The Restored Mind

Keep it simple

January 03, 2024 Caroline Thao
Keep it simple
The Restored Mind
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The Restored Mind
Keep it simple
Jan 03, 2024
Caroline Thao

In today's episode we are kicking this year off with our mini series on building a foundation so that you can keep your New Year resolution or achieve a goal you've been wanting to work towards! Today it's all about keeping it simple. I share with you how and why you want to get in the mindset of taking baby steps towards your goal. It is time to say goodbye to the old you, and hello to the 2.0 version of yourself! Let's get it!

All month long I will be sharing some insight with you that has helped me in my journey. Mindset transformations are not easy, but my friend...YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!

If you want to share your New year resolutions with me here is the link to my Facebook group page. In this group I give encouragement and have conversations with you on different topics throughout the week. Come join the family!*
 *please make sure you answer all the questions when you request to join so that I can better serve you.*


Connect with me as you journey on in your mindset transformation! Now offering life coaching as a service, click the link below to get schedule a call with me.

*Life coaching:


FB Group:

I'm excited to connect with you! Remember, you can do hard things!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13

*Affiliated with Painting Miracles, INC & Certified Life Coach through the I-A.M System

Show Notes Transcript

In today's episode we are kicking this year off with our mini series on building a foundation so that you can keep your New Year resolution or achieve a goal you've been wanting to work towards! Today it's all about keeping it simple. I share with you how and why you want to get in the mindset of taking baby steps towards your goal. It is time to say goodbye to the old you, and hello to the 2.0 version of yourself! Let's get it!

All month long I will be sharing some insight with you that has helped me in my journey. Mindset transformations are not easy, but my friend...YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!

If you want to share your New year resolutions with me here is the link to my Facebook group page. In this group I give encouragement and have conversations with you on different topics throughout the week. Come join the family!*
 *please make sure you answer all the questions when you request to join so that I can better serve you.*


Connect with me as you journey on in your mindset transformation! Now offering life coaching as a service, click the link below to get schedule a call with me.

*Life coaching:


FB Group:

I'm excited to connect with you! Remember, you can do hard things!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13

*Affiliated with Painting Miracles, INC & Certified Life Coach through the I-A.M System

