Remember the Future, a podcast by ART.COOP
Art.coop invites listeners to Remember the Future together by listening to the stories of artists and culture bearers who know that the practices of the Solidarity Economy are not some new technology, but actually are ways of being in relationship with people and planet that are as old as time. They are our ancestral practices. In this 7 episode narrative pilot, listeners learn: You don’t have to be a starving artist or a sell out. You can find work where you joyfully live your values and pay the bills. We meet QTBIPOC creatives who are firing their bosses, freeing the land, electing themselves, and building livelihoods based on care, cooperation, mutual aid, and solidarity. Every other episode grounds listeners in a practice-based offering to activate the solidarity economy in their body, in their community, and in their context today.
7 episodes
07: What if Black folks were just left uninterrupted?
What does cooperation look like on a city-wide scale? How can we make sure community members know their voices are not just heard - but acted upon? Nia Evans and Cierra Peters explain the ways that the
Season 1
Episode 7

06: Music Scientifically Designed to Make You Feel Safe
In this cultural offering from musician and neuroscientist Clara Takarabe, we learn about a type of “clinical music” she helped develop, designed to cue the body to recognize that it is safe – and the personal experiences that inspired her t...
Season 1
Episode 6

05: Solidarity 101 with Art.coop
Just what exactly IS the “solidarity economy,” anyway? Hear all the ways that you’re probably already participating in it, right now! Art.coop co-founders Nati Linares and Caroline Woolard speak about cooperation, and how t...
Season 1
Episode 5

04: Practice Liberating Your Body
What does liberation feel like, physically? Join our host Marina Lopez in this cultural offering, as she walks us through a meditative body movement exercise, and explains how a physical practice can yield revolutionary results.
Season 1
Episode 4

03: Actors Give Back Stolen Land
What happens when you not only recognize that you are on stolen land, but then you actually do something about it? Witness the inspiring partnership between a theater company and Indigenous folks, and how the...
Season 1
Episode 3