restored mind family. I'm super excited to have you here with us today. So I have to admit and say that November is the most exciting month for me. It's one of my most favorite months of the year for many reasons, some of which are it's my birth month. it's Thanksgiving and I love this holiday. it brings back so many good childhood memories of spending Thanksgiving at my grandparents' home who are no longer here, but they left. Some really good memories in my heart and I will cherish them forever. For me, it's the heart of the fall season. It's also the restored mine's anniversary. So this month marks the one year anniversary. Of the restored mind podcast being in existence all through the glory of God. So there's some exciting news that I have to share with you. That's going to calm. At the end of the month. So stay tuned for that. Last Sunday was daylight savings So for the ones who are not early risers or who feel like they're not usually rested may have felt like they gained another hour sleep and woke up feeling rested. Because we gained another hour, but the trade-off is that it gets darker earlier now, which for me tells me that. All the fall, things are happening. And that cues to me internally. But the holiday season has officially come upon us. And I know that I can easily get caught up in the hustle and bustle of all that is going on surrounding the holidays. I'm pretty sure you can relate to that too. If you're someone like me who likes to have all things planned out, this is probably your season to either find joy in planning. Cory get stress from it. And if I'm really honest with you, I have to admit and tell you that. I'm a little bit of both, because I want to give my kids or anyone that comes to spend the holiday with us, the best holiday experience that they could possibly have. So in my mind, that means that everything has to be perfect, But I know that life happens. as a recovering perfectionist. I can live in peace knowing that the things that have planned out may not go as planned and that's okay. Today, we are going to be talking about how our attitude and intention behind our actions can ultimately affect our mindset, which also affects how we celebrate our wins. Even the small ones. And I spoke about this in last week's episode titled what about me? Which speaks on. What happens when we start to see other people's successes or progress over our own. And if that sounds like a season that you're in right now, my friend, I highly recommend checking out last week's episode. Titled. What about me? So throughout this episode, I want you to focus on yourself as we talk through mindset and attitude. Y because we cannot control other people or the things that happen around us, but we can control how we think and how we respond. Now, when I talk about mindset, I think about my very first episode titled why mindset matters. And in this episode, I share with you two forms of mindset. One is fixed and one is growth. And by the way, I do want to share with you that mindset is just a way of thinking. So if you have a fixed mindset or a fixed way of thinking, Usually it's in the mindset that things cannot be changed or that one can't be changed. It's usually associated with a negative. Outlook. And that language typically looks like I can't, or it's just the way I am, or I could never, and I'm speaking from experience because this used to be the language that I spoke over myself and to myself. So usually someone with a negative or fixed mindset is filled with excuses and has a lot of deflection and trying to justify their behavior or their attitude. It can also be hard when you're in this mindset to take correction because. Most of the time you would see it as an offensive comments made to be little was. but I say that with a grain of salt, because there are times where even when we're not welcoming to correction, correction still has to be made. in love. And as someone who came from a very negative mindset, it was hard for me to accept that because I did not want to see. The mistakes That I was making, that was hindering my growth. As I hope that makes sense. So it growth mindset is someone who's ready to grow. Someone who wants to progress and see the results from their progression. This is someone who has the mindset of, I believe. So like they believe that things can change. And they believe that things can happen. Someone in a growth mindset does not give up easily. Keep in mind having a positive mindset does not always mean. The feeling of being happy is never ending. That is absolutely not the case because I believe that someone who has a positive attitude can definitely go through some hard things. People with positive attitudes are not immune to life happening to them and around them. Right. So someone with a positive attitude could be going through loss, of maybe a friendship or grieving someone that they. Loved, maybe they're struggling financially because they lost a job or whatever the case is. People with positive attitudes are not immune to life. But they do have a level of joy to them. And that is why you see them with a positive outlook on things. And so. A positive mindset is the willingness to reassess and try again as many times as it takes. Aiming for progress, which will ultimately determine how they tackle challenges. Which means they're going to tackle their challenges with the most positive outlook. And when something doesn't work out, they're going to go back figure out what was the issue and then how to move forward from there, but they also celebrate their wins no matter how small, because in order for you to appreciate your journey, you still have to celebrate those wins. Even if they were not what you expected them to be still be grateful for them. Philippians four 13 is the heart verse four, the restored mind podcast. And it says I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Now what said this as a first, that was