The Restored Mind

Be diligent and intentional

January 10, 2024 Caroline Thao
Be diligent and intentional
The Restored Mind
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The Restored Mind
Be diligent and intentional
Jan 10, 2024
Caroline Thao

In this episode we are talking about the importance of working diligently and with intention. Working towards this mindset will help you progress towards reaching your goal. Don't just talk about it, but work towards it! You can do hard things.  

Connect with me as you journey on in your mindset transformation! Now offering life coaching as a service, click the link below to get schedule a call with me.

*Life coaching:


FB Group:

I'm excited to connect with you! Remember, you can do hard things!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13

*Affiliated with Painting Miracles, INC & Certified Life Coach through the I-A.M System

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode we are talking about the importance of working diligently and with intention. Working towards this mindset will help you progress towards reaching your goal. Don't just talk about it, but work towards it! You can do hard things.  

Connect with me as you journey on in your mindset transformation! Now offering life coaching as a service, click the link below to get schedule a call with me.

*Life coaching:


FB Group:

I'm excited to connect with you! Remember, you can do hard things!
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me"- Philippians 4:13

*Affiliated with Painting Miracles, INC & Certified Life Coach through the I-A.M System

Hey, friend, welcome to the Restore Mind podcast, where we are going to be talking about various life topics surrounding mindset transformation. Imagine what it will look like to have peace in your life, despite what the world is telling you. Hi, my name is Caroline, a wife, mom of three, and makeup turned fitness enthusiast. I am here to help you build a strong mindset that will propel you forward into a life of peace and joy. Philippians 4. 13 says, I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Well, my friend, there is freedom waiting for you. So if you are ready to build a 2. 0 version of yourself, then this podcast is for you. So grab your water, or whatever you like to drink, throw on your walking shoes, and let's get going because it's always 4. 13. Hello and welcome to the restored mind podcast. My name is Caroline, my friend. How are you doing this week? I hope that you've been well. If you are a returning listener, thank you so much for making the commitment and the time to come back week after week to spend some time with me. I appreciate it more than I could ever express I'm just glad that you're here. I'm excited that my friend is back. If you are a new listener, welcome to the restorative mind family. I'm excited to have you here. And I hope that this episode blesses you in some way. If it does, please share it with a friend or someone that you might find this episode would be helpful to. At the restorative mind podcast, we talk about mindset transformations from a faith led perspective. So today. We're really this month I'm sharing with you, foundational things that you can do to keep your new year resolution or a goal that you've set for yourself, or maybe even a promise that you made to yourself. Back in December I released an episode and encouraged you to set a new your resolution for yourself, or really to setting a goal for yourself in 2024. And so this month I am going to be sharing with you. Some of my foundational tips that I've walked through, that's helped me keep my new year resolution. If you joined me in all December's episode, I spoke briefly about how keeping a new year resolution was not a thing for me and how I usually fell off track by February or March timeframe. So if that is you. Or if you're just wanting a different perspective on how you can keep these goals or promises to yourself. This month is for you. last week we talked about keeping it simple. I talked about habit stacking, which isn't my idea from atomic habits. It is a book. Written by James clear. And I asked a question, what can you add into your already existing routine? And I also spoke in that episode about why you want to keep it simple, which is to avoid burnout and I get overwhelmed amongst other things. And I also encouraged you not to rush the process and take the time to adjust what is necessary and your routine, so that it makes the most sense to you. The objective here is not do it as fast as you can, but to do it with purpose and meaning, which leads me into today's episode. And I titled it be diligent and intentional. Super straightforward. want to touch briefly on being consistent now with the start of the new year. With the goal that you set for yourself, you might be feeling some pressure. From trying to do something consistently and it can be hard, especially if you are creating a new habit. And you're new on this journey and it's something that doesn't come natural or easy to you yet. For example, waking up early to pray or we'd scripture, maybe meditate, or even get a workout in before you head out to work or start your day. It can be hard if you're not used to waking up early. Or if you haven't established a sustainable sleep routine that is going to help you wake up feeling ready to start. To dive into these things that I just mentioned. Again, this is just an example. But to be consistent means that you're doing something the same way every single time. However, we are humans. So we need to factor life into our