Hey, friend, welcome to the Restore Mind podcast, where we are going to be talking about various life topics surrounding mindset transformation. Imagine what it will look like to have peace in your life, despite what the world is telling you. Hi, my name is Caroline, a wife, mom of three, and makeup turned fitness enthusiast. I am here to help you build a strong mindset that will propel you forward into a life of peace and joy. Philippians 4. 13 says, I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Well, my friend, there is freedom waiting for you. So if you are ready to build a 2. 0 version of yourself, then this podcast is for you. So grab your water, or whatever you like to drink, throw on your walking shoes, and let's get going because it's always 4. 13. Hello, how are you? My friend, welcome to the restore of mind podcast. My name is Carolina, and I'm so excited to have you here. If you are a new listener, thank you so much that you come back every week to listen in on an episode. My friend, your presence here means more to me than I could ever express to you. If you are a new listener, welcome aboard the restored mind family. I am also really excited that you are here. And I just hope that this podcast. Just signs of light in your day, and it gives you inspiration and encouragement. We talk a lot about mindset transformations that happens from my faith lens. And if you'd like to get to know more about my story and how this podcast came to be, I would recommend that you listen to the trailer episode is that. He goes more in depth about my story, So last month I encouraged you all and gave you my insight on setting a new year's resolution. Now I know that there are some people here who are not into setting a new year's resolution. Maybe they have a negative mindset towards it, or maybe it doesn't excite them and they just do the best that they can in the new year. And that's fine. But for me, I remember not liking setting a new year's resolution because I never stuck it out. I always had this grand idea of how I wanted to change my life, but then. I never was able to commit because I didn't have one the right mindset towards it. And to. I wasn't fully committed. I just liked the idea of the changes that I wanted to implement into my life. Didn't like so much. The physical things that I needed to do to get that going. But. Wherever you are on the spectrum. Even if you didn't set a new year's resolution I do believe that you can take the information in today's episode. And applied into your life. Especially, if you are trying to build a new habit. However, if you did set a new your resolution, my friend. What did you end up setting for yourself? And how many did you come up with? If you want to share, you are more than welcome to reach out to me on Instagram or my Facebook group page. I will link that in the notes section of this episode. I'd love to know what it is that you've set for yourself. And last week's episode, I encouraged you to set a new year's resolution. I told you, or express to you, my idea of what a resolution is. And I explained to that for the sake of this podcast, with this episode, technically this mini series that I'm doing through the month of January to help you. Build a foundation, uh, to keep you on track throughout the year. Aye. Defined a resolution as finding a better way of building habits, because you want to enhance your mindset and your lifestyle. And that is what's going to help you be consistent throughout the year. Not just in the month of January, because There's so much excitement surrounding the changes that you want to start implementing in your life. And last week's episode, I also talked about assumptions towards the idea of setting a new year's resolution. These assumptions were based off of my assumptions in previous years about it. I talked about how I always thought it had to be about. Health and fitness, which it doesn't, and, or it had to be an all-or-nothing journey, which again, it doesn't. and also I had thought that it had to be something big and spectacular, or it has to be better than the previous year. And you guessed it. It does not. So I shared with you all of that information in last week's episode, titled new year, same you question mark. And I also explained in that episode, why I titled it that way. So if you missed it, my friend. Go and check it out. It's going to give you so much information that hopefully it'll maybe start shifting your mindset on your thoughts about a new year's resolution. Essentially. It is a goal that you want to set for yourself because you want changes to happen in your life. one of the key things that I said in that episode too, is to make. Your new year resolution manageable so that you can incorporate it into your lifestyle, which segues into today's topic of keeping it simple. Most of the time, most people would assume that they have to make these changes that they want to happen overnight. Right. So they give themselves six to eight weeks and then expect that it's also, that they've envisioned in their mind to happen. Now I'm not saying that it's impossible, but it depends on your goal. If your goal is to achieve a certain body weight, a certain physical. Body composition. It might not happen within six to eight weeks time. if it is though reading a book or learning a new recipe. Absolutely. You can definitely achieve that goal within six to eight weeks time. So it just really depends on what your goal is. Right. From personal experience though, and from reflecting on my fitness journey, because that's something that plays a huge role in my life now. So it was where I'm going to be drawing from. So depending on your goal, again, it could be possible, but from personal experience, In the six to eight week timeframe that I used to give myself, that's when I realized that I was just getting started because I was starting to see some results. I was starting to feel better. Internally. And even though physically, I wasn't seeing the results that I really, really wanted to see. I still noticed certain things about my body that I was getting excited about. And also in the six to eight weeks time. there's usually so much excitement surrounding whatever goal you've set for yourself. Right. You're motivated. You're super stoked. You're ready to just start pounding the ground and start moving. And then as you're working towards that, you realize maybe on the first week that it's a lot harder than you might've thought it would be. You kind of see that goal that you had This initial picture of what. The future you would look like starts to get a little further away. So how can we keep it simple after we've set our new year resolutions, we've written that out. Maybe it will created a vision board. I know that sometimes it can get overwhelming. if you're one of those person that did write your goals out your new year resolution out or created a vision board, and now you're starting to get overwhelmed because you're realizing that you have a really long list and maybe not so much time. In the reality of what your life looks like. I would encourage you to pick one or even two things and focus on that. And then as the year progressed, as you settle into a routine with this one to two thing, then you add another one in, if it makes sense to you. I Wouldn't even say rank them. and the one that is number one that is what you focus on this year. So how do we keep it simple? Well, first let's think about this. What can you add into your routine? Think about your goal and think about what can you add? Into your already existing routine. James clear talks about this in his book called atomic habits. He calls it habit stacking. So basically it's what you're already doing and pair it with something new. Think about what small changes can you make? Sometimes you have to take away from your daily routine to make your next steps make sense. This goes along with a habit stack. And that I just talked about with James clear, an example would be if your goal is to drink more water this year. Then switch your coffee for water as the first thing you drink in the morning and then grab your coffee afterwards. So essentially you're not saying I can't have any coffee in the morning. No, my friend, you're going to say. I'm going to drink. Water. And then I'll grab my coffee. And in the meantime, if you like the smell of coffee, go ahead and brew that cup of coffee. In my experience, it's too hot to drink anyway, when it's fresh out of the coffee pot. Right? So. What can you do right. Making small changes so that you can implement that into your daily routine. Maybe, if you want to spend more time working towards your goal, instead of your entire evening after dinner watching TV. Take some