Get Paid to Speak
Have you ever thought about taking the knowledge or passion you have and turning it into an income? Thousands of people do it every day and there are many organizations looking for individuals just like you, those willing to present to their groups to educate, inform and entertain their members. Anyone can take what they know and turn it into dough! This podcast will offer easy-to-implement tips to help you do just that. You will hear from many experts ready and willing to offer up the secrets that helped them launch their speaking career, both large and small.
Podcasting since 2022 • 7 episodes
Get Paid to Speak
Latest Episodes
7 - Don't Let Fear Hold You Back from Becoming a Speaker
Of all the things that keep adults from achieving their goals with getting paid to speak, is fear. It holds them back. It might be the fear that they won't succeed, that others will laugh at them, that they won't be accepted or that they might ...

6 - How to Become an On-Air Contributor to Network TV and Radio
I'm Bill Corbett, professional speaker, author and television program producer and host. After nearly 20 years of traveling nationally and internationally, delivering presentations, I sat down and wrote the Amazon bestseller, FROM THE SOAPBOX T...

5 - Know Your Material and Meet Speaker Rev. Talley
Successful speakers that get invited back by the meeting planners make it a point to know their material before they utter their first word on the stage. You have no idea what may occur at the event that could affect your presentation. The clie...

4 - Get published and training for speakers and MORE!
I'm the author of the book FROM THE SOAPBOX TO THE STAGE, an Amazon best-seller that reached the number 2 spot in it's category . One of the many techniq...

3 - Surround yourself with successful speakers
One of the best techniques for developing yourself and your skills is to surround yourself with great and encouraging people. Better yet, hang out with people who are already doing the kinds of things that you want to master. So that's exactly ...