goal. This is where being diligent and intentional matters. Why. Because simply put, we cannot predict the future. So we need to train ourselves. To be flexible and adapt to our situation as it changes. Instead of focusing on trying to be perfect ads. Being consistent, let's shift our focus and our mindset to being more intentional and more diligent. Just to clarify, there is nothing wrong with being consistent. The message or the encouragement that I'm trying to give here is to not get stuck on the idea of perfection while you're trying to build yourself up to being consistent in a new habit. That you are building that is in alignment with your goal. As you work towards keeping your goal, I would encourage you to ask yourself, what do I do? 80% of the time. And to be really honest with yourself. I would encourage you to reflect and even audit your time by pen and paper or on a notepad on your phone. If you are mostly on your phone, however, you are going to come back at the end of the day to look at the information that you've written down. Is how I would encourage you to audit your time. So write down what you did for the day, about how long you spent doing it and reflect if it is. Helpful or productive. And you progressing towards your goal. We are in the business now of progress, not perfection. When I was in my twenties, I came across a verse in Proverbs. That I didn't necessarily like, and I was actually offended by it for many reasons. One of the reasons is because it forced me to take a glance at what I was doing with my life. Instead of focusing or exploring on these thoughts that I had, I actually pushed it off for another decade or so. True story. I didn't come back to visit this until much later in my life. The verse that I'm talking about comes from Proverbs 14, 23. I first read this from the. New international version. So the NIV version and it reads all hard work brings profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. When I was in my twenties, had many ambitions, but I only lived it in my dreams. And one of these ambitions that I had was to have my own boutique store. This was when I was addicted to shopping. And fashion and beauty was one of the things that I truly loved and I was very into, I had a love for styling and putting outfits together. So what happened? The truth is. I did not want to put in the work that was required of me to make this happen. Because I was doubtful and worried. I was scared to take a chance. I am a girl who came from very little money with no business background. And so I was worried financially and logistically on how I would be able to obtain at this boutique. And I thought. Who am I. That I would own a boutique. And actually have people come and shop with me. See, I saw myself failing. Before I even got started. And that's where the dream stopped. It was easier for me to talk about it. Rather than put work into it for fear of failing. And I lived this way for much of my twenties. It wasn't until I came across another Proverbs over hers. that made me think back on this portion of my life. Proverbs 13 for the ESV version, which is the version I found it in. when I was struggling, really struggling. The soul of this legged craves and gets nothing. While the soul of the diligent is richly supplied. So how did these two first connect to me? And what was the mindset shift? Well first. First 13 for highlights. The soul, right. Talks about what the soul gets. And. How it gets it. Right. So if it's sluggard it craves and gets nothing. While, if a soul is diligent, it is richly supplied. And when I came across this verse I remember asking if my soul was sick. Because in 2019, I began to question out of all of the things that I have. What meant the most to me. And when I'm talking about things here in this context, I'm talking about. All of the material, things that I have. So all of my designer bags, my shoes, my clothes, the makeup that I had out of all of these things, what meant the most to me, I'm not necessarily speaking about the people or the experiences that I received from my relationships with them, but the material things. And as I reflected, I remember it being troubled with letting these things go. I had a miscarriage in 2021. Which led me to be on a fitness journey, seeking only physical results and struggled to be fully satisfied. And what I was doing. And I realized that I was never fully satisfied in all of the purses that I've purchased and all of the gifts that I received Not that I didn't appreciate the gifts, but I just realized that I wasn't fully satisfied. There wasn't a wholeness for me. So even in my makeup and my clothes, none of that field to me, the way that I want it to be filled, I wanted to feel complete. So I finally came to the conclusion that yes, my soul was very sick. The truth is I crates for satisfaction, for love, for peace in Chu happiness, which I now know as joy and I craved to be free from my negative self talk. I wanted to not live in a negative mindset anymore, but I was lazy and I did not work diligently nor did I work intentionally to be changed. I just wanted it to happen someday or somehow my soul really needed a deep cleansing and only Jesus could give me. that And secondly, Proverbs 14, 23 highlights, hard work and a profit versus talking, leading to very little or property. So while on my fitness journey, I realized that I had been in the business of just talking. I reflected back on me, wishing for a certain body type and wondering why I didn't look like a supermodel. Or any fitness influencers that I followed. I felt unfavored