meant to keep my mind off a timer during my hit workouts to realizing that it was not only talking about the physical things, but all things. And I've shared this story with you. If you are a longtime listener, you know, my story on my fitness journey, but if you are a new listener, I started my fitness journey bout three or four years ago, and I was so set on just only the physical changes because nothing else mattered to me at the time. And so I had the season of my life where I, all I want to do is cardio because I was chasing to be the smallest that could be on the scale. And so I said this verse to keep my mind off the timer when I was doing all of these hid cardio workouts, so that I wouldn't stop what I was doing. But, like I said, I was only talking about the physical things, but this first says I can do. All things through him who strengthened me. So not only the physical, but the emotional things, the mental struggles and the spiritual things. It's every single thing, nothing is left out in this nothing. I can do all things. It doesn't say I can do all things except no, it says I can do all things through him who strengthens me. So my friend. Where can God show up in your life today? Where do you need healing and restoration? I encourage you to invite him into that space and ask for healing. Let today be the beginning of the end. If you're walking in a negative mindset. Let's begin walking towards a growth mindset by simply believing that we can change. Because of my friend, you are worth the change that you want to see happen. In your life. How does mindset affect our attitude? Well, first let's define attitude. It is your response To what is happening around you based off of your way of thinking. So basically your mindset responding is an action verb. It's what you are actively doing. A positive mindset, yield positive. Attitude and a negative mindset typically yields a negative attitude, but see, both of these can be interchangeable in your daily life. You can start off with a positive mindset and a positive attitude. And in the day in a very negative mindset with a very negative attitude. So, how does this happen while my friend, I have to be honest and say that that all depends on you. We all have good days and bad days in sometimes. when our emotions take over on our bad days, we can end up having a negative attitude that ends up affecting the people around us. And even ourselves, to be honest with you. The good news is that whenever you're in the moment of having a negative attitude or negative mindset, you can still make the change and turn it around and do something positive. Some practical ways that I personally do and you can find something that makes sense to you that you're able to stick with. But for me, it's just taking deep breaths, which I know sounds silly but. For me, that feels good because it resets my mind and recess my attitude. And also I've learned that. When I take a deep breath, it stops me from saying the things that I'm going to potentially regret later. And in that moment, I have conversations with God. So I'll acknowledge my feelings of frustration and emotions. And in that same conversation, I ended up finding myself, thanking God for all the positives in my life, which if you do this, you're going to realize that this is really important because it's going to force you to make a mental list of what is good in your life. So you're recognizing that something isn't right. Or that you're frustrated at something, but you flip the script and you realize, and you look at what is good in your life. Which ultimately helps you focus on the good and reflect on what is bad. Now that doesn't mean that we ignore what is bad completely. Because if it is something that we can make better, we can begin by thinking about how we can improve. But if it's something that we realize it's completely out of our control, we can still move forward by learning to let it go. Which I know is going to take some time because a lot of things can happen and things affect us differently. So it might take time for us to be able to let these things go. But my friend and my experience, I will say that. The more positively, your attitude changes towards something that is already negative. The easier it will be for you to let it go. I'm not saying that's always the case, but in most of my cases, I found that to be true. And I know it can be hard to switch the mind when you're already in a place where there's a lot of anger and frustration to try and. Become at peace with it now, please make no mistake. I'm not telling you to turn your emotions around and go from being extremely angry, to extremely happy There is a happy medium in that you can go from being very, very angry to being just angry, to being upset, to being disappointed. And then. Finding a way to release. Then there are steps that happens in between that. So. Don't think that you have to go from being super angry, to super happy in like a minute of a time-span because that's not healthy either. Right? We want to acknowledge our emotions. I bring that up to God because he's the one that gave us these emotions. So he's going to be the one that speaks to us in a way that only we could understand. There's a lot of things that we can't control around us. We can not control people and the things that happened around this, but we can control our attitudes and our mindsets. Galatians 5 22 talks about the fruit of the spirit. And I haven't noticed this before. You guys might think that I'm silly for this, but did, do you know that it's fruit of the spirit and not fruits of the spirit? It's not plural. And I had always thought for some reason that it was plural. So, because it's not, for me, this means that the fruit of the spirit is all of the things that I'm about to list out to you, which is love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The fruit of the spirit is all of these things It's not one