time away from your TV time and work on something that is going to help you reach your goal for the year. you don't have to do it every day. Because I believe it's good to take a rest day. But what can you commit to and be consistent with? So say, for example, if you want to complete a book by the end of the month, but you realize that you're watching maybe two or three hours of TV after dinner time before you go to bed. Start with a habit stacking idea from James clear, and maybe say after dinner, I'm going to watch one hour of television and then spend one hour of reading as a way to decompress. Or maybe flip it around after dinner. I'm going to read for one hour. And then I'll watch one hour of TV to decompress. There's many ways that you can do this, but it has to make sense to you. If you want better sleep quality, think about what you can do to improve your sleep quality. Creative routine that is going to make sense to you. But at the same time aligns with your goal. If your goal is to wake up at five in the morning to work out or to read the Bible, or just meditate then going to sleep at one or two, maybe even three o'clock in the morning would not be the most sustainable way for you to continue to be consistent and showing up for the goal that you set for yourself. Maybe you can do that within the first week, but over time, you're going to feel burnout because your body. Is going to be exhausted because it did not get a good night's rest. Right. So you want to enhance what is already there. And sometimes that requires you to make small changes or small sacrifices. These small sacrifices over time will add up to bigger changes in the future. And that's how you end up meeting your goal at the end of the year, when you're reflecting back on your year that you've had. So the question is, why do you want to keep it simple? This question comes up, especially if you're a motivated, you created a list, you have a one thing that you want to work on. And you're like, Caroline, I just want to get this started. I am ready. And then you start thinking about everything that you want to change and you start to change it all at once. So the reason why you want to keep it simple is so that you don't get overwhelmed. When you make too many changes all at once, it can result in you feeling overwhelmed. You can get frustrated at what's going on in your life. You can feel like too many things are happening at once. And so now, You don't want to show up because it's not enjoyable for you to show up anymore. You start to look at your goal as a chore instead of an upgrade, so to speak, to help enhance your quality of life. You also want to keep this simple so that you can avoid burnout. You want to get your mind and body used to the new habit that you're implementing and taking baby steps towards keeping your new year's resolution is the key component and not quitting by February or March, or even in the middle of June and July. These. Baby steps that you take when you are attaching a new habit to an old habit. Habit stacking as James clerks talks about is the key component and how you can be more consistent to show up for yourself. It takes time for your body and your mind to get used to the new change that you have added into your life. So do not rush the process. My friend. I would even go as far as to say, embrace the process. Take the time to build a mindset muscle for discipline to take over when motivation leaves you. Take the time to really get to know your reason why you want. To continue on this journey, why you set this goal for yourself and let it be so personal that even on days, you don't want to show up. You still show up. This is a time for you to go through trial and error and think about if the new habit that you're implementing with your daily routine makes sense. if there's any adjustments that needs to be made. Allow this time to process the way that it needs to so that you don't get burnt out. Keeping it simple also helps you build a mindset muscle for discipline to take over when motivation leaves you. I have an episode on this it's title, motivation versus discipline where I share why you want to work towards building discipline muscle and not rely on motivation. Most at the time. To be really honest with you. I'm not motivated to show up every single day. As a matter of fact, at the time of this recording this morning, when I woke up, I had no intention of going to work out. I didn't want to show up today. I just wanted to do absolutely nothing. And. It sounded so nice. And the temptation of not doing anything felt like it'd be so good. But I showed up for myself and it wasn't easy. I had it in my mind that I wasn't going to show up today that even at breakfast, I wasn't convinced that I would go work out And through the discipline muscle that I ended up building, that is what eventually led me to show up and work out. It is so important that you work to discipline your mindset, discipline your habits, and the way that you move about your day. So that when motivation leaves you, you still show up. Another way to think about building discipline muscle is to take delight in working. Psalms 37 4 says, delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. My friend, the Lord wants to bless you. He wants to give you more than what you could ever imagine or ask for. So take delight in your work. This first, when I first heard it. I took it to the absolute wrong way. It went over my head. See in the beginning of my fitness journey, all I wanted were the physical results. It was for vanity purposes. I wanted to feel like I was just this bombshell of a woman. Because I had so much insecurities inside me I was seeking a certain. Body shape and type for myself because I was so insecure with how I looked and I was in a very bad place. So when I read this first, I thought, well, if he's going to give me what I desire, then my desire is to have my dream body. And so I started picturing my body and just imagining all the ways. That God was going to make it so much better than what I have originally. Dreamed off. It was going to look way better than what I could ever imagine. But you know what my friend. My mind and my heart was not in the right place because it was still set on me. I was still stuck on the very fleshy portion of myself. I knew that I wasn't delighting in this work that requires me to be present because I got frustrated when I didn't get the results that I wanted. I got frustrated 1 46 weeks later. I didn't see any physical results. The frustration that came from that made me realize that. Uh, perhaps I wasn't really delighting myself in the Lord instead. I was just. Blind. but see the verses delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. And when I first started, all I wanted were the physical results. It was for vanity purposes. I wanted to feel like I was just this bombshell of a woman. Because I had so much insecurities inside me I completely missed the first portion of this first, my friend. So delight needs to have, or to gain extreme pleasure or satisfaction in someone or something. It can also mean to be soft and tender. And so with that, it's a great reminder that during this time. When we are taking steps towards our new year resolution, when we are habit stacking, it is good that we are gentle with ourselves. And when I say that, it is a reminder for you to know that mistakes will happen. You're not going to get it right all the time. You're not going to be perfect. I'm not perfect. And as a recovering perfectionist, Again, it hurts me a little bit to say that, As somebody who has a tendency to be perfect in the things that. I create or the things that I deliver. I can be quite hard on myself. But When I delighted the Lord. It means to be gentle. See my friend, the Lord is gentle with you. So why are you not gentle with yourself? And that the season of when we are. Implementing new habits. Towards our goal. We will become frustrated. Things are not always going to go as planned. And yes, things can get messy because in the beginning, You don't know what you're doing. Or even what the point of showing up is when quote unquote, nothing is happening. My friend, this is where separation from old you and new you happen. The question is, will you quit or will you get back up and try again? Keep it simple. My friend. It sounds easy, but it is hard. But my friend, you can do hard things. Hey, thank you for listening. If this episode has spoken life into you or your mindset transformation journey, please share it with a friend. The growth of this podcast is possible through you. So thank you for your support and for being a part of the family. I look forward to talking to you again next week here on the Restored Mind Podcast.