and unloved by God, because surely he knew what my dream body looks like. Right. And I thought. Did he really create me to look this way and have these type of insecurities for the rest of my life. I felt like a prisoner. And honestly, the answer is no. He did not create my body. So that I could have insecurities. He created me with love. He is not capable of bad or evil. And he doesn't tempt me. The insecurities came from me listening to the wrong voices. Living in the world and me disregarding God, if his words that are true and trustworthy. So my friend, if you are struggling in any way, thinking that. You are unloved and unfavored by God. The truth is that he loves you so much. Psalms 1 39 in that Psalms, it says that he loves you so much so that he knew you when you were just a substance and created. Your days for you. Your parents didn't know I had no idea of you. But God. Knew you, when you were just a substance and then he created days for you. And I think about how my parents didn't know me. Before I ever came to be in utero. They didn't know me. But they developed a love for me over time as I was growing in my mom's belly. And. Growing before their very eyes. But God loved me way before then. And my friend, he loves you the same. Be encouraged today that you are loved my friend. I know I'm getting off track, but I just had to say that and remind you if you're feeling unloved today or just that no one understands you and sees you. God sees you. He knows you. And he loves you. All right, so let's get back on track hard work. We're talking about hardware care. Hard work comes in many layers. It's spiritual because we like to put ourselves first and there is hard work and seeking things above, setting our mind on things above learning, to love the Lord, God first trusting him and surrendering and submitting to him in all of these things. It's hard to do because our flesh likes to take over. Mentally and emotionally. Overcoming doubt and unbelief is hard work, right? Working on showing up for yourself when your mind is telling, you know, what doesn't want to, or when temptation arises or when you're having a hard day. A hard week, a difficult month or even a difficult year. It is so hard for us to come out of that mentally and emotionally. It's hard work to work through these things. And physically putting action behind your goals can be difficult, especially when you're new at something. Sometimes the fear of failure. or the thought of looking silly at trying something new can stop us. From doing what? We want to do to get better. And my friend, I just want to remind you that no matter what, you're an expert in. When you try something new, you become a beginner. And that is okay. Learning is a huge part of the process. As a matter of fact, I would even go. As far as to say. That even in an expert in your field, you are still learning. And that is how you grow. And continuously become better at your craft. Pushing our bodies beyond what it finds comfortable is hard. And that is coming from a fitness. Uh, perspective, all of these things requires hard work and yes, again, it comes in many layers. all of these things. Comes in many layers. But let us be intentional and diligent in working through these things. Because that is where the growth comes from. That is how you are going to build a foundation to keep you moving past February or March when motivation starts to die out. When you're relying solely on your determination, remember to look at your why to work on that. Be intentional and work diligently. so what was the mindset shift for me when I reflected on these two Proverbs, versus that I talked about. Well, for me, it went from wishing to realizing that my soul needed to be changed. I needed to be changed first, internally before I could be changed outwardly and start to appreciate and understand. The hard work that lay ahead of me in a nutshell, I needed to be intentional and find my why. Right. I needed. To invite God into my space. I needed to welcome God into all aspects of my life. Not just on Sundays during the feel-good moments of worship songs and sermons, but in all aspects of my life. and that is where the change happened. When roots start to take place and they don't weather because it took root on. Good. Soil. So my friend. My question is, are you planting seeds on good soil? And why am I sharing this with you? Well, honestly, it's to encourage you to be diligent and intentional towards your goal. When you are intentional, you are making consistent choices that will align with what you want to achieve. Will you be perfect at it? No, absolutely not. buT don't strive for perfection. That's not the goal. Instead aim to have your soul field and to work diligently towards the way that you want to have. Doubt, fear and worry will come and go. As you progress in your journey, this is the enemy's way of stopping you from seeing that no matter how dark your season may get or how hard this journey may become for you, God's light is still shining on you. You have the strength that comes from him. So don't quit before you get started. Don't just talk about it. But diligently and intentionally put work into your goals and yes, my friend, it's hard. But you can do hard things. Hey, thank you for listening. If this episode has spoken life into you or your mindset transformation journey, please share it with a friend. The growth of this podcast is possible through you. So thank you for your support and for being a part of the family. I look forward to talking to you again next week here on the Restored Mind Podcast.