or the other, it's not multiple fruits, but all of these combined. And I want to take a moment and focus on the self-controlled portion of the fruit of the spirit. The reason why is. A lot of the times we can lose control of ourselves when our emotions are running high. We can make rash decisions or say things that we don't mean. It's self control for a reason, meaning that. We have to focus on ourselves and not in a selfish way either. What do I mean by that? Well, The goal here is to have a transformed mindset. And to do that, you must first seek the kingdom of God. Loved the Lord, your God, and then love your neighbor. So this, my friend is a solo journey and yes, you could do all these things with others, but the growth that you have within this journey, We'll not be the same with the people that walks with you. Take for example. A study group, right? You guys all have a test coming up and there's four or five of you in a study group. Getting ready to take this big test, but you guys all come out with different grades. It's sort of the same with your faith journey or your transformation journey, I'm not trying to deter you from having people in your circle that can help guide you and mentor you along the way. I do think that that's really important in your journey, but the truth is that they cannot grow your faith for you because they cannot do the work for you. They can only point you in the direction of where you need to go. Only you determine what that growth looks like. Only you can determine whether or not you are going to stay in a fixed mindset with a negative attitude or in a growth mindset with a positive attitude. Focusing on yourself in the world, lends would tell you that it's all about you. It's about your goals and your wants and your needs, and nothing else matters because it's, you you're at the center of this, but here at the restorative mind podcast, when we are looking at it from a faith lens, it means that we become less of us and more about. God. And for that to happen, we need to shift our mindset and attitude to reflect God's mindset and attitude. Our intention is the purpose behind our actions or the goals that we have. So a self-reflection question that I like to ask is what are your intention or what is the purpose of why you're doing this, or simply put, what is your, why I've spoken about this? Past episodes. And it's really important that you establish a firm foundation for your, why finding your, why will help keep you consistent in your growth even on days, you don't want to show up. I think discipline over motivation. Y. Because motivation is fleeting. It is not reliable. It's great when it's there, because you feel like you can do all the things and you're super excited and you're pumped to get all of these. Goals out of the way, but when it leaves you, it leaves you high and dry. So you want to build discipline muscle that keeps you in a routine, despite momentary feelings of not wanting to put in the work wherever the work is needed. One thing that I've learned too, is that if your, why does not make sense to you, it will not stick and you will not be consistent enough to see the results that you want to see. A big lesson I've learned on finding your why is If your, why does not make sense to you? It will not stick and you will not be consistent enough to see the results that you want to see. Basically, all I'm saying is the reason you do something. Can not be because of someone else's reason, it has to make sense to you. Therefore it has to be really personal. I have an example that I want to share with you and you might find it to be really silly, but it was a lesson that I learned from it and it stuck with me. I have a best friend. She's my really good friend. I've known her for 15 plus year and she's really, really talented. God has given her the talent of being artistic she's into creating things. And she's so good at what she does. And so she picked up calligraphy around the same time that I did. I thought, yes, I have a passion to create to, I love arts and I do. I love art. I can appreciate them. However I had to learn that, that. I love art as a hobby. I didn't love it enough to continue to keep practicing how she practice and get better the way they, she got better. She did this because she has a passion for it. She wanted to make a difference in someone's life, through her art. That was not my case. That's not me. And you know what that's okay. Because it has to make sense to you. So I still do calligraphy. I'm not the best at it. And that's okay. It has to make sense to you. So my friend. What. Is your why? How is your attitude today? And where are you at on your mindset journey? Are you still in a fixed mindset where you feel like things cannot happen because it just simply can not be that you can't be changed or have you walked closer towards the growth mindset where you're seeing change or having a more positive outlook on things you're ready to grow and you want. To make progress and see results. And you're starting to believe that yes, you can change. I believe. I personally believe that you can change. the enemy Is telling you that you can't do these things because he doesn't want you to tap into the talents that God's gifted you with. So as you step into the rest of the week, I challenge you to reflect on where your mindset is at and how that's affecting your attitude. And I know it can be hard to admit these things to yourself, I know it can be hard to look at this from a self-reflection place But I know that you can do this because my friend, you can do hard things. Hey, thank you for listening. If this episode has spoken life into you or your mindset transformation journey, please share it with a friend. The growth of this podcast is possible through you. So thank you for your support and for being a part of the family. I look forward to talking to you again next week here on the Restored Mind Podcast.